Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1146: Nine Spirit Lotus Root

Su Yanxi drove the flying magic weapon through the swamp. Su Yanqi kept throwing out the formation flag to repair the formation. The miasma in the marsh was too corrosive, and even the sixth-level formation was difficult to resist.

"The front is the deepest part of the swamp forest." Su Yanxi said. He dared not use his spiritual sense to probe along the way. The miasma here is too corrosive, and the spiritual sense will be corroded when it stretches out. Fortunately, he has a clear vision and can check the surrounding situation. But so far, no Nine Spirit Lotus Root has been found.

"The miasma here is so strong, our consciousness can't be stretched out, and there is no way to know if there is a Nine Spirit Lotus Root." Lan Feng said depressed. Although he hadn't found out his spiritual knowledge, as long as Su Yanqi kept repairing the formation, he could know how corrosive the miasma outside was.

Su Yanxi's gaze searched in the swamp. Suddenly, his gaze felt a coolness, and he knew that he had found the Nine Spirits Lotus Root. "The Nine Spirits Lotus Root is under this swamp. I will go and take a look. Yanqi, you Take control of the magic weapon."

While talking, he took out a piece of armor to wear on him, stopped flying magic weapon, jumped into the swamp.

While controlling the flying magic weapon, Su Yanqi threw out the formation flag to repair the formation, and at the same time observed Su Yanxi's situation with Tianyantong.

"Senior Brother Su Yanxi will be fine, right?" The Lan Feng trio looked at the swamp below with worry. When they first entered the swamp forest, they were almost sucked into the swamp by that powerful suction. Now they can't feel the suction, but they know that the suction must still be there, and it must be stronger than before.

Su Yanqi shook his head. He saw that Su Yanxi was slowly escaping into the depths of the swamp.

After Su Yanxi escaped into the swamp, he escaped to the coolness that he felt in his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt a dangerous breath, his figure flashed quickly, and he moved two steps to the right. Moving in the swamp is certainly not as flexible as outside, but there is no problem in moving a few steps.

A huge black shadow swiftly and quickly passed Su Yanxi's side.

Su Yanxi saw clearly that it was a seven-level three-eyed crocodile that attacked him as the dark shadow passed by. Most of these three-eyed crocodiles live in swamps, because their color is the same as the silt in the swamps, so they also play a good role in hiding, as long as they are not paying attention, they will be attacked by them.

The seven-level three-eyed crocodile was a little surprised and angry when he saw that he had not attacked the target. It has been in this swamp for tens of thousands of years. Until now, no human monk can escape from its hands.

Staring at Su Yanxi not far away with cold eyes, he quickly attacked Su Yanxi again.

Su Yanxi raised his hand to offer a long qiāng, and attacked the three-eyed crocodile rushing over.

The long qiāng pierced the body of the three-eyed crocodile with a sharp and powerful aura, but to Su Yanxi’s surprise, the long qiāng only left a very shallow mouth of blood on the body of the three-eyed crocodile. How hard is the body of the eye crocodile.

"Wow!" The three-eyed crocodile roared angrily and launched a more violent attack on Su Yanxi.

The swamp rolled constantly, as if boiled.

"Is Senior Brother Su Yanxi in danger? Should we go down and take a look?" Zhang Qiansheng asked Su Yanqi, looking at him. He seemed to hear the roar of a monster beast just now.

Su Yanqi shook his head, "You can't get out of the formation at all." With the strength of Zhang Qiansheng's three people, once this formation is out, it will definitely be corroded by the strong miasma outside, let alone enter the swamp. I really don't know where their courage came here.

"We can't just sit and wait for death." Lan Feng frowned and looked at the rolling swamp below, anxious and worried in his heart.

"At present we can only wait." Su Yanqi said quietly. Had it not been for the three of them, he would have gone down to help the second brother.

"Could it be that we can't do anything?" Yun Hanyan had a deep unwillingness in his eyes.

"Wait." Su Yanqi said. Fortunately, he can see the situation of the second brother, otherwise he will be worried to death, but if the second brother is really in danger,

He can only sorry Lan Feng and the others, the second brother is much more important than them.

Su Yanxi and the three-eyed crocodile have fought for a long time, and no one can do anything.

After thinking about it, Su Yanxi summoned a ninth-level monster that Su Jinyue had sent to protect him. The three-eyed crocodile is at level seven, and the ninth level monster beast can definitely deal with him. He didn't want to continue wasting time in this swamp, although he could use inner breathing in the swamp, but this wet and slimy feeling really made him unhappy.

The three-eyed crocodile felt a powerful force coming, and was shocked. Then it saw a ninth-level monster appearing in front of it. After recovering, the three-eyed crocodile no longer loves to fight, and quickly moved to the distance Escape. It's not stupid, the opponent's strength is several times stronger than it, unless it is impatient to live, it will fight against the opponent.

How could the ninth-level monster beast let go of the three-eyed crocodile like this, and chased the three-eyed crocodile in a flash.

Su Yanxi curled her lips and walked out toward the coolness she felt.

About a quarter of an hour, Su Yanxi stopped. At this time, in front of him, there were nine spirit lotus roots exuding a strong spiritual energy, and they carefully counted the number of nine spirit lotus roots.

He happily put the Nine Spirit Lotus Root into his storage ring, and turned to see the ninth-level monster he had just summoned, dragging the dead three-eyed crocodile towards him.

Stepping forward, he reached out and touched the head of the ninth-level monster beast, took out a pill and threw it into its mouth, "It's done well."

Putting the ninth-level monster and the dead three-eyed crocodile into the storage ring, Su Yanxi slowly swam towards the top of the swamp.

Seeing no movement in the swamp for a long time, the faces of the three Lan Feng were full of sadness.

Lan Feng looked at Su Yanqi and saw that the look on his face was still calm, "Brother Su Yanqi, is there something wrong with Senior Brother Su Yanxi? Why is there no movement at all?" Isn't he a real brother of Senior Brother Su Yanxi? Why is he not worried at all, is he so confident that Senior Brother Su Yanxi will not have an accident?

Su Yanqi retracted his gaze and looked at Lan Feng, "My second brother is okay." He has seen his second brother coming back.

The three Lan Feng showed a surprised look and looked at Su Yanqi puzzledly, "How do you know?" Is it because they are brothers that make them feel, but are they twins?

Su Yanqi curled her lips slightly, "You'll find out later."

Everyone can only nod their heads. It seems that all they can do now is to wait.

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