Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1027: Endless forest

The spacecraft flew fast and smoothly in the sky, and three months passed in a blink of an eye.

On the way, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were either driving the spaceship or practicing, and their days were peaceful and unwavering.

"We are here." Su Jinyue looked at the teleportation hall below. This is the teleportation hall, but in fact, no one teleports at all. Except for the cultivators from other realms of cultivation, the cultivators of the Motian Continent could not be sent out at all.

The spacecraft slowly landed and stopped on the square outside the teleportation hall.

"Are we there yet?" Tian Fengxun and Bei Yunjiang walked out of the cabin and saw that the spacecraft had stopped. They had just finished their training, and originally wanted to take over for Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan to control the spaceship, but they didn't expect to have arrived.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "Let's go down."

Receiving the take-off ship, Su Jinyue and the four walked towards the teleportation hall.

The person in charge of the transmission was a Mahayana elder who heard the footsteps of Su Jinyue's four people, and the elder opened his eyes. This teleportation array is usually alone except for a monk who occasionally teleports over from another realm of comprehension.

"Deacon, we want to send to the Tianyue Continent." Tian Fengxun said to the old man.

A strange color flashed in the old man's eyes, "One person has ten thousand magic stones." He doesn't care whether the other party can teleport to the Tianyue Continent, as long as the opponent takes out the magic stone, he will open the teleportation formation to let the opponent enter. As for the next life or death, it has nothing to do with him.

Tian Fengxun took out forty thousand magic stones and handed them to the old man. The last thing they lack now is the magic stone.

The old man put away the magic stone, took out the jade card that controlled the teleportation formation, and opened the teleportation formation.

The four of Su Jinyue walked into the teleportation formation, and then the four of them were enveloped in a white light.

Zhan Yihan swept the teleportation array with divine sense, and saw that the teleportation array was okay, so he withdrew the divine sense.

I don't know how long it took, and the four people felt down to earth under their feet.

He raised his eyes and looked around and found that he had already left the teleportation formation.

Su Jinyue looked around and found that they were in the teleportation hall where she and Zhan Yihan had been before. There were four teleportation formations here. One was the teleportation formation leading to the earth. She and Yihan had already used the formation last time. Seal it up.

While on Earth, she found a cave on the way to the country of Japan. Later, after she and Yihan came, they found the teleportation array in the cave. They were teleported here after they entered the teleportation array. In order to prevent the monks from teleporting to the earth, she and Yi Han used formations to seal the teleportation formation leading to the earth.

There are also teleportation formations leading to the Heavenly Moon Continent and the Netherworld, as well as the Motian Continent they just teleported over.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand and waved a few array flags, once again consolidating the formation of the teleportation array leading to the earth. There are still many masters of formations in the cultivation continent, and the formations they set up before may not be able to stop them.

"Zhanmen Master, where is the teleportation formation leading to?" Bei Yunjiang asked in amazement when Zhan Yihan used the formation to seal the teleportation formation.

"Me and Jinyue's hometown." Zhan Yihan said.

Bei Yunjiang nodded clearly. He knew from the beginning that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were not from the Tianyue Continent.

"There are two more teleportation arrays here, which one should we improve?" Tian Fengxun asked. This is the first time he has come to this teleportation hall.

"The second one on the right." Su Jinyue said.

"Then let's go back soon." Bei Yunjiang said eagerly. It has been a long time since he returned to the Tianyue Continent. He really missed Dancheng, his family, friends, and the elders who had worked with him for many years.

The four walked into the teleportation array, and as a dizziness came, the four disappeared into the teleportation array.

When the four came out of the teleportation formation, they saw a dense forest in front of them.

"I don't know where it is

? Let's find someone to ask first. "Tian Feng asked.

"There are people over there." Bei Yunjiang withdrew his consciousness. He saw that in the depths of the forest, several young people were fighting with a five-level saber-toothed tiger.

"Let's go over and ask." Su Jinyue also saw the scene.

Yuan Zijing took out a pill and put it in his mouth, and rushed to the fifth-level saber-toothed tiger again. They are the disciples of Chasing Yunzong, and this time they came out to practice. A total of 20 disciples came this time, but now only a few of them are left.

Yuan Zijing sighed sadly in his heart when he looked at the fierce five-level saber-toothed tiger. It seems that he can't return to the sect alive either.

With a flick of the tail of the fifth-level saber-toothed tiger, two more were beaten out.

Yuan Zijing gritted his teeth and thrust his sword into the eyes of the fifth-level saber-toothed tiger. The fur of the fifth-level saber-toothed tiger is as hard as iron, and only its eyes and abdomen are its weakness.

A trace of contempt flashed in the cold eyes of the fifth-level saber-toothed tiger, and the tail of the tiger, like a whip, swept toward Yuan Zijing, who rushed up.

Yuan Zijing's face paled when he felt the strong wind swept by the tiger's tail, but he couldn't get away at all now, so he could only face the tiger's tail that was swept straight. It seems that this time he is more ill-fortuned.

At this moment, I didn't know where a gust of wind blew, and then I saw the fifth-level saber-toothed tiger flying out, and after falling to the ground, there was no breath.

Yuan Zijing was stunned by the scene before him, and looked at each other with the remaining senior brothers. What exactly is going on?

When they were surprised, they heard a sound of footsteps, and looked up and saw three men and a woman walking towards them. Could it be that they helped? Surely, there is no one else here at all.

"Thank you, senior!" Yuan Zijing and the remaining monks thanked Su Jinyue and the others.

"Where is this place?" Bei Yunjiang asked.

"Endless Forest." Yuan Zijing replied quickly. At the same time, there were some doubts in her heart, why Su Jinyue and the others didn't know where this place was.

"This is Yuezhao Country?" Tian Fengxun carefully searched in his head before remembering where the endless forest was.

"Yes, senior." Yuan Zijing's doubts deepened.

After determining his position, Su Jinyue turned and walked towards the depths of the forest. Although they have spacecraft, they can only fly within the prescribed range, and Moonlight Country is not within the range.

"Senior, you can't go in anymore. There are many high-level spirit beasts there." Yuan Zijing hurriedly stopped Su Jinyue. They can meet a level five saber-toothed tiger in the outer forest, let alone deep in the forest. Although the strength of the two middle-aged cultivators seemed very strong, the two young men with them were about the same age as their own, and their strength would certainly not be much higher. There are so many high-level spirit beasts in the endless forest, how do they fight to live?

Tian Fengxun stopped, smiled at Yuan Zijing, gave him a jade bottle, and followed Su Jinyue's trio. The teleportation array is in Yuejiang City on the other side of the endless forest. They can't take a spaceship, nor can they use swords, so naturally they have to choose the nearest route.

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