Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1082: ask for forgiveness

A group of people walked into the room and sat down on the chairs in the main room.

"Yihan, thank you so much this time. If it weren't for you, Bingbing wouldn't know what would happen." Zhan Yuying looked at Zhan Yihan gratefully. Although she doesn't understand the law, she also knows that her son has committed a lot of things this time.

"Auntie, you don't have to be so polite, this is what I should do." Zhan Yihan said. They are his relatives, and he will help if they can help.

"I know that Bingbing has committed a lot of things this time. It's really hard for you." Zhan Yuying looked at Zhan Yihan, feeling very sorry. They asked the village head, and the village head said that unless the soldiers fill up the public funds, no one can help him. That's hundreds of thousands, so who paid so much money?

"If Auntie is so polite, we will leave." Zhan Yihan said.

"Okay, aunt is not polite to you, what do you want to eat at noon? Aunt made it for you. Aunt remembered that you liked eating noodles made by aunt when you were little. Do you still like to eat it now?" Zhan Yuying smiled Asked.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded. When he was a kid, because he was the eldest, he would leave the noodles for his younger brothers and sisters when his aunt made the noodles. When the aunt knew about it, he would make another one specially for him. Life was hard at that time, and it would be nice to have enough food at home, but as long as they come, the aunt will not be stingy to make good food for them.

"Auntie will do it for you now, Jinyue, what do you like to eat?" Zhan Yuying looked at Su Jinyue.

"I can do it, aunt, let me help you cook together." Su Jinyue stood up.

"You don't need your help, you just sit down. Aunt can be alone." Zhan Yuying smiled and walked to the kitchen.

He Bing walked out with a thermos and a few ceramic cups, poured a cup of tea for each of them, and sat down beside He Dagen, "Father, has Xiu come back?"

He Dagen sighed and nodded, "I came back and took her and Qiangqiang's clothes away."

"Did she leave nothing?" He Bing asked. He knew that he was sorry for his wife and son.

"She asked us to take good care of ourselves, saying that she would not come back again, and told you not to look for her again. She also left a sum of money with your mother." He Dagen said sadly. It has been a long time since he saw his grandson, and he really missed him.

"How much money does she leave?" He Bing asked with a frown. He had always said that money was flowing water and would come again when it went, so he didn't give his wife any money at all. Now I think about how stupid I was at that time. I would rather spend my money on those so-called friends than leave it to my wife.

"Three thousand yuan." He Dagen said.

"I'll look for them later." He Bing decided. This time he will definitely not disappoint Xiu and his children again.

"Okay." He Dagen smiled and nodded. He doesn't ask for anything now, as long as the family lives in harmony.

After eating, He Bing went to Liu Lixiu's house, her family lived in a neighboring village, and there was not much way to go there.

Liu Lixiu was drying vegetables in the yard. He heard someone knock on the door and shouted to his son who was playing beside him: "Strong, go and open the door."

"Okay." Qiangqiang replied, ran over, opened the courtyard door, and saw the people outside the door, and his little face immediately showed surprise, "Dad!" He hadn't seen his father for a long time.

Liu Lixiu's body became stiff when she heard Qiangqiang's words, and she didn't realize that the vegetable in her hand fell to the ground.

He Bing hugged Qiangqiang and kissed him on the cheek, "Did you miss Dad?"

"Yes, I think about it every day." Qiangqiang nodded.

"Where is your mother?" He Bing asked.

"Mom is drying vegetables there." Qiang Qiang pointed to Liu Lixiu not far away.

He Bing looked at Liu Lixiu and walked towards her.

Liu Lixiu recovered, stood up and watched walking towards herself

He Bing, "What are you doing?"

"I'll pick you up and Qiangqiang home, show, I used to be sorry for you, I will be nice to you in the future, and I will listen to you everything."

"I won't go back with you, we are already divorced, let's go." Liu Lixiu looked at He Bing coldly, holding her hands tightly under her sleeves, not allowing herself to express her true emotions.

She still loves He Bing in her heart, but she can’t go back with him because she has promised her older brother and sister-in-law to remarry to Liu, who is the head of the village, with a big head. The three thousand dollars she gave to He Bing’s parents is Liu. The betrothal gift from the big head to her. She didn't know how to help He Bing, but she couldn't just watch He Bing fall into trouble. So she agreed to remarry and gave all her bride price to He Bing's parents, hoping to do her part.

"If you don't go back with me, I won't leave." He Bing looked at Liu Lixiu, eyes full of seriousness.

"Go away! I don't want to see you again, and I won't go back to the days of being pointed out with you." Liu Lixiu stepped forward, pushing He Bing to the door. She had already agreed to remarry and accepted the dowry, so there was no room for regret.

He Bing hugged Liu Lixiu in his arms, "Xiu, I know I am sorry for you. I will never be like this in the future. Please forgive me this time, OK?"

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