Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1125: Back to the village

The car drove slowly on the country road. From time to time, you could see bicycles passing by on both sides, and occasionally a tractor passed by.

"I haven't come back for three years. The changes here are so great." Wang Meizhen sighed and looked outside. When they left, the road was still a gravel road. When it rained, let alone leave, it would be difficult to walk even in a bullock cart.

"When we come back in two years, the changes will be even greater. When we come back this way, many villages have built buildings." Zhan Dafeng looked at Shangxin Village, which was getting closer and closer, with a look of expectation on his face. I wonder if there is any change in Shangxin Village?

Sister Liu was basking at the door with a few women. There is nothing to do for the Chinese New Year. When you are full, everyone gathers together to play cards, hang out, bask in the sun, and chat.

"Wang Meizhen and his family haven't come back for three years?" Sister Li, wearing a flower padded jacket, spit out the melon seed shell, put a melon seed in her mouth, and said while chewing.

"This year is exactly three years. Speaking of the fate of Zhan Dafeng and Wang Meizhen, the three sons are so promising." Sister Liu said with envy. She also gave birth to three sons. I wonder if she can live like Wang Meizhen's life in the future.

"Otherwise, how can they go abroad to enjoy the blessing? Look at us, let alone go abroad, even Licheng has never gone out." Zhang's wife shook her head.

"This person is incomparable with other people. Otherwise, we can die of anger. As long as we are healthy and healthy, we are blessed." Sister Li shook her head and sighed.

"It hasn't been back for three years. It seems that the Zhan Family will never come back again." The wife of the Zhang family put the last melon seed in her hand into her mouth, and reached out to grab a handful of melon seed.

"I won't come back for me. If I eat well abroad and use it well, who wants to come back and live a hard life." Sister Liu snorted the melon seeds and stood up. What she regrets most is that she failed to match Su Jinyue with her cousin at the beginning, otherwise she might be the one who went abroad to enjoy the blessing. Doesn’t it depend on Su Jinyue for the Zhan Family to have today?

Sister Li saw two cars driving into the village and pointed to the car and said, "Look, whose relatives are they?"

Everyone turned their heads to look around and saw two cars slowly driving here.

"It's probably a relative of the village chief's house."

"The driver seems to be the boss of the Zhan Family."

"It seems to be true. Isn't the one sitting next to him Dr. Su? The Zhan family is back."

Su Jinyue also saw Sister Liu and her group, "Mother, it's Sister Liu and them."

When Wang Meizhen heard this, she immediately showed a happy smile on her face, "Yihan, stop the car and I will get out of the car and chat with everyone." She hasn't seen Sister Liu and others for more than three years, and she misses them a lot. .

Zhan Yihan nodded and stopped the car.

"You go back first, I'll be back after talking to you for a while." Wang Meizhen pushed the car door, got out of the car and walked towards Sister Liu's group.

"Is that Mi Jin? How did you become so young?"

"It looks a bit like."

"Sister Liu, Sister Li, wife of Zhang's family, it's been a long time, how have you been?" Wang Meizhen smiled and greeted the three of Liu's sister-in-law. When she returned to Shangxin Village, she felt a very cordial feeling.

"You really are Mi Zhen? How did you become so young? We thought we had mistaken people."

"Does Feng Shui in foreign countries really nurture people so much? Now you say that someone believes you at the age of 30."

"Aren't the living conditions good over there? Are you still going to come back this time?"

Wang Meizhen smiled and nodded, "We will come back and stay for a few days, and the relatives will go back soon after walking." She is now used to life in the Tianyue Continent, where she practices and practices every day, and walks around with the two treasures. Go shopping, life is extremely comfortable.

"Mizhen, I really envy you,

You can go abroad to see the difference, unlike we have never even gone out to Licheng. "

"No, I don't want to go abroad anymore. If I can go to the capital someday, I will be satisfied."

"This is because Mei Zhen's son is promising and has married a good daughter-in-law. I don't know if we will have that fate in the future."

Wang Meizhen smiled, "I have something to do, so I won't talk more with you." I was able to talk to them before, but now listening to them, there is always a feeling of thorns in the words. I don't know that she has changed. , Or they changed.

"Meizhen, what are you doing in such a hurry? Tell us what it's like abroad." Sister Liu grabbed Wang Meizhen's arm and pressed her on the chair.

"Yes, tell us about it." Sister Li and Zhang's wife looked at Wang Meizhen with a smile, with envy and jealousy in their eyes.

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