Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1151: She is Su Jinyue

"But our elves have rules." The old man said without giving up.

The little demon looked at the old man displeasedly, "I am the little princess of the elves, you have to listen to me." Anyway, she must let the master go with her.

The old man sighed helplessly, "Okay."

"That's right." The little demon smiled, "Didn't you say there are other clansmen? Where are they?"

The old man spread his hands, and immediately saw green ripples overflowing from his hands and spreading to the surroundings.

Wherever the green ripples pass, the vines emit green light, and then they turn into green-haired and blue-eyed elves.

The three people, Lan Feng, who were outside the Guteng Forest, opened their eyes in surprise when they saw the green light in the Guteng Forest.

"How is this going?"

"Gutujilin has disappeared, how is this possible?"

"Let's go over and take a look."

"it is good."

The Lan Feng trio stood up and quickly ran towards the Gutenglin that had turned into an open space.

Looking at the more than a hundred elves in front of him, the little demon smiled excitedly. She originally thought that there was only one elf in this world, but she did not expect to meet so many elves today.

"I have seen the little princess!" The elves saluted the little demon.

"Everyone needn't be polite." The little demon waved his hand and looked at the old man, "Elder, are you going back with me and the master first, or are you waiting for us here?" She wanted to get along with them for a while, too. Can you know more about the elves.

"We follow the little princess." The old man said without hesitation. In case this human will never come again after taking the little princess away, where should they go to find the little princess? Besides, it is their duty to protect the little princess. After finally seeing the little princess, they absolutely can't lose the little princess again.

"Master!" The little demon looked at Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, and with a wave of her hand, she gathered the little demon and the elves into the golden leaf world. She didn't worry that the elves would tell their secrets about the Golden Leaf Realm, because as long as they left the Golden Leaf Realm, they would forget everything in the Golden Leaf Realm.

The old man Guteng felt the strong aura around him before he could react. He looked around in shock, "Little princess, what is this place?" This place is so beautiful, it is not inferior to their elves, the most important thing is The aura here is the strongest he has ever seen.

"This is the master's golden leaf world." The little demon said proudly.

The old man nodded clearly. He had only heard of the small world, and he wanted to come to this golden leaf world to be the small world.

"Elder, tell me something about the Elves." The little demon said expectantly.

The old man nodded, and after some consideration, he began to say, "Our elves are on the Xicang Continent, where beautiful and rich..."

The Lan Feng trio saw Su Jinyue trio rushing over quickly, "It's great that the three seniors are fine!" They didn't know Su Jinyue's strength, but she could come here to think that her cultivation base would not be bad.

"Three seniors! What just happened here? Why are those vines gone?" Yun Hanyan asked curiously.

Su Yanqi hooked her lips, "They all left."

"Leave?" Lan Feng looked at each other. It was the first time they heard that plants would leave on their own, but Su Yanqi and the others didn't say, and they didn't ask too much.

"Second brother, third brother, do you go back now or continue to practice?" Su Jinyue asked.

"Go back now." Su Yanxi decided. Both his and Yan Qi's strengths have improved a lot during this time, and they will come out again when they have the opportunity to do so in the future. And he missed his family too.

Su Jinyue nodded, "Then let's go now." She missed Yihan too.

Offering the flying magic weapon, Su Jinyue activated the flying magic weapon and flew towards the valley mouth of Death Canyon after everyone sat on the magic weapon.

The three Yun Hanyan exchanged glances. They all treat Su Jinyue

The identity is full of curiosity. Especially when I saw that Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi were both headed by her. It stands to reason that her name is Su Yanxi and Brother Su Yanqi. She should have listened to them, but the feeling for him was reversed. Who is she?

Lan Feng arched his hand at Su Jinyue, "I don't know how to call Senior?"

"Su Jinyue." Su Jinyue said.

Upon hearing this, the three Lan Feng opened their eyes in disbelief, and looked at Su Jinyue like a monster. Is she Su Jinyue? Is Feng Tianzong's sect master? Is the only nine-level alchemy master in the entire Tianyue Continent? But how could she be so young?

"Are you really Su Jinyue?" Lan Feng asked excitedly, looking at Su Jinyue's eyes full of disbelief. He still didn't believe that she was the legendary Su Jinyue.

"Replacement like a fake." Su Jinyue said with her lips curled.

"I have seen Master Su!" Lan Feng and the three hurriedly saluted. Their hearts were full of excitement and excitement. Not only did they see Su Jinyue, they also sat in the same flying magic weapon with her. When they returned to the school, if everyone in the school knew about it, they wouldn't be envious of them.

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