Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1158: Elf King

The light gradually faded, and a woman with a white dress, green hair and blue eyes, exuding noble temperament, slowly walked towards the crowd.

"Guteng has seen the Elf King!" Elder Guteng stepped forward to salute excitedly.

The elf king nodded slightly, looked at the little demon not far away with a gentle gaze, spread his hands, "My child, come to my mother."

With a bright smile on the little demon's delicate face, she quickly ran towards the Elf King, "Mom!" From then on, she was also a child with a mother.

The Elf King held the little demon in his arms and stared at her tenderly, "My child, you have suffered." It must have suffered a lot from being outside for so many years. If the Elf Kingdom hadn't been attacked by the wolf clan in the first place, there would be no She must be sealed to keep the Elf Country. She should be a little princess respected by everyone in the Elf Country, growing up next to her, rather than leaving her hometown.

"It's not bitter, mother, I'm really not bitter." The little demon smiled and shook his head, but tears in his eyes flowed down uncontrollably.

"Son, don't cry." The Elf King distressedly helped the little demon wipe away his tears, but he didn't find that his tears were also flowing continuously.

The little demon reached out to help the Elf King wipe away the tears, "Mom, this time it is my master and the male master who came back with me. They are amazing. The wolf clan who just ambushed here was defeated by them."

"Master?" The Elf King turned his head to look at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan on the side. Her child actually recognized a human as the master.

The little demon nodded, "She is my master Su Jinyue, and her master Zhan Yihan. The reason why I can come back here and know my identity is because of the master's relationship." If the master is not looking for her When her brothers went to Death Canyon, she would not meet Elder Guteng, let alone return to the elves.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded at the Elf King with a smile. They were very happy to see the little demon reunited with his family.

"Thank you!" The Elf King thanked. Although in her heart she didn't want her daughter to be the spiritual pet of mankind, but as long as the daughter was still alive.

"You're welcome!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan shook their heads.

"Mom, with the master and them here, our elven country will definitely return to its previous appearance." The little demon said confidently.

"We will try our best." Su Jinyue said. The Little Demon's business is hers, and she will definitely do her best.

"Thank you! Let's go in and chat." The Elf King took the little demon's hand and made an invitation to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

The group walked into the hall and sat down on the chairs in the hall.

The elf king looked at Elder Guteng, "Elder, tell me about the experience of these years." She wanted to know how the little demon became Su Jinyue's spiritual pet.

Elder Guteng recalled, "I took the clansmen and the little princess and left the elves and went to another interface. I wanted to take the little princess to find a place with strong spiritual energy to practice, but I didn’t expect to meet a powerful monk halfway through. , He snatched the little princess. I searched for the little princess for hundreds of years, but to no avail, I could only take the people to the place where we were teleported out at the beginning, where it turned into an ancient vine forest, I hope that one day the little princess can come and find We." After waiting for thousands of years, he finally waited. The little princess really came.

The elf king nodded and looked at Su Jinyue, "Could you ask how you contracted with the little demon?" She wanted to know how the monk who took the little demon had something to do with Su Jinyue.

"The little demon is in the bracelet handed down from my family, my blood flows into the bracelet, and the little demon is contracted." Su Jinyue said truthfully.

"Mom, the monk who took me was not the master's family, but the master's family who saved me. In order to repay him, I took the initiative to ask to be the spirit in the bracelet." The little demon said. She has forgotten a lot of things, but she hasn't forgotten how to become a spirit.

The elf king nodded, looked at Su Jinyue and asked, "You send the little demon back this time, will you take her away?" She hopes that Su Jinyue can keep the little demon, the little demon belongs to their elf clan Little princess, she doesn't want her to be left outside, of course she will also repay Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue looked at the little demon and smiled, "I respect the little demon.

Demon's choice. "Although he is very unwilling to give up, the little demon can be happy if there is no end to the feast.

The little demon looked at the Elf King, then at Su Jinyue, silently lowered her head. She really didn't know how to choose.

Su Jinyue stretched out her hand and moved the elves out of the golden leaf world.

The elves looked around in confusion and found that they had returned to the elves and danced happily. When they saw the Elf King sitting in the first place, they were even more excited and hurriedly saluted: "See the Elf King!" Great, not only did they return to the Elf clan, but the Elf King also came out of the seal.

Compared with the excitement of the elves, the wolf tribe is a solemn one.

The Wolf King sat in the first place, looking at the giant black wolf transformed into a human form, "Those two humans were invited by the elves? Haven’t the elves been sealed for thousands of years? Who on earth was the two humans invited? ?"

"The subordinate did not see the elves beside them." The giant black wolf shook his head.

The Wolf King frowned, "So those two humans came by themselves? How did they get through the Suotu River?" So far, no monk can get through the Suotu River and come here.

"Subordinates don't know!" said the giant black wolf.

"Report!" A report came from outside.

"Come in!" The Wolf King said solemnly.

The guard walked into the hall and reported respectfully: "Wolf King, just received the news that the seal of the elves has been released."

"What?!" The wolf king stood up from his chair with a gloomy face, and looked at the wolves present, "Go and prepare, go with this king to meet our old adversary." The last time was because the elf king sealed it in time. , Let him lose the opportunity to invade the elves, this time the elves will definitely not be so lucky. As for the two humans, no matter what their origins, he will let them come back and forth.

"Yes!" All the wolves replied in unison.

The Elf King looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, with a hint of worry on his face, "Our Elves come out of the seal this time, and the Wolfs will definitely attack when they get news. Do you have any good suggestions? "She knew that they were powerful, but she didn't believe that the power of the two of them alone could resist the entire wolf clan.

"We plan to set up a formation first." Su Jinyue said. They still don't know the strength of the wolf clan, and they can arrange a formation just in case.

"Is there anything I need to prepare?" the elf king asked. She didn't know the level of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's formations. If she couldn't resist the wolf tribe, she could only use up her spiritual power to seal the elves again. This time sealing, she will consume her life, but no matter how she can not let her tribe become slaves of the wolf tribe.

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