Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1056: Unreasonable

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan arrived at the airport, and Ringer was already waiting for them in the VIP room.

"Manager Su." Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, Ringer walked forward quickly.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

Seeing that the two of them didn't bring their luggage, Ringer was a little surprised, "Mr. Su, where's your luggage?" This time I'm going to live for a week. Can't you not change clothes for a week?

"We plan to go to Xiangjiang to buy at the mall. I heard that Xiangjiang is a shopping paradise." Su Jinyue smiled.

Ringer smiled and nodded, "Let's go and sit there for a while, and the plane will take off in an hour." With the financial resources of President Su, he can indeed be so headstrong.

The three of them sat down on the chairs. This VIP room was prepared by the airport for some important people, so it was very quiet. Except for Su Jinyue and the staff led by Lin Ge, there were only a pair of young men and women. Looking at the clothes of the two people, you know that they have a good family history. Of course, it is certainly not ordinary people who can enter the VIP room.

"President Su, I have booked a hotel with a friend from Xiangjiang, and we can stay in the past." Linger said. He went to Xiangjiang for a concert, which is much more prosperous than the mainland.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded. She has been to Xiangjiang several times in her previous life, where she met a very good friend. The other party should still be in school now, and she plans to visit her in the past this time.

"President Su, we will leave when we get off the plane. I will also prepare a car for you. Then we will go to the hotel to meet up." Linger said. He is now well-known in Xiangjiang. When he gets off the plane, many fans will ask him for autographs. Such a scene is too chaotic, and President Su and Zhan Yihan will definitely not be used to it.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded clearly. The times are better now, and for the fans of later generations, movie fans are truly crazy.

"Passengers taking flight a2307, please go to Departure Channel 1. The plane will take off in half an hour." The airport announcement rang.

"President Su, let's go in." Linger stood up and made an inviting gesture to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Su Jinyue nodded, and Yu Zhan Yihan walked towards the waiting aisle.

Ringer and the staff also followed up.

The man and woman sitting not far away stood up and walked in the direction where Su Jinyue and the others had left.

"The two people don't know what their identities are, and Ringer seems to respect them very much." The young woman had been paying attention to Su Jinyue's situation before. Ringer is now a well-known singer, how could they not know him. Just holding his own identity, so I didn't find Ringer's signature.

"Should it be Ringer's boss?" the man guessed. They are from Hong Kong. This time they came to the mainland to invest. Now the development prospects in the mainland are very good.

"I heard that Ringer's studio was founded by himself, and he is the boss." The young woman said. She likes to listen to Ringer's songs, so she has also inquired about Ringer's situation.

"It doesn't matter who she is, it has nothing to do with us anyway." The man didn't care.

"That's right." The young woman smiled approvingly. They are members of the Liu family of Xiangjiang. Only others pay attention to them. How can they care about others?

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan got on the plane, closed their eyes and started to rest their minds. The distance from Beijing to Xiangjiang is not very far, it only takes a few hours to get there.

Ringer didn't sleep well last night. Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan closing their eyes to rest, they also closed their eyes to make up for sleep.

"How did you walk? I stepped on my foot." A woman's shout rang.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it."

"Isn't it on purpose? I'm going to complain to you, what is your job number?"

Su Jinyue opened their eyes and saw that they were sitting with them before.

The young woman in a VIP room was shouting at a stewardess at this time.

"Qiqi, forget it." Seeing everyone looking over, the man pulled Liu Ziqi down with embarrassment.

"How can this be forgotten? I have to complain to her, as a flight attendant, even the basic qualities of a flight attendant are not good enough to be a flight attendant." Liu Ziqi looked at the job number badge worn on the flight attendant's chest and wrote it down.

The flight attendant saw that Liu Ziqi had written down her work number plate and ran into the lounge crying. She just didn't notice the other person's foot because of pushing the dining car, and accidentally stepped on it, but she has already apologized, why the other person has to be bothered.

Liu Ziqi retracted her gaze and smiled triumphantly. Where her feet are so easy to step on, you have to pay a price if you step on her.

"Don't you just step on your foot? As for?" a young woman sitting on the other side of Liu Ziqi mocked.

Liu Ziqi looked up and saw a woman in a red dress, and snorted coldly, "I want you to be nosy."

The woman in the red dress smiled coldly and turned her head, "No quality."

"Who do you say is unqualified?" Liu Ziqi suddenly looked like a blasted cock, pulled off his seat belt, and walked in front of the woman in the red skirt.

"Qiqi, come back soon, you are very dangerous like this." Liu Zijian scolded. For this unruly sister, he is really helpless sometimes.

Seeing that the woman in the red skirt ignored her, Liu Ziqi stomped and walked back to her seat. It's not the first time that she has taken a plane, and of course she knows it's dangerous.

Liu Ziqi was about to sit down, when the flight attendant who had been berated by her came out, at this time she was holding a fruit knife in her hand.

"What do you want to do?" Liu Ziqi saw the flight attendant holding a fruit knife, feeling a little scared.

The stewardess smiled coldly and stepped forward again, "Aren't you going to complain about me? Go, go and complain." She has already apologized, and the other party has to complain about her. The other party does not know what she will face if she is complained. Consequences? In her family, there is a father who is in debt, and a mother who is seriously ill. Her younger brother also counts on her when he goes to school. Every penny is important to her. When the other party complains to her, she will be deducted from her salary, and her life will be more difficult.

"Fang Ting, calm down. You are on the plane now. No accident should happen." A flight attendant stepped forward to hold Fang Ting. She is very clear about the situation of Fang Ting's family, and she also knows how important money is to Fang Ting.

Fang Ting shook off the stewardess's hand and looked at Liu Ziqi with cold eyes, "I have already apologized, why are you being aggressive? You think everyone can sit in first class like you, just a word. Can you decide the fate of others?" Her pressure is already strong enough, she has been enduring it, and Liu Ziqi is the last straw that crushes her.

Liu Zijian stood up, pulled Liu Ziqi behind him, looked at Fang Ting and apologized: "I'm sorry, my sister was not good just now. I will treat her to you, and we will not complain to you."

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