Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1163: Xianjing

Su Jinyue thought for a while, "Why don't you ask Yiping tomorrow and see what she wants to say." If they are good at making opinions, Yiping will definitely be angry, and then it will be thankless.

"Also." Qin Xiaoyun and Lin Qingqiu nodded in response.

"By the way, Sister-in-law, that Lan Mo Mountain wants to see you." Qin Xiaoyun said, thinking of the previous bazaar.

"I see." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Big Brother, Sister-in-law, then we will go back first." Qin Xiaoyun and Lin Qingqiu finished talking, and walked towards the yard where they lived. After shopping for a day, they are also a little tired.

Su Jinyue smiled and looked at Zhan Yihan, "That Lan Mo Mountain is quite persistent."

"The Lan family may have come to show us good this time, what are you going to do?" Zhan Yihan said with a curled lips.

"Then it depends on the sincerity of the Lan family." Su Jinyue smiled badly, and talked with Zhan Yihan and walked towards the yard where she lived.

Early in the morning, Lan Mo Mountain brought the Lan family to Feng Tianzong, and offered his greetings.

He looked out the door a little nervously and expectantly, waiting for the disciple who was going to report to come back.

"Four brother, do you think that Sect Master Su will meet us?" asked Lan Moxing, who came with Lan Mo Mountain.

Lan Moshan shook his head, "I don't know, I can only hope." If Lord Su was really not in Feng Tianzong a few times before, and he just came back now, then he should meet them.

Seeing the disciples who had been briefed came back, everyone in Lan Moshan was a little nervous, "Does Sumen mainly see us?" They were really worried. This time it was the same as the previous few times.

"The master is waiting for you in the meeting room. Come with me." The disciple led the way.

Lan Moshan quickly followed, with happily smiles on their faces. They waited so long, and finally they could see Lord Sumen. Sure enough, the emperor paid off.

Following the disciples to the meeting room, seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan sitting in the first place, Lan Moshan and his party hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "I have seen Master Zhan! Master Su!"

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded slightly, "Sit down!"

"Thank you Zhanmen Master! Sumen Master!" Lan Moshan and his group walked aside nervously, and sat down on their chairs. It's not that they haven't seen a big person, but this time they are extremely nervous. Because they came with a mission, once the mission fails, there will be no chance to have a good relationship with Feng Tianzong in the future.

"Tell me the reason why you want to see me." Su Jinyue said straightforwardly.

Lan Moshan stood up and bowed to Su Jinyue, "Master Su! My father sent me to come here to apologize to you. Back in Moyue City, our Lan family was inspired by others. I’m sorry about you, I’m really sorry! I hope you can forgive us. The second is to thank you, thank you for helping Mo Li before. Also, I hope that Lord Su can abandon the past and accept the sincerity of our Lan family. ."

While talking, Lan Moshan took out a wooden box, walked forward, and handed it to Su Jinyue, "This is the sincerity of our Lan family, and I hope Master Su can accept it."

Su Jinyue glanced at the wooden box, and the corner of her mouth was drawn with satisfaction. "Me and Lan Moqi are friends, and his family is naturally my friends. Go back and tell Patriarch Lan that I have his heart. "While speaking, she unceremoniously raised her hand and put the wooden box away.

Lan Moshan smiled with surprise, "Thank you Sect Master Su!" Sect Master Su is indeed a nostalgic person, no wonder his brother left home for her. There was an array restriction outside the wooden box, and he could be sure that Lord Su had agreed to the Lan family's good this time not because of the contents of the wooden box.

When Lan Moshan and his party left, Su Jinyue raised her hand to arrange a formation and took out the wooden box. "There are two fairy crystals in this wooden box." Fairy crystals are extremely rare in the Tianyue Continent. I don't know where the Lan family got it. If it was something else, she could still refuse it, but Xianjing, she would only refuse if she was stupid.

Open the wooden box, take out the two fairy crystals inside, and hand one of the fairy crystals to Zhan Yihan, "We each have one." She heard that during the ascension, if there is the assistance of the fairy crystal, the ascension will also Meeting

Do more with half the effort.

Zhan Yihan took the fairy crystal and held it in his hand and felt it, "Sure enough, it is not comparable to Lingshi." Now he and Jinyue can only wait for Su Yanxi and their strength to increase, and they can wholeheartedly attack higher. The level is ready for ascension.

Su Jinyue put the fairy crystal back into the wooden box and put it into the golden leaf world. If there is a chance in the future, she must ask Lan Yanjing where he got the two fairy crystals.

After hearing Qin Xiaoyun’s words, Zhan Yiping shook her head, “Second sister-in-law, third sister-in-law, don’t worry about my affairs, I don’t want to find a Taoist couple yet.” She doesn’t know why, she has inexplicable resistance to finding a Taoist couple .

"Why? Don't you want someone to be by your side at any time in the future, take care of you, and care about you?" Lin Qingqiu asked.

Zhan Yiping shook his head, "Let's go with the flow."

Qin Xiaoyun and Lin Qingqiu looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. Since Yiping was unwilling, they had nothing to do.

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