Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1045: Fish soup is poisonous

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded. He came back with Jinyue this time, the main reason was Yuanxing, Yuanxing delayed the wedding because of him, and he was really sorry.

"Then you still live in the courtyard house?" Lin Xufei asked.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan put the fish with the bones removed into Su Jinyue's bowl.

"Several people, the fish soup is here!" Boss Li came over with a large pot of fish soup and put the fish soup on the table. "There are a lot of wild mushrooms in the fish soup, all picked from the mountain. ."

Su Jinyue looked at the fish soup on the table. The soup was thick and delicious at first glance, but then her brows wrinkled, with a hint of sweetness that matched the scent of the fish soup. I caught her nose and saw that Wei Yuanxing had already scooped up a bowl of fish soup and was about to drink it, "Wait a minute, this fish soup can't be drink."

"Why?" Boss Li looked at Su Jinyue in confusion. This fish, as well as those mushrooms, are very clean. Why can't I drink it?

Wei Yuanxing also put down the bowl in his hand and looked at Su Jinyue. Su Jinyue said that he couldn't drink it. He definitely couldn't drink it. He had no doubts about it.

Su Jinyue looked at Boss Li, "Among your wild mushrooms, is there a light brown mushroom covered with black spots?"

Boss Li thought for a while and nodded, "Is there a problem with that mushroom?" Since Su Jinyue didn't need to look at it, she knew that she must have seen that mushroom.

Su Jinyue nodded, "That mushroom is very poisonous. After eating it, her tongue will be numb at first, then her whole body will be paralyzed, and she will eventually die."

When Boss Li heard the words, his face was anxious, "Is there a cure?" When he just cooked the fish soup, he had tasted it. No wonder his tongue always feels tingling.

"Did you eat that kind of mushroom?" Wei Yuanxing asked in surprise.

"I just tasted the fish soup, and now my tongue is numb." Boss Li said with a sad face. He felt a numbness in his hands. He is not going to die.

"Su Jinyue, should you have a way to save Boss Li?" Wei Yuanxing asked. Su Jinyue is no ordinary person, if she can't be cured, then others can't be cured even more.

Boss Li looked at Su Jinyue and pleaded, "I beg you to find a way." If he can live, he must go to the person who sold him mushrooms tomorrow to settle accounts.

Su Jinyue took out a detoxification pill and handed it to Boss Li, "You have to eat it first, and I have something to ask you." She felt that this matter was not easy.

"Okay." Boss Li quickly took the medicine and put it in his mouth, as long as he can live now.

Feeling that his tongue and hands are not numb, Boss Li looked at Su Jinyue joyfully, "Thank you!"

Su Jinyue shook her head, "Who sold those mushrooms to you?" That kind of mushrooms are not ordinary mushrooms, and they are even rarer in Beijing.

"When you just went fishing, an old farmer brought it. He said he picked it up in the mountains." Boss Li said.

When he saw that the mushrooms were fresh, he sold them. When he first cooked the soup for Wei Yuanxing and the others, he put the mushrooms in the fish soup. He wanted to please Wei Yuanxing and the others, but he didn't expect it to happen. thing. In the past, some old farmers would bring some mountain products to sell to him, and he would add them to the fish soup, and the customers would be full of praise when they ate them.

"What does the other party look like? When did they come?" Wei Yuanxing asked.

Boss Li recalled for a while, "He is tall and thin, with dark skin. By the way, he has a mole on his chin."

"I know who it is. When I was on a mission, I wiped out the den of a drug lord and was escaped by a drug lord at that time." Lin Xufei said. Unexpectedly, it was a hidden danger left by herself. Fortunately, Su Jinyue was not an ordinary person, otherwise he might have been recruited today.

Zhan Yihan retracted his consciousness, looked at Su Jinyue at each other, picked up the bowl and helped Su Jinyue spoon a bowl of fish soup and handed it to her

"Why do you still drink this fish soup?" Boss Li asked in surprise.

"We have an antidote and are not afraid. Besides, wouldn't it be a waste if we didn't eat such a delicious fish." Su Jinyue took the fish soup that Zhan Yihan handed over. They have long since survived the poison, so naturally there is nothing to worry about.

"I'll have a drink too." Wei Yuanxing smiled and picked up the fish soup on the table and started drinking.

Bai Tingxue and Lin Xufei looked at each other, and then picked up the bowls and spoons of fish soup one after another. You Yihan and Su Jinyue have something to worry about with them.

Boss Li shook his head, turned and walked towards the kitchen. He really didn't understand what Wei Yuanxing and the others thought. I know it's poisonous, why drink it.

The night gradually darkened, and only the rustling sound of the evening breeze over the bamboo leaves in the bamboo forest.

Several dark shadows approached the bamboo house quietly, and heard that there was no sound inside, and a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go in." Zhang Qingxin waved to several of his men. After he escaped, he has been observing Lin Xufei in secret, knowing that he and a few friends are coming here today, knowing that his opportunity has come. Lin Xufei left him with nowhere, so he left Lin Xufei with nowhere.

The group quickly walked into the bamboo house and saw Lin Xufei and his group lying on the table, in front of them were leftover fish soup and fish.

Zhang Qingxin stepped forward, picked up a spoon and picked up a spoonful of fish soup. He laughed when he saw that there were toadstool mushrooms in it. He looked at Lin Xufei lying on the table, "I tell you, don’t think you are dead. He will give up, and I will kill your Lin family one by one." Zhang Qingxin was never a person who swallowed his anger when he suffered a loss. If others owed him a point, he felt that he would come back a hundred times a thousand times.

Withdrawing a dagger from his waist, Zhang Qingxin stabs Lin Xufei who is lying on the table. Even if Lin Xufei died, he would not let him go easily.

It's just that he was caught by a big hand before he fell. He turned his head in surprise and saw that Wei Yuanxing, who was still lying on the table just now and not knowing his life or death, sat up. He was smiling at this moment. Is watching him.

"Did you not drink fish soup?" Zhang Qingxin looked at Wei Yuanxing incredulously. He clearly saw that there was leftover soup in his bowl, how could he be okay.

"Drink it." As soon as Wei Yuanxing's hand pressed hard, he heard a click, followed by a scream from Zhang Qingxin.

"Hurry up." Zhang Qingxin thought of his subordinates and hurriedly shouted, but turned his head to find that he didn't know when all his subordinates had been controlled, and his face was ashamed. It seems that I am planted this time.

Lin Xufei sneered and looked at Zhang Qingxin, "It really is your hands and feet." This time Zhang Qingxin was arrested, and one line of Zhang Qing's novice could be exhausted.

Zhang Qingxin snorted coldly, "If you want to kill or slash, whatever you want." When he chose to go this way, he was ready to face this day.

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