"Do you know where the hidden door is?" Lin Xufei asked in surprise. Otherwise, Zhan Yihan wouldn't ask like that.

Zhan Yihan nodded, "We live in the hidden door now, but the hidden door is not on the earth, but a world parallel to the earth."

Lin Xufei opened his eyes as he listened, "Is there really another world?" This simply broke his cognition.

"Yes." Wei Yuanxing and Bai Tingxue nodded at the same time.

"Aren't you kidding me?" Lin Xufei looked at the faces of the three of them, wanting to see a clue from their faces.

"Are we so bored?" Wei Yuanxing rolled his eyes silently. But this kind of thing is really difficult for people to accept. If he hadn't been to the Tianyue Continent, he would definitely not believe it.

Bai Tingxue released the fish from the storage ring, "No need."

"Ting Xue, where did you receive the fish just now?" Lin Xufei looked at Bai Tingxue carefully, and did not see that there was a place for him to hold fish.

Bai Tingxue raised her hand and let Lin Xufei look at the storage ring on her finger, "Here."

"I believe you are a ghost." Lin Xufei stretched out his hand and hammered Bai Tingxue's body. He hasn't heard that the ring can hold fish, they must be fixing him.

Wei Yuanxing smiled, took a glass of water from the storage ring and handed it to Lin Xufei, "Calm down with a glass of water."

Lin Xufei took the water and looked at the storage ring on Wei Yuanxing's finger, "You won't tell me, this cup of water came from your ring, right?"

"Yes, what do you want? I still have fruits here, such as watermelons, apples, and cantaloupes." Wei Yuanxing said as he took the fruits from his storage ring and put them on the boat.

"Stop." Lin Xufei stared at the storage ring on Wei Yuanxing's finger incredulously, "Really took it out from the inside?" He was already a little convinced. If you want to hide fruits as big as watermelons and cantaloupes, you can't hide them.

"It's true!" Wei Yuanxing nodded with a smile.

Lin Xufei rubbed his temples, "Let me slow down." If what they said was true, it would be incredible.

After a long time, he raised his head to look at Zhan Yihan, "Do you really live in the Inner Gate?"

Seeing Zhan Yihan nodded, he continued to ask: "What kind of place is there?"

"There is a place where the strong are respected." Zhan Yihan said. Compared to the earth, the realm of comprehension is truly cruel. Had it not been for Feng Tianzong, he would not dare to take his family there.

"Can I go there for a look in the future?" Lin Xufei asked. He has no doubts about it anymore.

Zhan Yihan nodded, took out a storage ring and handed it to Lin Xufei, "This is a storage ring, and there are some resources needed for cultivation in it. Now you can see the storage according to the contract I said. Something in the ring."

"Yeah." Lin Xufei nodded, suppressing the excitement in his heart, took the storage ring, and began to follow Zhan Yihan's words of storage ring contract.

When he saw the space in the storage ring, the whole person was sluggish in place. There is such a treasure in the world, it is incredible.

"Recovered." Wei Yuanxing smiled and stretched out his hand, shook in front of Lin Xufei's eyes.

Lin Xufei returned to his senses slowly, looking at Zhan Yihan, with a serious expression on his face: "I will not leak this out." Yihan only told him about it when he was a brother. How could he let him down? he.

And he also knows the seriousness of this matter. Once some organizations know that he has such a treasure in his hands, the fate of the Lin family can be imagined. He would not take such a risk.

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, took out a pill and handed it to Lin Xufei, "This is the Spirit Qi Pill, which allows you to derive spiritual roots." Xufei and Ting Xue are both smart people, and they know what to do. I didn’t tell them before, one was to care about their family, and the other was

It is the safety of my family. Except for Yilin, his family members are all in the Tianyue Continent, and Yilin is already a foundation-building cultivator, and there is basically no existence on earth that could threaten him.

Lin Xufei took the Qi Ling Pill and looked around, "Is it okay to take it here?" He could see clearly the way his grandfather took the pill yesterday.

"It's okay, there is a formation here." Zhan Yi coldly said. If there is no formation, how dare they talk about this kind of thing here unscrupulously.

Lin Xufei nodded his head and put the pill into his mouth. After a while, he felt his whole body hot, as if there was fire burning his meridians. After a while, the hot feeling disappeared and he was taken aback. A refreshing sensation instead.

Lin Xufei opened his eyes and found that the sky had darkened, "When is it?" It was morning when they came, and it was obviously dusk now.

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