Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1013: Donghuang Bell

Zhan Yihan took out the copper bell that he had photographed at the auction before and studied it.

Fire Phoenix landed on Zhan Yihan’s shoulder and looked at the brass bell in his hand, “Master, this brass bell was chosen by itself. Before it felt your breath, it had already chosen you. Now you only It takes a drop of essence and blood and then a trace of mental power to contract this brass bell."

With a flick of Zhan Yihan's finger, a drop of blood fell on the brass bell in front of him, and then a trace of mental power was injected, and he saw the brass bell emit a dazzling light, and then flew into the air and began to spin. As it rotates, the copper bell becomes bigger and bigger, and it will soon become a big golden bell.

"Boom!" A bell rang, the bell rippling around like ripples, exuding an immensely powerful force, which is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth and swallow the heavens.

"This is the legendary Eastern Emperor Bell." After the contract, Zhan Yihan already knew that this seemingly ordinary copper bell was the Eastern Emperor Bell among the ten ancient artifacts.

Su Jinyue was refining the weapon, and when she heard the sound of the bell about to raise the flag to protect herself, she saw that a white shield had appeared next to her, covering her in it.

The next moment, she was taken into a familiar embrace, and Zhan Yihan's gentle voice rang in her ears, "This is the brass bell I photographed before. I didn't expect it to be the Eastern Emperor Bell."

"Ten great artifacts of the Eastern Emperor Bell?" Su Jinyue looked at the big golden clock that was spinning in mid-air, her starry eyes were full of shock.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan raised his hand for a photo, and the Eastern Emperor Bell in mid-air slowly became smaller and fell into his hand.

"It is said that the Eastern Emperor Bell is the first of the ten great artifacts, and its power is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth and swallow the heavens." Su Jinyue said with joy. With this Donghuang Bell, wouldn't it be effortless to deal with the Man Family?

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, "The power released by Donghuangzhong just now is less than one tenth." If he hadn't protected Jinyue in time, she must have been hurt by the bell now.

Su Jinyue picked up the copper bell and looked at it carefully, "I really want to see this Donghuang Bell show its power."

"Almost." Zhan Yihan raised his lips and smiled. Manjia is the first battle of Donghuangzhong.

Ye Ling opened his eyes, looked around, and touched his face, "I'm not dead?" He clearly remembered that he was dead, and Xiao Rou was also dead.

Thinking of Ye Xiaorou, Ye Ling quickly climbed out of bed, rushed towards Ye Xiaorou's room, pushed open the door, and saw that there was no one in the room, Ye Ling lowered her head sadly, and her tears could not stop falling. Sure enough, Xiao Rou was no longer there.

"Brother." Ye Xiaorou's voice came from behind Ye Ling.

Ye Ling was startled slightly, and turned her head quickly to see Ye Xiaorou standing in front of her smilingly. She hugged Ye Xiaorou in two quick steps, "It's great that you're okay."

"It was Senior Su who gave us the Nine Ranks Resurrection Pill and we were able to come back alive." Ye Xiaojuu said. She woke up an hour earlier than her brother. When she woke up, she thought it was a hallucination, so she asked Senior Tian to find out what was going on. Unexpectedly, Senior Su turned out to be a ninth-level alchemy master.

"Isn't the Nine Resurrection Pill a ninth-level pill?" Ye Ling asked incredulously. Nine-level pill is hard to find in one pill. How could Senior Su have it?

"Senior Su is a ninth-level alchemy master, and the Nineth Rank Resurrection Pill was made by herself." Ye Xiaojuu said.

"Nine-level alchemy master?" Ye Ling showed a shocked expression. When Senior Su was collecting medicinal herbs, he knew that she was a ninth-level alchemy master, but he did not expect that she was actually a ninth-level alchemy master, and Tian was also a ninth-level alchemy master. Is he also a ninth-level alchemy master?

Thinking of this, Ye Ling asked, "What level is Senior Tian's alchemist?"

"The eighth-level alchemy master." Ye Xiaojuu said. She was curious before, so she asked Senior Tian.

"We are so lucky. Meeting them is really a great opportunity for us.

edge. "Ye Ling said happily. He always wanted to learn alchemy, but he didn't have the capital to apprentice a teacher. He had this idea when he knew that Senior Su and Senior were alchemists.

"Brother, I'll go to the kitchen first. I made some snacks that seniors like to eat." Ye Xiaorou said, turning around and walking towards the kitchen. She didn't know how to repay Senior Su and them, only this cooking skill could meet people.

"I'll go with you." Ye Ling followed Ye Xiaorou.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked out of the room happily, and when they saw Tian Fengxun and others in the yard, they smiled and nodded at them.

"Senior Su, Senior Zhan, I made the snack you like to eat." Ye Xiaorou stood up and looked at Su Jinyue with a smile, her eyes full of gratitude for her. Without Senior Su, she and her brother died this time.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded with a smile, walked to the table and sat down, and took the bowl that Ye Xiaorou handed over.

"What is so happy?" Tian Fengxun asked curiously.

"We got a treasure." Su Jinyue thought of the East Emperor Bell, and the smile on her face deepened again. Anyway, they will also see the Eastern Emperor Bell when they go to Man's House this time, so there is nothing to hide.

"Congratulations!" Tian Fengxun and Beicheng Lord said congratulations. It should not be a simple treasure to make Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan happy. Although they were curious about what the treasure was, they were too embarrassed to ask if Su Jinyue didn't say it.

"Master Su, shall we leave today?" Beicheng Master asked. His strength has been restored, and he will have a fun battle when he goes to Man's house this time.

"We will leave after breakfast." Su Jinyue said.

"Senior! We want to go with you." Ye Ling said. He had just told Senior Tian that he wanted to learn alchemy, and Senior Tian gave him a jade slip for alchemy and asked him to study it.

"We will leave after going to Haiman City this time." Su Jinyue said. Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou were useless to follow them. They could not follow them when they returned to the Tianyue Continent.

Both Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou showed disappointed expressions on their faces, "Seniors take care!" Senior Su had already told them last time, so they also knew that they were not from the Devil Continent.

"Will you come back in the future?" Ye Xiaorou looked at Su Jinyue, her eyes full of dismay.

"It depends on the situation." Su Jinyue said. I shouldn't come again in the future, but if she said that, Ye Xiaorou would definitely be more sad.

"Senior Su, if you come to the Motian Continent again, you must come to see us." Ye Xiaojuu said. She knew that the chance of meeting Senior Su and them in the future would be very slim, but she was still looking forward to it.

"Good." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded. Even if they don't come to the Motian Continent, they are not without the opportunity to meet. When the Ye Family brothers and sisters fly to the immortal world, maybe they still have a chance to meet.

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