Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1114: Like two people

Su Jinyue felt her voice a little familiar, turned her head and looked around, and saw Ge Yunxi holding the child. Ge Yunxi was a classmate of her high school. She used to work in Youyi Shopping Mall. Once she met Ge Yunxi when she went to the Youyi Shopping Mall to buy clothes. She originally planned to buy Ge Yunxi's clothes from their counter, but she didn't expect Ge Yunxi to sell her the old clothes left by the guests.

Later, because of this, Ge Yunxi was fired by the boss of their counter. Ge Yunxi wanted to trouble her. After being taught by her, he never saw it again. Once she went back to the village and met Ge Yunxi's mother. She said that Ge Yunxi was married to a clothing boss.

The current Ge Yunxi has lost the publicity of a young girl and the softness of motherhood. It is completely different from the Ge Yunxi in memory.

Ge Yunxi stunned when she saw Su Jinyue, "Are you Su Jinyue?" She looked at Su Jinyue with some uncertainty. It has been almost four years since I saw Su Jinyue, she is more beautiful than before.

"Ge Yunxi, long time no see, is this your daughter?" Su Jinyue looked at the little girl in Ge Yunxi's arms, her round face, big eyes, and she was very cute.

Ge Yunxi nodded, and said to the little girl in his arms: "Babe, call me uncle and aunt."

"Uncle! Auntie!" Beibei cried out cleverly.

"Good!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked to Ge Yunxi, took out two candies and handed them to Beibei, and looked at Ge Yunxi, "Are you living in Yangcheng now? I heard your mother say that you married one Be a costume boss." The past is gone, there is nothing to worry about.

"I'm already divorced, and now I'm alone with Beibei." Ge Yunxi said lonely. After she married Beibei's father, he treated her very well at first, but within half a year he fell in love with other women and drove her and Beibei out.

"Where do you work now?" Su Jinyue asked. It is indeed not easy for a person to bring a child.

"I sell clothes in the small commodity market. When I was with Beibei's father, I met some dealers who made clothes. Now I have opened a small shop selling clothes. How about you? Do you live in Yangcheng now?" Ge Yunxi asked. She must do her best to make Beibei live a good life.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "Yihan's younger brother is in Yangcheng."

"Then you are going back after the New Year? By the way, are you married?" Ge Yunxi looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. They really match up.

"We are already married." Su Jinyue nodded.

"It's really happy! I have to go back. You can go to the Dehe Commodity Market when you have time. My booth is 207. Beibei, say goodbye to uncles and aunts." Ge Yunxi looked at Beibei in her arms. Nothing to ask, just want to raise Beibei into adulthood and become a talent.

"Uncle! Auntie! Goodbye!" Beibei waved her little hand at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Goodbye Beibei!" Su Jinyue watched Ge Yunxi's mother and daughter leave. Time will indeed change a person, and Ge Yunxi now is completely different from before.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked for a while by the lake and walked out of the park.

As soon as I walked out of the park, I saw a group of people not far away.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were not interested in watching the lively events, and walked towards home without stopping.

"You bad guy, don't hit mother, oh oh..." Beibei's cry came from the crowd.

Su Jinyue stopped, turned her head to look, and saw a bloated bald man beating Ge Yunxi.

Ge Yunxi guarded Beibei, letting the man fight, "Please don't take Beibei, she is my life, I would die without her."

"She is my daughter, why can't I take her away, you get out of the way." While speaking, the bald man punched Ge Yunxi several times. If it weren't for his current wife to give birth, he wouldn't take the money-losing goods home.

"Please, please don't take Beibei." Ge Yunxi begged, holding the bald man.

"Fuck!" The bald man shook Ge Yunxi away and kicked toward Ge Yunxi with his foot up.

The next moment, the collar of the bald man was lifted, and before he could react, he was flung out.

Ge Yunxi raised her head, saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, bowed to them in gratitude, "Thank you!" Without their help, she really didn't know what to do. With her strength, she must be robbed. But Zhao Jing's.

"He is Beibei's father?" Su Jinyue asked.

Ge Yunxi nodded, "He wants to take Beibei away, Beibei is my life, I can't lose her."

"Uncle! Auntie! Help me and my mother, I don't want to go with him." Beibei looked at the bald man on the ground, her face full of fear. That person is definitely not her father, the father she imagined is a good person.

"Su Jinyue, please help me." Ge Yunxi begged. All she can ask for now is Su Jinyue.

"Who are you... this is my housework... it is not your turn to take care of..." The bald man hummed and stood up, glaring at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

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