"Go!" Tang Jiyao kicked Wang Ruoyao away. The woman he wants is well-behaved and sensible, not the one who causes trouble for him.

"Brother Tang, please don't drive me away..." Wang Ruoyao hugged Tang Jiyao's leg again, and she left nothing.

"Come here!" Tang Jiyao shouted at the door.

The two men pushed the door and walked in, "Brother Tang!"

"Drag her out!" Tang Jiyao said blankly. He can spoil the other person to heaven, and he can also abandon her like a shoe.

"Brother Tang! Brother Tang! Please don't!" Wang Ruoyao struggled and shouted, still unable to match the strength of the two big men, and was dragged out of the room.

Tang Jiyao rubbed his temples tiredly. If Su Jinyue is investigated, how should they deal with it? If it were ordinary people, he wouldn't be afraid, but people like Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan really made him frightened. The Tang Sect was built by him with great pains, and it couldn't just be destroyed like this. Tomorrow he will come home to apologize.

Wang Ruoyao was dragged out of Tangmen by two men and threw it on the street.

She sat on the ground and cried for a long time, unwillingly climbed up and looked at Tang Sect, after hesitating for a moment, she rushed towards Tang Sect quickly. Tang Jiyao, the patron, must not be lost.

It's just that she was stopped by two men guarding the door before she rushed into the Tang Sect.

"You let me in, I want to see Brother Tang, I'm from Brother Tang, you can't be so unreasonable to me." Wang Ruoyao beat the two men who stopped her.

The two subordinates also knew Wang Ruoyao's identity and could only let her go wild.

When Tang Jiyao heard the report from his subordinates, his face was even more gloomy and terrifying, "Shoot her away, and if she makes troubles tomorrow, she will be ruined." He is already very annoyed, and the woman will make troubles unreasonably, if she is not waiting For his own sake for two years, he would let her not mix in Xiangjiang.

When Ren Qiyao and Zhang Yuxi came out of the hotel, both Ren Qiyao's expressions were very ugly. This is the first time he has been so ignored.

"Mr. Ren, don't be angry anymore. This role is not good. I can fight for other roles." Zhang Yutian comforted. She was also very angry in her heart. Although she was a newcomer, she was better than the assistant. The other party didn't want her, and would rather ask the assistant, which was just slap her in the face.

"I won't let it go." Ren Qiyao said coldly. He Ren Qiyao is also a man of fame in Xiangjiang, how could he be bullied by two mainlanders.

A smile flashed in Zhang Yuwan's eyes, "But they don't look like simple people." She was naturally very happy to see Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan being taught.

"How about not simple? This is Xiangjiang, but not their mainland. It is not their turn to go wild here." Ren Qiyao snorted coldly, opened the door and got into the car.

Zhang Yutian smiled, and got into the car by pulling the door open. Given Ren Qiyao's position in Xiangjiang, the two mainlanders are going to be unlucky.

The night market is still lively, with cries coming and going one after another.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan once again came to the booth yesterday, "Boss, make us two rice rolls."

"Okay." The boss replied, raised his head, and saw that it was Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. He was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise: "You are fine." Since he went back yesterday, he has been worried about them. Security, those gangsters can do everything.

"Thank you boss for caring." Su Jinyue smiled and thanked her.

The boss smiled and shook his head, looking at Zhan Yihan, "Beauty boy, you must have learned kung fu, I heard that most people in the mainland have some punches."

"A little bit." Zhan Yihan saw that the two young people on the side had already eaten, and took Su Jinyue to walk over, waited until the two young people left and sat down on the chair.

The boss walked to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan and set the table

I cleaned it up, wiped the table with a rag, walked to the side and took two bottles of Coke and handed them to the two of them, "You still have to be careful, those people are not easy to mess with." He has seen a lot over the years. Things are more terrible than imagined.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded.

"Dad." A voice came from the side with some immature voices.

The boss turned his eyes and saw that it was his son. The smile on his face deepened. "Xiao Fei, why are you here?" His son was in middle school, and he rarely came here except on weekends.

"I have little homework today. Come and help Dad." He Xiaofei saw a guest leaving, and took the rag from Boss He and walked over.

"Your son is really sensible." Su Jinyue retracted her gaze and said.

Boss He smiled and nodded, his face full of pride, "Our Xiao Fei's grades have always been among the best in the school, and ordinary people like us don't want to do anything, and the children will be satisfied if they have something to do."

Seeing a customer coming, Boss He smiled at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, and walked towards the booth.

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