Elder Wei retracted his gaze and said with a smile: "The feelings of those young people are really good."

"No, it's about the same as when we were young." Old Man Lin nodded in agreement.

"Old Wei, if you open it, what's in these two boxes?"

"Yes, open it quickly." The old men were very interested in the two boxes sent by Zhan Yihan and Su Yanyue. The people in Zhan Yihan were all hidden people, and the things they gave away were ordinary things.

Mr. Wei smiled and nodded. In fact, he is also quite interested, otherwise he would have been asked to take it away and put it away.

I picked up one of the boxes and opened it. I saw a crystal-clear bracelet inside. I reached out and picked up the bracelet. The coldness of my hand started, and the coolness flowed in from my fingers, and my whole body immediately felt an indescribable feeling of comfort. Sure enough, it is not an ordinary thing.

Elder Wei put the bracelet on his wrist and continued to open the second box, only to see a light cyan bead the size of a baby's fist inside, and the bead exuded a soft light.

"This is a night pearl, right?"

"Looks like."

"Or let's ask someone to turn off the lights and try." The few old men present here are not ordinary people, and their knowledge is naturally not bad.

Father Mo looked at Zhuzi and remembered the Ye Mingzhu that he had asked Lao Wei to hand over to Su Jinyue. At that time, Su Jinyue helped his wife heal the disease, so he took out their Mo family heirloom Ye Mingzhu, and asked Lao Wei to hand it over to Su Jinyue as medical expenses. He knew that Su Jinyue was not an ordinary person, and she couldn't look at ordinary things.

Mr. Wei turned his head and beckoned to Uncle Fu who was not far away. Uncle Fu immediately came over, "Old lady!"

"Go and bring me a piece of black cloth, thicker." Old man Wei ordered. If this is not the Pearl of the Night, wouldn't it be embarrassing for people to turn off the lights?

"Okay." Fu Bo replied and walked outside.

After waiting for a while, he brought a piece of black cloth over and handed the black cloth to Grandpa Wei.

Mr. Wei took the black cloth and covered it on the beads. He opened the black cloth and looked at it. The beads were emitting a soft light. Although the light was bright, it was not dazzling at all. On the contrary, the eyes felt comfortable. There seemed to be a stream of clear spring washing the eyes.

Looking up at Mr. Mo, Mr. Wei smiled and said: "Old Mo, you feel this Ye Mingzhu." Pushing the box containing the Ye Mingzhu to the front of Mr. Mo.

Father Mo lifted the black cloth to look at Ye Mingzhu, and for a long time he raised his head in shock, "This Ye Mingzhu is a rare treasure. My eyes don't even spend it at all when I look at it. Now I can see things very clearly." How to be careful, there will always be various problems in the body, especially the eyes, and always can't see things clearly.

"Really? I'll try it too." Old man Han stretched his hand over the box with Ye Mingzhu and opened the black cloth to look at Ye Mingzhu. After a long time, he looked up and said excitedly: "I can see things very clearly now."

"I will try too."

"Let me see."

"Look again after I have finished reading."

The other old men are like children who have seen new toys. They are not as lucky as Lao Wei and Lao Bai, who have Jiazi Dan to eat, they are really old-fashioned now. Of course they also thought about asking Zhan Yihan and they wanted a Jiazi Pill, but the pill is so precious, how can they get it casually? Wouldn't it be embarrassing for them to refuse them in case of Zhan Yihan. Now this night pearl is good for the eyes, how can they miss it?

Zhan Yihan retracted his gaze and smiled at Su Jinyue. That night pearl is just like a night pearl, but it is actually a health stone. Put it in the room at night, and the light it emits can nourish the body and restore the body to its peak state.

The bracelet that Su Yanyue sent is not an ordinary bracelet, but a magic weapon for defense.

After the second defense, it won't take long for it to be repaired on its own. Even in the Tianyue Continent, it is a magic weapon that people rush to.

Zhan Yihan took out a jade bottle and handed it to Lin Xufei, "Xufei, this is a Jiazidan."

"Is that what Grandpa Wei ate?" Lin Xufei took the jade bottle and opened it eagerly. His grandfather has always envied that Grandpa Wei and Grandpa Bai can become younger, and he will surprise Grandpa when he returns. Grandpa's physical condition is getting worse and worse recently. If it weren't for Grandpa Wei's birthday today, he would never go out.

Zhan Yihan nodded, "After taking Jiazidan you can instantly become younger, and your lifespan can be increased by sixty years." He just saw Grandpa Lin, although he looked very energetic, but the true condition of his body could not escape. Open his eyes.

"Yihan, thank you!" Lin Xufei smiled happily. For a big family like them, the old man in the family will naturally live as long as possible.

Zhan Yihan smiled and shook his head. He came back this time to teach Xu Fei cultivation techniques. Lin Xufei and Bai Tingxue are both his brothers. He didn't tell them because he had taken into consideration the family behind them. Now the eldest brother and Nana have decided to tell the Bai family about the cultivation, and he also decided to tell Lin Xufei about it. He believes that Lin Xufei is a measured person, and he will weigh how he does it.

When the birthday banquet came to an end, everyone also said goodbye to Mr. Wei.

Lin Xufei walked to the side of Old Man Lin and helped him to walk outside.

When he got in the car, Lin Xufei handed the jade bottle Zhan Yihan had given to Grandpa Lin, "Grandpa, this is for you."

"What is this?" Old man Lin took the jade bottle in surprise and looked at it. The bottle is very delicate, and it seems that the material is made of fine jade.

"Yihan gave it to me, he said this is Jiazidan." Lin Xufei said with a suffocated smile. Grandpa will definitely be excited.

Elder Lin was stunned, and the hand holding the jade bottle trembled slightly. He finally recovered and looked at the jade bottle in his hand excitedly, "Jia...Jiazidan, are you sure?" Doesn't that mean that he is too? Can be like Lao Wei Lao Bai.

Lin Xufei smiled and nodded, "Yes, grandpa, you eat and try." Seeing grandpa's excitement, he felt even more grateful for Zhan Yihan.

"Okay." Old man Lin quickly opened the jade bottle and directly raised his head and ate the pill. People want to live a few more days when they are old. It is best to see that their grandchildren are married and that their first grandson is born.

As the pill was taken in, Mr. Lin felt a cool throat, and he almost didn't groan when he was comfortable. In my heart, I look forward to the effect of Jiazidan.

As time passed slowly, Mr. Lin felt that his spirit was getting better and better, and his heart was full of joy and expectation. I should be getting younger soon.

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