"Jiazidan actually has such an effect." Lin Jianghe exclaimed. Although he knew the reason why the old man Wei and the old man Bai became younger, he didn't see the shock with his own eyes. When he came out of Wei's house before, his father still needed Xu Fei's support to leave.

"Yeah, I feel so full of strength now that I can kill even a cow." Old man Lin raised his fist and said excitedly. When he was young, he was known as the "Hercules", and none of the soldiers in the army admired him.

"The people in Medical Valley are really capable, so the medicine that protects against the sky can be produced." Lin Jianghe said enviously.

"So Lao Bai is blessed. The granddaughter married Su Yanyue. I think he didn't agree at the time." Old man Lin laughed. When some of their old friends got together, they would often use this to tease Lao Bai.

Zhang Yuanyuan rolled her eyes and looked at Lin Xufei with a grin, "Xu Fei, or ask Su Jinyue tomorrow, if there is any unmarried girl in Yigu, let her introduce to you." This stinky boy is always there. If she refused to have a girlfriend, she was almost anxious. Just take advantage of this opportunity to bring it up.

"This is a good idea." Old Man Lin agreed. Xu Fei is not young anymore, and it's time to find a girlfriend. As for whether he can find someone from Medical Valley, it depends on his good fortune.

"I'm sleepy, you continue to talk, I'm upstairs." Wei Yuanxing yawned and walked upstairs. He wouldn't find a girlfriend casually.

"You brat, stop for me." Zhang Yuanyuan shouted. Every time this matter was mentioned, this stinky boy would use this trick. She was really annoyed. When would she be able to hold her grandson?

Bai Lina and Su Yanyue returned to Bai's house with his father, his parents, and Bai Tingxue.

As soon as I walked into the living room, I saw Xiao Yuer running towards them with a grieved expression.

Bai Lina bent down and hugged Xiao Yuer, "What's the matter?"

"She bullied me." Xiao Yuer pointed to the white Jasmine who was chasing out behind her, and complained aggrievedly.

Bai Jasmine stopped in embarrassment when she saw Mr. Bai and his party. She was not able to go to Grandpa Wei's birthday banquet today, and she felt very uncomfortable. When the next person said that Bai Lina had returned with her husband, she came over and took a look. Knowing that Bai Lina had also gone to the birthday banquet, it was even more uncomfortable. Bai Lina, a married daughter, why can she go to the Wei family's birthday banquet?

Seeing Bai Lina's son was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, she walked over to chat with him. She had heard that Yigu had a lot of pills that could make people beautiful after taking it, so she wanted to put some out of Bai Lina's son. Who knows that the kid is very good, she hasn't got any useful information after coaxing for a long time.

Angrily, she moved her hands, but she didn't get a bargain. Instead, she was kicked by this kid. Her calf is still swollen.

Bai Lina looked at Bai Jasmine and asked with a cold face, "Cousin Sister, what do you care about as an adult with a child?" Although she knew that her son would not suffer, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Jasmine, you don't want to come to the compound anymore." The old man Bai said solemnly. Nana and the others finally came back, and he couldn't let them be wronged.

"Grandpa, I didn't bully him. He kicked me. Look at my calf, it's still swollen." Bai Jasmine started crying aggrievedly. She is the victim, OK?

"Go back!" Father Bai's voice became even colder. It's not right for an adult to make trouble with a child.

Bai Jasmine stomped hard and glared at Bai Lina's family of three. It's all of them. If they hadn't come back, how could Grandpa treat her like this.

Grandpa Bai sighed in his heart, looked at Xiao Yu'er in Bai Lina's arms, stretched out his hand and said, "Xiao Yu'er, come, grandpa hug." It's time to marry Jasmine, otherwise the stubborn temper won't change.

At the birthday banquet before, Lao Mo mentioned to him, hoping to get together with their Bai family

Qin Jin's good. The two grandsons of Lao Mo's family, the eldest grandson Mo Feiyao was still very good, and it was Jasmine's blessing to match Jasmine with him.

Xiao Yu'er opened her arms, threw herself into the arms of the old man, and yelled, "Grandpa!"

"Really good!" The old man rubbed Xiao Yu'er's hair happily, with a face of doting over. After all, he was born in a hidden door, which is different from other children.

"Xiao Yu'er, where's the little sister?" Old Bai asked.

"Little sister is sleeping in the room." Xiao Yuer lay in the arms of the old man, playing with old man's beard naughty.

The old man Bai laughed and walked towards the sofa holding Xiao Yu'er.

After the group sat down on the sofa, Bai Lina and Su Yanyue looked at each other and looked at the old man Bai who was playing a finger game with Xiao Yuer, "Grandpa, I have an important thing for you to say to Yanyue."

Elder Bai looked up at Bai Lina and Su Yanyue, nodded, and said to Bai Tingxue: "Let Bai Qing guard, no one is allowed to come near here."

"Yes!" Bai Tingxue replied, stood up and walked outside the door.

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