Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1075: Missed opportunity

Ringing saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan coming back, and greeted him, "Brother Zhan! President Su!"

"What's the matter?" Su Jinyue asked curiously, seeing the unconcealable smile on Ringer's face.

"Today I received a call, Zhou Tianwang is willing to come to my concert as a special guest." Ringer announced happily. Although he is also a singer, he also has an idol. When he first came to Xiangjiang, he invited Zhou Tianwang, but he refused. Today he suddenly received a call from Zhou Tianwang. He said that he would like to be a special guest at his concert and asked if he would welcome him. How could he not welcome his idol?

"Very good." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded. The reason why Heavenly King Zhou can be called the Heavenly King is because of his strength and his popularity.

"I invited him last time, but I was rejected. I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to call me this time. I'm so happy." Ringer said excitedly.

"You came here to share this with us?" Su Jinyue smiled.

Ringer smiled and nodded, "Yes." When he received a call from King Zhou, the first thing he thought of was to tell Zong Su and Brother Zhan this to make them happy too. After all, Zhou Tianwang is very difficult to invite.

"Linger, I also have something to tell you." Su Jinyue said. She can understand Ringer's mood at this time, and anyone who sees her idol will be very happy.

"Yeah." Linger looked at Su Jinyue and waited for her to speak.

"We are leaving tonight." Su Jinyue said. The things that should be done have been done, and she and Yi Han plan to go around for a while.

"Did something happen?" Ringer asked. Mr. Su said before that he would stay in Xiangjiang for a week, but now it's only five days before he is leaving suddenly?

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, "Yi Han and I are going to see other places."

"Are the plane tickets booked?" Ringer asked. At this moment, he no longer had the excitement he had just received, but there was still a bit of loss. He originally thought that Mr. Su and Brother Zhan would go to his concert, but he didn't expect them to leave so soon.

"We plan to drive by ourselves." Su Jinyue said. How can the speed of the plane be compared with their flying sword.

Lin Ge nodded, "When are you leaving?" It seems that Su Zong and Brother Zhan should just be strolling in Xiangjiang.

"Clean up and leave." Zhan Yihan said.

"Then you are busy, I'll go back to the room first." Ringer smiled at the two of them, turned and walked towards his room. President Su and Zhan Yihan are leaving in such a hurry, maybe there are other things.

When Ren Qiyao saw Master bringing an old woman over, he immediately showed a happy expression, "Master! Senior Miao!" Senior Miao has a higher status in the martial arts world than Master, and I heard that she would acupuncture.

Miao Yanfeng nodded, took a look at the people who were still there, and stepped forward and raised his hand to touch everyone's body one by one.

Everyone immediately regained their freedom of movement.

"Thank you Senior Miao!"

Miao Yanfeng nodded slightly, looked at Ren Qiyao and asked, "Who is tapping their acupuncture points?"

"They are two mainlanders, one is Su Jinyue and the other is Zhan Yihan. They are husband and wife." Ren Qiyao shuddered at the thought of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Su Jinyue?" Miao Yanfeng narrowed his eyes.

"Senior Miao had heard of her?" Ren Qiyao asked curiously when he saw Miao Yanfeng's appearance.

Miao Yanfeng nodded, "I've heard of her, she is a pretty scary person. Do you know the hidden door?"

"You mean she's a hidden person?" Ren Qiyao and Ye Xing both opened their eyes in shock. They have naturally heard of Hidden Gate, that it is a real worldly expert. It is beyond their reach for ordinary warriors.

"Yes, Su Jinyue is the fourth young lady in the Ten Hidden Medical Valley." Miao Yanfeng points.

Head talk. The reason she knew this was because she had a friend who was a hidden person, who had told her about Su Jinyue.

With a "boom!" in Ren Qiyao's head, he was stunned on the spot like being struck by lightning. Su Jinyue turned out to be a concealed person. What did she go mad to find Su Jinyue and the others trouble.

"Is that Zhan Yihan a hidden person?" Ye Xing asked.

"I don't know this, but what is certain is that Zhan Yihan is definitely a terrifying character." Miao Yanfeng said.

Ren Qiyao recovered and made a decision in his heart. He plans to visit Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan early tomorrow morning, and apologize to them until they forgive him.

Tang Jiyao arrived at W Hotel early in the morning, but was told that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had already left, and his heart was immediately full of disappointment, "When did they leave?" He was still too slow and missed meeting them. Opportunity.

"It should have been last night. Mr. Ringer came to handle the check-out procedure." The hotel attendant said.

"Excuse me, are Ms. Su Jinyue and Mr. Zhan Yihan in the room?" Ren Qiyao's voice came from the side.

Tang Jiyao turned his head and looked, with a clear smile rising from the corner of his mouth. It seems that Ren Qiyao and his purpose are the same, but unfortunately they all went to nothing.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan received a call from Wei Yuanxing and returned to the capital. These days they played around and learned a lot of local customs.

When I came to the bamboo house, I saw Wei Yuanxing, Han Bing, Bai Tingxue and Lin Xufei all already here.

"Sister Jinyue! Big Brother Zhan!" Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan coming in, Han Bing greeted them happily. She hasn't seen sister Jin Yue and them for two months.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded to everyone, then walked to the table and sat down.

"Sister Jinyue, are you all in Xiangjiang these days?" Han Bing asked. When we separated last time, sister Jinyue told her that they were going to Xiangjiang.

"Yihan and I went shopping around, and we brought you some special products." While talking, Su Jinyue took out all the special products bought this time for several people. The delicacies from different places are very distinctive, and they selected some particularly delicious specialties and brought them back.

"What is this?" Han Bing asked, picking up a bunch of dark things.

"Uguo, you can taste it, it's delicious." Su Jinyue smiled.

Han Bing nodded and put the black fruit in his mouth. A sweet and delicious taste immediately escaped in his mouth, "Really delicious."

"I'll try it." Wei Yuanxing took Han Bing's hand, took her hand and took a bite on the black fruit she had eaten, and praised: "It's delicious!"

Two blushes immediately rose on Han Bing's face, and he lowered his head shyly. That was what she had bitten. Isn't it too ambiguous for this guy to eat what she has eaten in the public.

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