Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1078: Relieve sorrows with alcohol

Su Jinyue brought the food to the table, walked to the living room, and said to He Bing, who was chatting with Zhan Yihan in the living room: "Cousin, the food is ready, you go eat it."

"Okay." He Bing nodded, got up and walked towards the restaurant.

Seeing the sumptuous food on the table, He Bing couldn't help swallowing his saliva, "I haven't eaten such a good dish for a long time, Jinyue, thank you." Since he was cheated, he has been borrowing money and asking for money. I want to fill in that public fund. In the past, he used to go to restaurants every other day, and the waiters in those restaurants knew him. He only had to sign his name after eating, and he would check out together at the end of the month.

Since that incident, the former relatives and friends have avoided him for fear that he would ask them to borrow money. Even the waiters in the hotel stared at him, and he had to settle the money for each meal before leaving.

"Cousin, do you want a bottle of wine?" Su Jinyue asked. He Bing must be in a bad mood now, and drinking a bottle of wine can also regulate his mood.

"Okay." He Bing nodded. He wanted to get drunk and don't care about anything or anything. When he woke up, he was still the spirited distillery director.

Su Jinyue walked into the kitchen, took a bottle of liquor, walked to the dining room and handed it to He Bing.

He Bing stretched out his hand to take the white wine, poured himself a glass, took a sip from the glass, took a bite of the food and put it in his mouth, "Yihan, where did they move, uncle?" His mother told him uncle and them. The family moved away, but his mother didn't know where they moved.

"They went abroad with us, and now they have settled there." Zhan Yihan said.

He Bing nodded, "Are they in good health now? It's always unaccustomed to live in a different place when they get older."

Zhan Yihan nodded, "They are all in good health, how are aunt and uncle now?" Cousin is like this, aunt and uncle will definitely have some influence.

He Bing shook his head bitterly, looked up and drank the wine in his glass, and sighed: "Because of my business, they are all sick, and your cousin also left with the child." The departure of his wife and children was a real blow to him.

"When your matter is resolved, we will go to see the aunt and uncle with you." Zhan Yihan said. When he was a child, his aunt treated him very well. Every time their brothers went to visit his aunt's house, she always bought them snacks.

"Okay." He Bing poured himself a glass of wine again and drank it all in one go. He really wants to get drunk today.

After a few consecutive drinks, He Bing's consciousness began to become confused. He lay on the table, crying and laughing for a while, venting the depression and unhappiness in his heart during this period of time.

"I'll send my cousin back to the room first." Zhan Yihan stood up, pulled He Bing on his shoulder, and walked towards the next room.

Su Jinyue shook her head, stretched out her hand to pick up the dishes and chopsticks on the table, and saw Zhan Yihan walk in, "Shall we go now?"

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded. Those two people lied to his cousin, and he would never spare them lightly.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's sword flew in the sky, and their spiritual consciousness spread out like a vast ocean, conducting a carpet-like search. As long as the two of them were still on the earth, they would be able to find each other.

In a hotel room, two men are happily counting money.

"This method is easy to use. Who is our next target?" Gu Jinjun dipped his finger on his tongue and continued to count the money. In addition to the person who was deceived this time, they have successfully deceived five people. Those people just want to make a fortune and they will be fooled.

"We will go to Shancheng tomorrow. My friend has already found a goal there. This time the goal is to do hardware business." Zhao Dabao put the counted money aside, picked up another stack of money and counted it.

"When this business is over, let's take a break and enjoy life." Gu Jinjun said. They make money

It is to improve their quality of life.

"Then let's go to Yangcheng. I heard that the women in Yangcheng are the most beautiful. Then we will see if we can find a new goal." Zhao Dabao said with a smile. In addition to money in his entire life, women are his favorites.

"Okay!" Gu Jinjun put the last stack of money into the box. With their current wealth, even if they go abroad, there is no problem.

Zhao Dabao stood up and stretched, "I'll go around in the bathhouse, do you want to go together?" He was almost bored in the hotel today.

"Don't go anymore, you should be careful when you go out and don't talk about everything." Gu Jinjun reminded. Zhao Dabao is good at everything, but there are two things that make him very worried. One is a woman, and the other is bragging.

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