Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1120: Detained

Lin Qingqiu and Lin Mu were sitting on the sofa in the living room and chatting. They didn't come back from the Zhan Family until early in the morning last night.

"Mom, I'm going to Licheng with Yilin and the others tomorrow. You'd better live with your second brother's house these days." Lin Qingqiu said. Her parents live with Li Shuangshuang, and she is always uneasy. If something like that happened to the Li family, maybe the parents will be affected by the Li family in the end.

Mother Lin nodded, "Your second brother and I have already called. We will move in tomorrow." She didn't want to live with her eldest daughter-in-law anymore. Although the Zhan family didn't say anything yesterday, they always felt sad.

"Then I can rest assured, Big Brother and Li Shuangshuang didn't come back last night?" Lin Qingqiu asked.

"No, I went to their room to see, there was no one inside." Mother Lin shook her head and said. She had knocked on their door in the morning for a lifetime, and there was no response from inside, so she went in and took a look when the door was unlocked.

Lin Qingqiu sighed helplessly, "They should be still at the police station. The eldest brother marrying Li Shuangshuang is really bad luck for eight lifetimes." When the eldest brother married Li Shuangshuang, the family strongly opposed it, but the eldest brother ate it No matter how they persuade them, it's useless.

As they were talking, they heard the door being pushed open, and Lin Shengsheng and Li Shuangshuang walked in from the outside with tired faces. They were sitting on the benches of the police station last night, and when they got down all night, they really suffered from backaches. It's just that they can't rest yet, they have to avoid them for a few days, and the people from the province come to the door.

Mother Lin frowned when she looked at the two of them, "Shuangshuang, go back and tell your parents about this. Our Lin family will never give a penny this time." This is not the first time, they The Lin family's money was not brought by the strong wind, so how could it be possible to fill the bottomless pit of the Li family again and again.

"You think I want to." Li Shuangshuang glared at Mother Lin and Lin Qingqiu, and walked upstairs. Now the father-in-law has handed over the company to Shengsheng and his brother-in-law. When it was handed over to their company, they said that in the future, they will solve their problems by themselves, and their old couple will not spend a penny.

Her father owed one hundred thousand gambling debts this time, and asked her to take out the money, it would be better to kill her.

Back in the room, Li Shuangshuang and Lin Yisheng quickly sorted some luggage and walked downstairs.

Mother Lin saw the two of them coming downstairs with their luggage and asked, "A lifetime, where are you going?"

"We are going out to live for a while, so I won't tell you more." Lin Yisheng finished speaking, and walked outside with the luggage.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the group of people from yesterday standing outside.

"Where is this going?" The headed man sneered at Lin Yisheng and Li Shuangshuang. He will not let go of the people he is staring at.

"It's useless for you to stare at us, we won't give you money." Li Shuangshuang looked at the dozen or so big men outside the door angrily, frightened and angry.

"If you don't give it, then we will stay here every day until you give it." The leading man sneered. He specializes in this business, can the opponent fight him?

"Aren't you afraid that we will call the police?" Lin Shengsheng glared at the leading man. This was the first time he encountered this situation. Before, his father-in-law also owed gambling debts, but it was not as big as this time. They were hundreds and thousands. Those who demanded debts came to the door and his parents solved it.

"Then you go report it." The man in the lead didn't care. He has an IOU signed by Li Shuangshuang's father, and it is useless even if the police arrive.

"You can keep it for as long as you like. Anyway, we won't give you money." Li Shuangshuang finished speaking and slammed the door firmly. The big deal they won't go out.

Lin Qingqiu frowned and looked at Lin Shengsheng and Li Shuangshuang. Looking at the posture of those people, they want to detain them at home, so what should she do tomorrow? She has already agreed to Yilin.

"What do you think, is it that I'm unlucky and you are very happy? I tell you, we can't get out, and you don't want to go out." Li Shuangshuang threw the luggage in his hand to the ground, walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Li Shuangshuang, you are still confident, who caused these troubles? If it weren't for your father's gambling, would they come to the door? You don’t know if our family feels guilty if you hurt us, but you still have to treat us like this. No conscience?" Lin Qingqiu couldn't bear it anymore. What kind of best did the eldest brother find.

"All your life, can't you control your wife?" Mother Lin stared at Lin Shengsheng angrily.

Lin Shengsheng glanced at Li Shuangshuang and said embarrassedly: "Mom, this is not Shuangshuang's fault, and she is not the one who owes the debt." It's not that he never thought of divorcing Li Shuangshuang, but Li Shuang held his handle in both hands, how dare he? Mention divorce.

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