Gu Qiuyu and Fang Zhihong came to the Zhan Family as soon as they arrived in Shangxin Village. They were a little embarrassed to see that the Zhan Family was eating dinner. They were so happy for a while that they forgot that it was dinner time.

"Doctor Fang, Doctor Gu, sit down and eat together." Wang Meizhen greeted with a smile. She just heard Jinyue say that Doctor Fang and Doctor Gu are now together, and now they look like they really match up.

"We've already eaten. We will come and have a look when we know that Sister Si comes back. Let's eat. Let's sit aside for a while." Gu Qiuyu took Fang Zhihong to the side and sat down.

"Eat some more." Su Jinyue said. They just rushed back from Kunlun Mountain, so there is no time for dinner.

"Sister Si, we have really eaten it." Gu Qiuyu smiled. There is a lot of food in her storage ring, she will not go hungry, besides, she is now a monk in the late stage of foundation building, even if she doesn't eat it for ten and a half months, nothing will happen.

Su Jinyue smiled, "Then make your own cup of tea."

"Okay." Gu Qiuyu and Fang Zhihong nodded, and Fang Zhihong went to the side and picked up a thermos bottle and poured a glass for himself and Gu Qiuyu.

After Su Jinyue ate dinner, and Zhan Yihan brought Gu Qiuyu to the yard, moved four small horses and sat down. They are monks. Although it is icy and snowy outside, it has no effect on them at all.

"Sister Si, when are you going back this time?" Gu Qiuyu asked with a smile looking at Su Jinyue.

"I'll go back next month, why do you want to go to the Sky Moon Continent with me?" Su Jinyue smiled. How could she not know the thoughts of this little girl.

"Sister Sis is so smart! Zhihong and I are both monks now. We want to go to the Tianyue Continent." Gu Qiuyu looked forward to looking at Su Jinyue, hoping she could take them with them.

Su Jinyue looked at Fang Zhihong, "There is no problem taking you there, Zhihong, have you told your family?"

Fang Zhihong nodded, "I told my parents, I want to study abroad with you for a few years, and they agreed." He never told his parents about his cultivation, and he promised that Qiu Yu would not tell anyone, and he Also know that this matter is not trivial.

"That's good, when I go back this time, you will go back with me." Su Jinyue said. She also wanted to train Qiu Yu and Fang Zhihong. She planned to hand over the medical valley to them in the future, and the three older brothers also ran back and forth. Moreover, Fang Zhihong's parents are also on the earth, and it is convenient for him to stay in Medical Valley to take care of his parents.

She had discussed this matter with her parents and brothers before, but they had never had a good candidate. It happened that Qiu Yu and Fang Zhihong were also trustworthy people.

"Great! Thank you Fourth Sister!" Gu Qiuyu jumped up excitedly.

Fang Zhihong's face was also full of excitement and expectation.

"There is still one month left. You will deal with all the unfinished matters, and we will leave in one month." Su Jinyue said.

"Good." Gu Qiuyu nodded happily. She can finally go to the real world of comprehension to see it.

After leaving Gu Qiuyu and Fang Zhihong away, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to the room and entered the small world to practice. No matter what time you practice, you can't relax.

Su Jinyue took out the materials and began to refine the magical artifacts, and her refinement level has improved a lot these days.

Zhan Yihan watched Su Jinyue for a long time, and then took out the materials and began to refine the talisman.

In the next few days, Su Jinyue and her party followed Zhan Dafeng and Wang Meizhen to visit relatives for New Year greetings. The relatives are very enthusiastic, and they are also polite to them, but never met someone like Wu Chunjuan again.

Early on Sunday morning, Su Jinyue and her party drove to the Huguang Restaurant and arranged the dishes and the banquet.

When it was almost noon, the relatives all came to the restaurant one after another.

"Dafeng, Meizhen, congratulations. Now that the three sons are married, it will be more worry-free in the future."

"Now only Yiping is left. Are there any other people? I know a good young man. He is 25 this year and works in a public institution, and his monthly salary is 500."

"It sounds appropriate, Yiping is no longer young, and she will become an old girl if she stays."

Wang Meizhen smiled, "I can't be the master of that girl Yiping, so let's wait until she sees it." With so many young talents in Feng Tianzong, is Yiping still afraid that she can't find a suitable candidate? Even if you can't find it, because of the status of Jinyue and Yihan in Tianyue Continent, will there be fewer people who want to marry Yiping?

"Meizhen, this girl can't be used to her. When she gets older, it will be someone else's choice."

"Everyone, sit inside, the table is about to start." Zhan Yilin stepped forward to greet everyone.

"Yilin, you can take everyone in and sit down. It's good for me and your dad to come and greet you." Wang Meizhen commanded against Yilin. In the past few days, relatives have mentioned to her the most about introducing someone to Yiping, and she can't say anything but nothing. After all, everyone is kind.

When everyone saw Wang Meizhen not caring at all, they shook their heads and walked inside. When Yiping became an old girl, Meizhen would definitely regret it.

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