Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1143: Strict processing

The cheeky man walked into the inner market and came to a shop.

"Zhao Jiang, is there another business coming?" The shopkeeper asked Zhao Jiang with a smile.

Zhao Jiang smiled and nodded, "This time I want ice wing pill, shopkeeper Liu, we are still the old rules." You must register to buy nine-level pill, so you need the help of shopkeeper Liu, of course, the benefits are also Indispensable.

"Okay! I'll get it for you." Shopkeeper Liu turned and walked inside. The ninth-level pill is extremely precious in the entire Tianyue Continent, not to mention that the herbs it needs are hard to find, even the ninth-level alchemy master, the entire Tianyue Continent is their master. Therefore, the nine-level pill is naturally impossible to put outside casually.

The big-faced man walked into the lounge on the side, sat down in a chair and waited for the treasurer Liu. The nine-level pill is so precious, of course it is impossible to trade in the hall.

Shopkeeper Liu took a small wooden box and walked into the lounge, and handed the small wooden box to the face of Dahan Hu, "Look at it." There are only more than fifty nine-level pill in the entire inner market, which can only be sold if they are sold. Then apply to the martial arts.

Luojihu took the small wooden box and opened it, took out the jade bottle containing the nine-level ice wing pill, opened it carefully, smelling the fragrance of medicine escaping from the jade bottle, and took a greedily breath, "If someday I It would also be nice to have a nine-level pill."

Elder Liu laughed, "As far as your current cultivation base is, it is useless to ask for a level nine medicine."

"That's true." The big man Hu smiled and closed the jade bottle and put it into the small wooden box. "Elder Liu, then I will leave first. I will give you the spirit stone in two days."

"Okay." Elder Liu smiled and nodded, but then his smile froze, with a look of extreme fear on his face, looking at a man and a woman who did not know when they appeared in the lounge, "Door... .The master..." It's over!

The cold sweat on Dahan Hu's body shed uncontrollably, and his legs began to tremble constantly. How could the sect master appear here? What should I do now?

"You are so courageous." Zhan Yi looked at the two people coldly.

Shopkeeper Liu and Dahan Hu hurriedly knelt to the ground, begging, "Sect Master, please! Sect Master! Sect Master, please!" The trembling voice was filled with endless fear.

Zhan Yi snorted coldly, "Go to the Xingtang yourself and be punished." This kind of thing will never be tolerated.

"Yes..." The shopkeeper Liu and Dahan Hu replied tremblingly. In front of the two sect masters, they had no room for resistance at all. The strength of the two masters is beyond their reach.

Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue took a step and disappeared in place, as silently as when they came.

Shopkeeper Liu and Dahan Hu slumped feebly on the ground, their faces pale as paper. When they did this before, it wasn't that they didn't think about the consequences that would be discovered by the sect, but the profits were too great, so they chose to take the risk.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to the sect and immediately summoned the elders in the sect to discuss matters in the discussion hall.

"The sect master! This incident is my mistake, please punish the sect master. I will definitely review it more strictly in the future and will never let this happen again." The Fifth Elder looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan guiltily. The sect master trusted him so much, but he disappointed the sect master.

Zhan Yihan nodded slightly and looked at the Seventh Elder, "This matter must be handled strictly."

"Yes!" the Seventh Elder replied.

"Check all the shops, and all those involved in this matter will be strictly punished." Zhan Yihan ordered.

"Yes!" the fifth elder replied.

When the elders left, Su Jinyue shook her head and sighed, "It's really not easy to rectify a school." When they deal with documents these days, they often find some small problems, although it will not affect the school, but it is also Can't be ignored.

Zhan Yihan curled his lips, stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand, and gazed at her tenderly, "I will deal with these official affairs in the future." He felt distressed when she saw her worry about these trivial matters.

"I'm afraid you are tired." Su Jinyue smiled. Although it's just some trivial matters, some things are also very annoying to deal with.

Zhan Yihan smiled and rubbed Su Jinyue's hair, "I'm a man, I'm fine."

Su Jinyue raised her head to look at Zhan Yihan, "But I will feel bad." She didn't care about the school before, but now she knows that it is really not easy to manage a school.

Zhan Yihan raised his lips and smiled, watching Su Jinyue's eyes full of affection, "Little fool." How could she not let him not love her heart.

At this time, a flying sword flew into the conference hall.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand for a shot. The Legend of Flying Sword fell into his hand, opened the Legend of Flying Sword, and took a look, "In this martial art competition, our Zongmen won consecutively. Ouyang Qi, Lin Qianye, Yao Zheng, etc. All ten disciples have advanced to the top 20."

"I knew they would not let us down." Su Jinyue said happily. If Feng Tianzong can win the martial exchange meeting this time, Feng Tianzong's position in the Tianyue Continent will be further consolidated.

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, "Then let's wait for their good news."

"They will definitely win, and I have great confidence in them." Su Jinyue said in a self-confidence. Those disciples were carefully selected by her and Yi Han, and she had revised the techniques they practiced.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded in agreement.

Su Jinyue thought of Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi who had been practicing outside, "I don't know how the 2nd and 3rd brothers are now?" The 2nd and 3rd brothers went to Death Canyon, one of the ten most dangerous places. Everywhere is full of danger. Although she gave the second and third brothers two ninth-order monsters each, she still couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand and rubbed Su Jinyue's hair, softly comforting: "Don't worry, their strength is not weak." His Jinyue was really broken.

"I'm going to see Yingli and Youyou." Su Jinyue stood up.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded.

In the depths of the canyon, Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi were standing next to a swamp, and looking at them, there was a black mist everywhere.

"This should be a miasma. Let's take a detoxification pill before we go." Su Yanxi said. It has been more than a month since they came to Death Canyon. It is really dangerous here, but they have also gained a lot of benefits, and their cultivation base has been improved.

Su Yanqi nodded, took out a bottle of Detoxification Pill, opened it, poured out one, and gave another one to Su Yanxi.

"Two seniors, can you give us a few detoxification pills?" a man in Tsing Yi said. They belonged to the Tianyao Valley of the Snow Hill Country, and they also came to this Death Canyon to experience. This Death Canyon is not only one of the top ten dangers of Sun Yao Country, but also one of the top ten dangers of Snow Hill Country. Both countries have access to Death Canyon.

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