Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1072: Because of destiny

Yang Xiaoqi looked at her mother, "Mom, let's take this wooden box first, and I will come back to pack up the other things in a few days." She was too embarrassed to make Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan dirty their hands, but the house did not return anyway. No one will take these things left here.

"Okay!" Li Shuilian nodded and stood up on the edge of the bed. Although her body has improved a lot, her strength has not been fully recovered.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan stepped forward, stretched out their hands to support Li Shuilian, and helped her to sit down at the table, "Auntie, if you sit for a while, you will have strength when you eat something."

Zhan Yihan took out a bag of snacks from his bag and handed it to Li Shuilian. In addition to being sick, her body has something to do with long-term lack of nutrition.

"You are really good people!" Li Shuilian said gratefully.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan smiled.

Yang Xiaoqi put the wooden box on the table and gratefully looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Thank you! Can you tell me your names?" She still has no ability to repay them, and she will definitely do it when she has the ability. Repay them.

"My name is Su Jinyue, he is my husband Zhan Yihan." Su Jinyue said. This should be the last time they met. When she returned to the Tianyue Continent this time, she should rarely come to Earth.

"Sister Su, Brother Zhan, can I call you that?" Yang Xiaoqi asked. She thinks that by calling it this way, the relationship between them has become much closer.

"Of course." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

"Sister Su, Brother Zhan, where do you live now?" Yang Xiaoqi asked. She needs to know their address so that she can repay them later.

"We are staying in the hotel temporarily." Su Jinyue said. She and Xiaoqi have been friends for so many years, how can they not know what she is thinking.

"Where is your home? Can I visit you in the future?" Yang Xiaoqi continued to ask. She must ask for their addresses.

"We live at No. 2 Longtan Street, Kowloon City." Su Jinyue reported an address. It was indeed her property, but now she gave it to Han Yiyuan and asked him to help take care of the distribution.

"I took it down, Sister Su, can I go to you to play in the future?" Yang Xiaoqi looked at Su Jinyue expectantly. She is not an ungrateful person. Sister Su and they helped her, and she must give them back.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded in response.

Li Shuilian ate something and felt that she had some strength. She stood up on the table and shook her head to Yang Xiaoqi who was about to help her. She tried to walk around the house a few times, "I can go."

"Mom, maybe I'll help you." Yang Xiaoqi said worriedly.

"It's okay, I feel very energetic now, really." Li Shuilian said with a smile. I feel better when I feel better.

Seeing Yang Xiaoqi's mother and daughter and Su Jinyue come out in a fight, the neighbors living nearby are all surprised. They heard that Li Shuilian was going to be dying a few days ago. Why does she look so energetic today?

"Mom Xiaoqi, can you walk now? Is your health better?"

"Where are you going? Why are you still carrying your bags?"

Li Shuilian looked at her ten-year-old neighbor with dismay, "My health is much better. Xiaoqi and I are moving to a new place. We will come back to see everyone in the future."

"Where are you moving?" Everyone knows the situation of Li Shuilian and their mother and daughter. Although all the people living on this street are poor, they are still better than Li Shuilian and their mother and daughter, after all, there are still men in their family.

"I don't know, I'll tell you when I come back next time, we're leaving, goodbye!" Li Shuilian waved to everyone and walked outside the shanty town with Yang Xiaoqi's support. She had already said that she could walk, but Xiaoqi was still worried.

When he came to the car, Zhan Yihan opened the door to let Yang Xiaoqi and her mother get in the car.

"I'm still the first

It's really comfortable to sit in a car once. "Yang Xiaoqi looked at the situation in the car excitedly.

"It's also my first time to sit." Li Shuilian stretched out her hand and gently touched the chair under her. This chair is really comfortable, shouldn't it be leather?

"Xiaoqi, do you still want to go to school?" Su Jinyue asked. Because of the pressure of life, Xiaoqi went out to work early. When she met her, she promoted drinks in the bar. In order to sell more drinks, she was drunk almost every day.

"Yeah." Yang Xiaoqi nodded. She understands that going to school is the only way out, but her mother is sick and she can't leave it alone, and the family has no money to pay for the tuition. Even if she wants to study in the next semester, she should not be able to read it.

"I'll give you a call later, if you have any difficulties in the future, please call that call." Su Jinyue said. Han Yiyuan is taking care of the industries here, and his contacts are also extensive, so he will be asked to help Xiaoqi re-arrange a school. As for Xiaoqi's mother and daughter's future living expenses, she has already put it in the inheritance, and I believe that in this life, they will be able to eat and wear for their mother and daughter.

"Sister Su, why are you so good to me?" Yang Xiaoqi asked. She and Sister Su never knew each other. Sister Su was so kind to her, she really felt ashamed.

"Because we are destined." Su Jinyue raised her lips and smiled. In order to help her get back the bag, Xiaoqi was stabbed by the robber. Every rainy day, her wound would hurt. Therefore, she was always full of guilt towards Xiaoqi. She had a chance to compensate her in this life. Happy.

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