Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1051: bad news

The morning sun shines into the house, brightening the dim room.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked out of the small world sweetly and cooked breakfast in the kitchen.

"Bang bang bang!" There was a rush of clapping on the door outside.

Su Jinyue looked up and saw that the person outside was Han Bing, "It's Han Bing, I'll go to the door."

Stepping forward to open the door, looking at Han Bing with an anxious look, "What's the matter? What happened?"

"Sister Jinyue, I just got the news that Lin Muzhu jumped off the building last night." Han Bing said sadly. She and Lin Muzhu also knew each other somehow, and she was really sad to know the news.

Su Jinyue released her divine sense and saw Lin Muzhu lying in the operating room of the hospital. Because of her injuries, she had lost her breath, she sighed in her heart.

"Sister Jinyue, do you have a way to save Lin Muzhu?" Han Bing asked. After knowing that Lin Muzhu had an accident, she immediately thought of Sister Jin Yue, Sister Jin Yue, an alchemist, must be able to save Lin Muzhu.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "She's gone." She was also very sorry for Lin Muzhu, but she couldn't save her. Even if Lin Muzhu was an ordinary person, even if he ate the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill, she saved her life. It's just a walking corpse, a body without a soul, how different is living and dead.

"Can't save it?" Han Bing asked sadly. Thinking of Lin Muzhu leaving like this at a young age, her heart seemed to be blocked by something as uncomfortable.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded. She also didn't expect Lin Muzhu would choose this way.

"Sister Jinyue, let's go see Lin Muzhu." Han Bing looked at Su Jinyue with red eyes. Yesterday she only mentioned Lin Muzhu to sister Jinyue, but she did not expect that something like this happened to her today, which is really regrettable. What is the hurdle? She has to choose to end her life in this way.

Su Jinyue nodded and turned to look at Zhan Yihan, who had already walked up to her. "Yihan, Han Bing and I are going to mourn Lin Muzhu. Do you want to go together?" She and Lin Muzhu are also classmates. It should be the last time to send her off at the scene.

"Good." Zhan Yihan nodded.

On the hospital square, the Jin family and Lin Mozhu's family are in a stalemate.

"Mu Zhu has married your Jin family, and your Jin family has to take care of her." Lin Muzhu's mother kept wiping her tears, arguing with the Jin family. After hearing the news of their daughter's accident, they drove to the capital overnight. It's just that they didn't even see Mu Zhu the last time, she had already left.

What made them even more angry was that the Jin family wanted to send their daughter directly to the funeral home, and they didn't even plan to help her with the afterlife. Mu Zhu was their Jin family's daughter-in-law, how could their Jin family be so indifferent and ruthless.

"At the beginning, when you married your daughter, there were a lot of bride price gifts. Those bride price gifts were enough for Lin Muzhu's aftermath." Old lady Jin said with a mocking sneer. She had never admitted Lin Muzhu's identity, and she was still not sure whether the child in Lin Muzhu's belly was the seed of her son. A young girl who conceives unmarried first is not a serious person.

"My sister is already a member of your Jin family. You must help her with her affairs, or we will sue you. My sister jumped off the building and died. Who knows if there is anything in the process? I asked the doctor. , The doctor said that my sister had a miscarriage before jumping off the building." Lin Mudong looked at Granny Jin and said in a strong tone. If the Jin family didn't do this, it would fall on them. As the saying goes, the water thrown out by the married daughter, how could they take over this mess.

"Go and sue. If you have the ability to sue, Lin Muzhu jumped off the building by himself, but we didn't push it down." Old lady Jin said with a calm face. She would never help Lin Muzhu with his fuss.

"Then you get the money and we will help Mu Zhu handle it." Father Lin said.

Hearing this, Mrs. Jin laughed loudly, "After all, it’s for money.

Does the Jin family open a bank for us? "This time their Jin family will not give a penny.

"Then we will put Mu Zhu at the door of your Jin family, and let everyone see how your Jin family treats your daughter-in-law." Lin Muzhu's sister-in-law said in a strong tone. Anyway, this time the Jin family must either give money or help Lin Muzhu with funeral affairs, otherwise the Lin family will be tough with them to the end.

"If our Jin family is afraid of you, our Jin family should not stay in the capital either." Old lady Jin snorted and turned to look at Jin Shouyi who was aside, "Shouyi, let's go!" On the boundary of the capital, they The Jin family still has something to do with them. If the Lin family wants to make trouble, they will stay with them to the end.

"Don't leave!" The Lin family stopped the Jin family mother and son.

The golden mother's face was even more gloomy, and she threatened in a cold voice: "If you make trouble unreasonably, don't blame me for being rude."

"You are too much, Lin Muzhu is dead, you are still arguing here if you don't help her with the funeral." Han Bing rushed out of the crowd watching the lively. She has been here for a long time, and she can hear the words of the two families clearly. She really couldn't figure out how could there be such a family in this world.

The mother and son of the Jin family and the Lin family turned their eyes to Han Bing at the same time.

"So it was you." When Jin Shouyi saw Han Bing, he recognized that she was the person who took Lin Muzhu last time.

"How about me? I'm Lin Muzhu's friend. If she is dead, I have to seek justice for her." Han Bing glared at Jin Shouyi angrily. This man must have forced Lin Muzhu to go to a dead end.

Mrs. Jin sneered, "Joke, Lin Muzhu's family and in-laws are both here, in which round you have an outsider to take care of, wherever you go cool."

"I'll take care of this matter. I will check it out, and I won't let Lin Muzhu die unclearly." Han Bing said hard. She is a stubborn temper, once she decides things will not change.

"Little girl, this is the housework of our Lin family and Jin family, you should not interfere with you as an outsider." Lin Muzhu's sister-in-law said. The ultimate goal of their stalemate with the Jin family until now is for money. Lin Muzhu is dead, and he won't be able to save it even if he asks for justice. It's not as good as money.

Han Bing's face flushed red, "Anyway, I won't let Lin Muzhu die unclearly." How could Lin Muzhu have such a family.

Su Jinyue stepped forward, patted Han Bing's shoulder lightly, and pulled her to the side, "Let’s not intervene yet." Lin Muzhu’s sister-in-law said nothing wrong, it belongs to their family. Housework.

"But Lin Muzhu is too pitiful." Han Bing said sadly. She really wanted to seek justice for Lin Muzhu, and let the Jin Shouyi who had killed Lin Muzhu go to jail.

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