Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1155: Darkness

After dinner, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan went to Xu Tiansheng and his wife again, and Su Lihe and his wife, and told them about their trip.

"You two children are always busy." Lin Suwen shook his head helplessly. Yanxi and the others had already told her about Jinyue's departure.

Su Jinyue leaned her head on Lin Suwen's shoulder and said coquettishly: "Mom, we will be back soon."

"You must pay attention to safety." Lin Suwen stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Su Jinyue's hair, looking at her eyes full of complex colors, with dismay, distress, and guilt. Since they met with Jinyue, Jinyue has been taking care of them. Without Jinyue, they would not be today, and Yigu would not be today. She has always wanted to make up for Jin Yue, but she has never been able to find a chance. Jin Yue was either cultivating or running around, almost never stopping.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

After staying with Su Lihe and his wife for a while, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan left.

The two of them walked on the mountain path, blowing the night breeze, and admiring the surrounding night scene.

Under the silvery white moonlight, the entire Feng Tianzong seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle, beautiful and mysterious.

"I haven't seen the scenery of Zongmen carefully, but now I find it is really beautiful." Su Jinyue curled her lips.

Zhan Yihan nodded and looked at Su Jinyue, "No matter how beautiful the scenery is, you are the most beautiful in my heart."

"You can speak sweet words." Su Jinyue sneered at Zhan Yihan, feeling a little sweet in her heart. She likes to hear him speak sweet words.

"This is the truth." Zhan Yihan smiled. When he was not with Jinyue, even if he was killed, he couldn't say such nasty words, but as long as he was with Jinyue, all this would become natural.

"I don't believe it." Su Jinyue made a grimace at Zhan Yihan and ran forward quickly. Of course she knew that what Yi Han said was true, and in her heart, he was also the most beautiful scenery.

"Little villain, see if I won't catch you." Zhan Yihan chased Su Jinyue with a smile.

As soon as the sky broke, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan said goodbye to everyone and set off for Death Canyon. The old man Guteng said that the teleportation array leading to the elves was there.

When Lan Moli returned to the family, he went to see the head of the family, Lan Yanjing, and explained how he met Su Jinyue and how Su Jinyue helped them.

Lan Yanjing shook his head and sighed after hearing this, "Master Su is a loving and righteous person, and it is our Lan family that I am sorry for her." If it weren't for the eldest brother's immediate interests, he would unite several sects to deal with Feng Tianzong. Based on the friendship between Mo Qi and Su Jinyue, the current relationship between the Lan family and Feng Tianzong would certainly not be the case. It's just that it's too late to say anything.

"Patriarch! Master Su is willing to help our Lan family this time, which means that she is still thinking about her old relationship with her cousin. We should take this to thank Master Su, and perhaps have a chance to reconcile with Feng Tianzong." Lan Moli proposed.

Lan Yanjing nodded in agreement.

"I don't agree!" Lan Yanjue's cold voice came from the door. He came over when he heard the news of Mo Li's return. In his heart, he has always been unconvinced with the Patriarch Lan Yanjing. If he hadn't been inferior to the Patriarch of the Lan Family, he is now the Patriarch of the Lan Family.

"Why don't you agree? I think what Mo Li said makes sense." Lan Yanjing looked at Lan Yanjue. The reason why he was elected as the head of the family at the beginning was because the family felt that Lan Yanjue was too eager for quick success, and his personality was somewhat paranoid. Patriarch must have a cool head, and consider everything over and over, rather than relying on your own preferences.

Just like when Lan Yanjue decided to take a shot against Su Jinyue, he knew the relationship between Lan Moqi and Su Jinyue, and he was desperate to deal with Su Jinyue. In the end, a large number of disciples who lost the Lan family did not say anything, they forced Lan Moqi to run away, pushing the Lan family to the opposite of Feng Tianzong.

"Our Lan family is a big family, how can we do something to please others? Anyway, I don't agree." Lan Yanjue said. How about Feng Tianzong? Their Lan family will surpass Feng Tianzong one day.

"This matter me

It's already decided, you don't need to say more. Lan Yanjing said solemnly. This time he will never indulge Lan Yanjue anymore. He must seize this opportunity to reconcile with Feng Tianzong. Only by doing that will Mo Qi come back.

"You!" Lan Yanjue was trembling with anger and pointed at Lan Yanjing.

Lan Yanjing raised his hand and patted the table, looking at Lan Yanjue with a cold look, "Don't forget that I am the owner of the house."

Lan Yanjue gritted his teeth angrily and walked away.

Lan Yanjing retracted his gaze and sighed in his heart. When will the eldest brother understand where he is wrong.

"Patriarch!" Lan Moli didn't know what to say. On one side is the owner of the family, on the other is his father.

"Mo Li, you don't need to worry about this, I'll take care of it." Lan Yanjing said. He didn't want Mo Li to be caught in the middle.

"Yes." Lan Mo replied. I am very grateful to Lan Yanjing. Of course he understands that it is for his good that his uncle will not let him in.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to Death Canyon, and there was still silence in the Canyon.

According to the direction the old man Guteng said, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan drove the spacecraft all the way to the front.

Along the way, you will occasionally see one or two monks practicing in the canyon.

Seeing Su Jinyue and their spacecraft passing by, the cultivating monk showed an expression of worship. It was the first time they saw anyone dared to fly in Death Canyon.

The spacecraft passed the area where Gutenglin was originally located, and continued to drive inside.

One day later, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to a dark gorge, where the mountains, waters, rocks, trees...all have only one color, that is, black.

"It's so strange here, why is it all black?" Su Jinyue looked around.

The old man Guteng and the little demon came out of the gold leaf world. The old man Guteng said: "This is the deepest Heifeng Ridge in Death Canyon. There is a kind of darkness here. Once you enter the area of ​​Heifengling, your whole body will become pitch black. "When he passed the Black Wind Ridge, he was also infected by the dark air, and it took a hundred years to repair the dark air.

"You first enter the small world, I will try to use the formation to resist the darkness." Zhan Yihan said.

"Okay." Su Jinyue replied, and led the little demon and old man Guteng into the small world.

Zhan Yihan launched a defensive formation and stepped into the Black Wind Ridge. As soon as he stepped into it, he was immediately surrounded by a gust of darkness outside the formation, and the surrounding became pitch black. That pitch black is different from the night, but a pure black with no light at all.

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