Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1100: Collect lingcao

Su Jinyue discerned the direction and ran quickly in one direction.

Two days later, a stone arch appeared in front of Su Jinyue, took out the alchemist medal, and inserted it into a groove on the stone arch, and then saw a dazzling golden glow from the stone arch.

A golden jade slip suddenly appeared and flew in front of Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue reached out and took the jade slip, swept into the divine sense, and saw that it was the elixir of the Heavenly Soul Nether Pill. The Heavenly Soul Nether Pill is a nine-level top-level pill. The materials required for refining are extremely complicated, with about 99 kinds , The main materials are divided into six types, namely, water cloud fruit, dragon heart core, red inflammation fruit, sulfur inflammation spirit saliva, Tianma jade essence, colorful moon orchid, and also need to incorporate spirit beast blood above the eighth level, and each A variety of auxiliary herbs, cold blood fruit, blood python branches, iron ginseng, red sand leaves...

While Su Jinyue was studying the pill recipe, the alchemy furnace, as well as the spirit grass and materials needed to refine the Heavenly Soul Nether Pill, had already appeared in front of her.

Su Jinyue sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and deduced the alchemy on the jade slip in her head. Although she is a ninth-level alchemy master, since the ninth-level spirit grass is extremely rare, there are not many opportunities for her to refine the ninth-level pill. To enter the ninth-level spirit medicine garden there is only one chance to refine alchemy, so she must succeed.

Opening her eyes, Su Jinyue began to put the spirit grass and materials into the alchemy furnace in order.

Divine consciousness carefully observed the situation in the alchemy furnace. She must seize this opportunity.

Carefully decompose and fuse the spirit grass and materials, and slowly discharge the impurities...

As time passed, the pill in the alchemy furnace slowly formed. Su Jinyue didn't dare to be careless, and her movements became more careful. The more the alchemy goes to the back, the easier it is to fail.

Another hour passed, and a strong fragrance of medicine overflowed from the alchemy furnace.

Su Jinyue showed joy on her face, raised her hand and patted it on the alchemy furnace, and put the medicine in the jade bottle.

Looking at the bright red Tianhun Nether Pills, Su Jinyue's face raised a bright smile. After this alchemy, her alchemy level has improved a bit.

A light flashed on the stone arch, and a small black door appeared in front of Su Jinyue.

Stepping forward and pushing the door open, Su Jinyue stepped in, and saw the endless horizon in front of him, and the mountains and plains were full of ninth-level spirit grass.

"Yihan, we sent it." Su Jinyue excitedly looked at the endless Nine-level Spirit Grass in front of her. This is the first time she has seen so many 9th-level spirit grasses. With these 9th-level spirit grasses, Feng Tianzong's future ninth-level alchemy master will definitely not be less.

Zhan Yihan came out of the small world, stood beside Su Jinyue, and looked at the medicine garden in front of her with her, "Then let's start."

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded happily.

Zhan Yihan sacrificed flying swords and flew into the sky, and sacrificed array flags that were continuously thrown out.

Su Jinyue continuously spread the flags on the ground, cooperating in tacit understanding with Zhan Yihan. They are Array Masters, so naturally they won’t be foolish to use the Array Method and pick them one by one.

There was a booming sound, and then, the whole medicine garden was uprooted and collected into Su Jinyue's golden leaf world.

Looking at the empty pharmacy garden, Su Jinyue’s face was full of satisfaction and joy, "Let’s go to the next pharmacy to see." While collecting the pharmacy, she swept it with her spiritual sense , And there is no first-level fairy grass. There is still plenty of time now, and they still have enough time to sweep the next medicine garden.

A day later, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to another ninth-level spiritual medicine garden. This medicine garden did not look much different from the previous one.

It took half a day to refine the prescriptions given by the Spirit Medicine Garden. After Su Jinyue let Zhan Yihan enter the small world, she walked into the Spirit Medicine Garden.

This medicinal garden was half smaller than the previous medicinal garden, but the level of the ninth-level spirit grass was higher than the ninth-level spirit grass that Su Jinyue had collected before.

Peace and war are as cold as the law

After concocting, the two quickly emptied the entire elixir garden.

"It seems that the first-level immortal grass should be in the next elixir garden, let's go quickly." Su Jinyue took Zhan Yihan and walked out of the elixir garden quickly. Now there are three days left, and I don't know if they will have time to collect the last elixir garden.

The last Spirit Medicine Garden was far away from the second Spirit Medicine Garden, and Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan hurriedly hurriedly spent two days.

Looking at the somewhat ruined Spirit Medicine Garden in front of him, Su Jinyue couldn't help wondering if she had gone in the wrong place.

After refining the pill according to the pill formula given by the Eurasian Medicine Garden, Su Jinyue walked into the Eurasian Medicine Garden. Seeing the situation inside, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were both stunned. They saw that the mountains and plains were withered. Nine-level spiritual grass.

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