Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1015: Man Jia Mie

After receiving the news that Su Jinyue and several people were coming towards Haiman City, Man Batian slapped the table angrily, "It's so deceiving! Do you really think our Man family is no one?"

"Patriarch, how should we deal with it now?" the second elder asked worriedly. The great elder, the third elder and the seventh elder know the strengths of him best. They don't even have a chance to escape in the hands of the other party, so they can know how powerful the other party is.

"Concentrate all the power of the family, and we will fight each other for life and death." Man Batian said solemnly. He didn't believe in the concentration of all the power of the family, and he couldn't deal with those few people.

The elders glanced at each other and responded weakly: "Yes!" I thought that although their Man family could not dominate the entire Demon Continent, they could also be ranked on the Demon Continent, and now they know that they are in front of the strong. , Their Manjia is nothing.

A paper crane flew into the discussion hall, Man Batian raised his hand to take a photo, the paper crane fell into his hand, opened the paper crane to see the content on it, Man Batian's face was even more gloomy as water, "Go and gather power," The other party is about to reach Haiman City."

"Yes!" The elders responded and walked quickly to the outside of the conference hall.

Man Batian squeezed his hand forcefully, and the paper crane in his hand instantly turned into nothingness, and a fierce color in his scarlet eyes flashed angrily, "I will let you come back and forth!" He Man Batian was never a human being. People who bully at will.

The spacecraft flew between the clouds, and the white clouds like cotton candy quickly passed by Su Jinyue's side.

"The front is Haiman City." Tian Fengxun saw the outline of a city appearing in the distance.

Su Jinyue looked towards Haiman City, and saw that Haiman City was magnificent and vast, and ripples were faintly visible outside the city, and he knew that there were formations outside the city.

Zhan Yihan drove the spacecraft to the top of Haiman City, stopped in mid-air, and shouted at Haiman City below: "Listen to all the monks in Haiman City, we are going to fight Man's family next. Please stay away from Man’s house one kilometer away, so as not to cause unnecessary harm."

The monks in Haiman City raised their heads to look at the spaceship in the sky.

"The other party is so bold! He even dared to call Banman's family."

"They only have four people, so they dare to provoke a family the size of the Man family. I don't know if they are really capable or are impatient."

"Let's stay away first, so as not to be accidentally injured." The monks said, moving away from the Man's house one after another. Once the two sides fight, no matter which side wins, there is a danger of being accidentally injured at close range.

Everyone in the Man family heard Zhan Yihan's words and ran out of the family, looking at Su Jinyue and his party in the sky with extreme anger. They all knew that the family's great elder, the third elder and the seventh elder, as well as the twenty-four elite disciples, died in the hands of several people in Zhan Yihan.

"It's so rampant, do you really think there is no one in our Man family?"

"Damn it! Let's kill them."

"It's really tolerable or unbearable, our Man family will fight with them!" everyone shouted angrily.

Zhan Yihan saw that the other cultivators in Haiman City had all been far away from Man's house, and with a wave of his hand, countless array flags fell from the sky.

Su Jinyue also cast a talisman at the same time.

Fulu and the formation flag soon formed a formation around the Man's family, confining the Man's family in it.

With the formation of the formation, Zhan Yihan sacrificed a copper bell. The copper bell entered the formation and quickly rotated in the sky above the Man's house. With the rotation of the copper bell, it continued to grow bigger and soon became A huge golden clock.

"Is this the copper bell photographed at the auction?" Tian Fengxun immediately recognized the copper bell.

Su Jinyue nodded, "This is the Eastern Emperor Bell, an ancient artifact."

"East Emperor Bell?!" Tian Fengxun and Beicheng Lord opened their eyes in shock and looked at the sky in an incredible way.

Giant golden clock. Donghuang Bell is the first of the ten ancient artifacts. Legend has it that it has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. Zhan Yihan is too lucky to be able to photograph the artifacts casually.

"Boom!" A bell rang, long and vicissitudes of life, the bell rippling around, turning into sound waves, like a huge wave tumbling, flooding towards the Man family.

Everyone in the Man family felt like they had been hit by a heavy object, and gave out a heart-piercing pain. The corners of their mouths overflowed with a bright red, and the monks with low cultivation levels were directly shaken into nothingness by the bell. .

"What magic weapon is that? How could it be so powerful?" The second elder looked at the Eastern Emperor Bell in the sky in horror. It's just that the bell just now caused him serious internal injuries. How can this be beaten?

Man Batian raised his head to look at the Donghuang Bell in the sky, with anger, unwillingness, and despair in his eyes. Before the battle, his people are already half dead. What is his chance of winning?

"Boom!" Another bell rang.

The fighting power of Man's family, under the attack of the bell, disappeared quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and only a few breaths of time, there was not much left.

"Patriarch, let's surrender quickly." The second elder staggered to the side of Man Batian, looking at him pleadingly. If you don't surrender, the Man family will really perish.

"Surrender? Hahaha..." Man Batian laughed loudly. What if he surrendered? Will the other party let him go? If it was him, he would definitely not have trouble.

"Boom!" The third bell sounded.

The second elder finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground, and his open eyes were full of unwillingness. It was hard for him to cultivate to his current cultivation base, and he could fly up even further, but he would never have this opportunity forever.

Man Batian's laughter stopped abruptly, and a mouthful of bright red came out of his mouth at the same time. He slowly rolled his eyes, looked at the people Zhan Yihan on the spaceship in the sky, and slowly fell toward the ground. If there is another chance, he will definitely not provoke Zhan Yihan to them, but unfortunately he has no more ifs.

Zhan Yihan retracted the Donghuang Bell, and took a step back with a pale face. With his current strength, it is also very difficult to completely control the Eastern Emperor Bell. The sound of three bells is already his limit.

"Yihan." Su Jinyue reached out to support Zhan Yihan, and put a pill into his mouth.

"I'm fine, just rest for a while." Zhan Yihan gently shook his head, and reached out to hold Su Jinyue's hand.

Su Jinyue watched Zhan Yihan, and saw that his face had recovered a bit after taking the pill, and her heart slowly relaxed, "I will help you enter the cabin to rest for a while."

"No, I already have some strength." Zhan Yihan looked at the Man's house below.

"The next thing will be left to me." Su Jinyue raised her hand and waved, countless trophies quickly flew out of the formation and landed on the deck of the spaceship. Storage rings and various magic weapons were quickly piled up. Up a hill.

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