Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1132: Can't believe it

Looking at Su Jinyue's leaving back, Wu Chunjuan's eyes were full of horror. Su Jinyue felt a bit evil to her, especially what she just said, as if she knew what she had experienced.

"Mother, what's the matter with you?" Guo Xianglan saw Wu Chunjuan staring at Su Jinyue's direction in a daze, and pushed her with her hand.

Wu Chunjuan recovered and looked at Guo Xianglan, "Xianglan, did you hear what Su Jinyue said just now?"

"No, she didn't say anything." Guo Xianglan shook her head.

"Impossible, she must have said something, it must be that you didn't care." Wu Chunjuan said in disbelief.

Guo Xianglan turned to look at Zhan Yigu beside him, "Have you heard what Su Jinyue said?"

"No." Zhan Yigu shook his head. Seeing that the cold dish had been brought up, he reached out and put a piece of beef into his mouth. It's been a long time since he had eaten such a hearty dish. He must have a good time today.

Seeing Wu Chunjuan looking at herself, Zhan Erfeng also shook his head, "I didn't hear it either."

"Erfeng daughter-in-law, are you bad? I didn't hear it either." Auntie reached out and put a piece of chicken into her mouth, chewing contentedly, "The food in this hotel is delicious."

Wu Chunjuan shook her head, and said with a certain face: "I can't be a bad listener." She heard clearly and clearly, how could it be a bad listener?

Turning his head to look at the table where Su Jinyue was, seeing Su Jinyue just turned her head and smiled coldly at her, Wu Chunjuan's hair was suddenly horrified. There must be a problem with Su Jinyue.

"Erfeng, I'm a little uncomfortable, or let's go back first." Wu Chunjuan said scaredly. She just wanted to leave now, Su Jinyue felt very evil to her, making her cold sweat unstoppable.

"This dish has just been served, how can we leave?" Zhan Erfeng said. He was not hungry before, but he got hungry when he saw this dish.

"Yeah, mother, let's go after we have finished eating." Zhan Yigu gobbled up. Going now is a fool.

"It's too bad for us to go now," Guo Xianglan said. She took several bags with her, and planned to take back all the unfinished dishes later.

Wu Chunjuan glanced at Su Jinyue again and let out a long breath when she saw that she didn't look at herself again. She might be over-minded, but no matter whether she was over-minded or not, she didn't dare to provoke Su Jinyue anymore.

"Erfeng daughter-in-law, you will stay away from that Su Jinyue in the future, she is not easy to provoke." Seeing Wu Chunjuan looking at Su Jinyue again, the aunt reminded. She suffered a loss in Su Jinyue's hands.

Wu Chunjuan nodded. She had already realized the horror of Su Jinyue, how could she dare to provoke her again?

The dishes were served one after another, and finally the watermelon and fragrant pear.

"Is this a watermelon? How come there are watermelons in winter?"

"What kind of fruit is this? Why have you never seen it before?"

"The Dafeng family is really generous. I am afraid that no one in the whole Licheng will bring watermelons and grapes out of the wedding event."

"Don't say it's winter, I haven't seen it even in summer." Everyone talked in surprise and envy.

The host and the host enjoyed a meal.

Of course, Wu Chunjuan is an exception. She has been worried that Su Jinyue will make trouble for her.

As soon as the food was over, Wu Chunjuan took Guo Xianglan and the three of them who had carried a few bags of food and left the restaurant. She was worried that Wang Meizhen would ask her for money, but she didn't bring a penny with her. If she didn't give money to Su Jinyue, she would be finished.

Wang Meizhen stood up and clapped her hands at the people who were about to leave, "Everyone, wait a minute to leave, we still have something for everyone."

After hearing Wang Meizhen's words, everyone who had planned to leave stopped one after another and looked at Wang Meizhen curiously. They have eaten it now, and have taken the leftovers, what else can be given to them


"Everyone invites one restaurant to another, and Yihan and Jinyue will give you things at the door." Wang Meizhen saw that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had gone out and said to everyone.

"Meizhen, haven't my money been paid yet? Who are you going to give it to?" Zhan Yuying asked. When she came, she wanted to contribute money, and Meizhen said that she would wait until the wedding banquet was over.

Wang Meizhen smiled and shook her head, and said to everyone: "We invite you all to come today, in fact, we want to get together with you, so this time we won't charge any money."

Hearing that, many people smiled happily on their faces, but there were also Wang Meizhen's words that some people disagreed with.

"How can it be done? So many vegetables, wine, cigarettes, and fruits are not a small sum."

"We pay less, but we can afford you a little bit more together."

"Yes, look at the red envelopes, I'm ready, so you can accept them."

"We haven't seen a wedding party that doesn't accept gifts."

Wang Meizhen smiled and waved his hands, "Everyone listened to me, we just want to see everyone when we come back. This time we leave and we won't come back again, so this meal can be regarded as a part of our heart to all relatives."

"Are you not coming back anymore?"

Wang Meizhen nodded, "I won't come back." This time she left, she really had no worries. Compared with the earth, she now prefers the Tianyue Continent.

"Then you leave a phone call to us, so we can call you."

"Yeah, maybe we can still visit you then."

Wang Meizhen smiled and shook her head, "Everyone, go to the door and pick up the things we prepared." The Tianyue Continent is a place they won't be able to reach in their entire lives.

Seeing Wang Meizhen refused to say, everyone sighed helplessly.

When many relatives left, they secretly put the red envelopes in their place. In any case, this is their heart. They can't do things for nothing.

When I came to the door, I saw boxes of fruits piled up at the door. It seemed that the packages were peaches. Everyone was surprised again, this is really a big deal.

"Everyone has a box, come and fetch it." Zhan Yihan said to everyone.

Everyone stepped forward and took the fruits one by one from Zhan Yihan's hands.

Watching their relatives leave contentedly, Wang Meizhen and Zhan Dafeng smiled at each other. There is only so much they can help everyone.

Leaving the Huguang Restaurant, Wang Meizhen's family did not return to Shangxin Village, but headed all the way towards Yangcheng. Their wish has been fulfilled, and they should prepare wholeheartedly for the wedding of Yilin and Qingqiu.

Soon after Wu Chunjuan returned home, she heard a knock on the door outside.

She walked to the door and looked longingly through the crack of the door. When she saw that it was her sister-in-law and the third sister, she opened the gate of the courtyard, "Sanmei, are you here like this?" She was always worried that Wang Meizhen would come to them. money.

"Second sister-in-law, why did you leave before the banquet is over?" Zhan Sanmei walked into the yard, carrying four peaches in her hand. When they left, they didn't see the second elder brother's family, so they asked the eldest aunt, who said that the second elder brother's family left right after the cooking. She guessed that they definitely didn't get the peaches, so she brought four peaches over.

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