Lan Yanjue looked at the elders present, "Is there no news from the third elders?" It has been almost half a month, and it is reasonable to say that news should come back.

"According to the previous news, Feng Tianzong refused to let people go, and there will be no more news after that." said the fifth elder.

"Could the third elder have something wrong?" the fourth elder guessed.

"I think there is a greater chance of betrayal. The third elder was originally from Lan Yanjing." The seventh elder snorted coldly.

Lan Yanjue raised his hand, motioned everyone to be quiet, and said: "Fifth elder, you can contact the third elder again to see what's going on. Seventh elder, you send someone to stare at the people on the third elder, and come immediately when there is a turmoil. Report." He really didn't trust the Third Elder.

"Yes!" everyone replied, getting up and preparing to follow Lan Yanjue's instructions.

At this moment, there was a mess of footsteps outside, "The Patriarch is not good! The former Patriarch came in with someone."

"What?!" Everyone was shocked at the same time.

"How many people are they here?" Lan Yanjue asked in a deep voice. He underestimated Lan Yanjing, but he didn't expect him to come to Lan's house.

"More than a hundred people," said the disciple who came to report.

Lan Yanjue laughed loudly when he heard the words, "More than a hundred people dare to come to my Lan's house to go wild, we will meet them when we go out." He thought he looked at Lan Yanjing high, but he didn't expect him to be so stupid, don't say anything There are more than 100 people, even more than 500 people, wanting to shake the Lan family is a foolish dream. The Lan family is not an ordinary small family.

Lan Yanjing stood on the square outside the chamber and watched Lan Yanjue walk out with the elders. He narrowed his eyes, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, "Big Brother, don't come here without any problems."

"Thanks to you, it's very good." Lan Yanjue glanced at the group of people behind Lan Yanjing, "Do you think that with these mobs, you can take the Lan family back? It's a foolish dream."

"Is it idiotic to talk about dreams? Big brother will know soon." Lan Yanjing looked at Lan Yanjue mockingly. Although he only brought more than a hundred people this time, more than a hundred people are Feng Tianzong's elite disciples, and among them are Feng Tianzong's elder Gu Jintian. His strength alone can kill this side. everyone.

"Then I'll wait." Lan Yanjue said indifferently.

"Sect Master, the disciples have been assembled." Elder Ninth hurried over with a bunch of disciples from the Lan family.

Lan Yanjue glanced at the thousands of disciples brought by the Ninth Elder, then smiled and looked at Lan Yanjing, "How long have you not been the head of the house? You have forgotten how many disciples the family has."

Lan Yanjing smiled coldly and looked at the disciples present, "Dear disciples of the Lan family! I am not here to deal with you this time. I am here to give you a chance to choose. Those who are willing to continue to support me, please stand. On the right, otherwise it’s Lan Yanjing’s enemy. Once I do it, I will never show mercy!"

The disciples looked at each other, not knowing how to choose.

For a long time, a disciple walked quietly to the right, followed by the second disciple, the third disciple, and the disciples kept walking to the right.

Upon seeing this, Lan Yanjue was so angry that he had a lot of smoke. Unexpectedly, there are still so many disciples who are willing to support Lan Yanjue, but he underestimates Lan Yanjing.

Seeing that one third of the disciples were willing to stand on his side, Lan Yanjing nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the remaining disciples, "There is still ten breaths left."

The remaining disciples hesitated, looked at Lan Yanjue, and then at Lan Yanjing.

Lan Yanjue snorted coldly, "Choosing Lan Yanjing is tantamount to betraying the family. You have to think clearly."

Several disciples who were about to go to the right stopped immediately. The Lan family is their family, and there are their relatives here. If they are convicted of family crimes, their relatives will also be implicated.

"There are still three breaths." Lan Yanjing said quietly.

Perhaps Lan Yanjue's words just took effect, and the remaining disciples no longer hesitated, just staring at Lan Yanjue and waiting for his order.

"The disciples of the Lan family follow the order. From now on, for every traitor killed, you can get ten spiritual stones as rewards. If you can catch Lan alive,

Yan Jing can obtain 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. Lan Yanjue waved at the remaining disciples.

The remaining disciples shouted immediately and rushed to Lan Yanjing's group.

Although the disciple standing on the right had regretted a little in their hearts, they had already made a choice and had no choice but to bite the bullet and greet the disciple who rushed up.

Lan Yanjing looked at Gu Jintian and said, "Senior Gu, trouble!" Gu Jintian was his greatest combat power.

Gu Jintian nodded and waved his hand, offering dozens of array flags. He had already set up the formation here before unconsciously, now he only needs to activate the formation.

As the formation flag fell, I saw the disciples who rushed up trapped in the formation, and wailing and screaming sounded continuously.

Lan Yanjing slowly closed his eyes, he really didn't want to see such a picture.

Lan Yanjue and several elders watched this scene blankly. How could this be?

"Lan Yanjing, these are Feng Tianzong people?" Lan Yanjue looked at Lan Yanjing angrily and unwillingly. He didn't expect that Feng Tianzong would send someone to help Lan Yanjing. Lan Yanjing had nothing now, and he really didn't understand why Feng Tianzong would make a deal that would not benefit them at all.

"Now that it is too late, Lan Yanjue, let's end it today." Lan Yanjing smiled and looked at Lan Yanjue, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. Anyway, Lan Yanjue is his eldest brother, he really doesn't want to go to the end of death.

"Lan Yanjing, if you have the ability, you can have a face-to-face battle with me. It's nothing to find someone to help." Lan Yanjue shouted unwillingly. He had a thousand fortunes, but he didn't know that Su Jinyue would actually help Lan Yanjing.

"Okay!" Lan Yanjing offered the magic weapon and said to Gu Jintian: "Senior Gu! Let's temporarily withdraw the formation first."

Gu Jintian nodded, raised his hand and waved, the formation immediately disappeared. Su Jinyue asked him to fully cooperate with Lan Yanjing.

The disciple of the Lan family in the formation suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was full of regret. Judging from the current form, it is obvious that the former owner is slightly better. It is a pity that they are on the wrong side.

Lan Yanjing took a step, offering a magic weapon and looking at Lan Yanjue, "Come on!"

Lan Yanjue also raised his hand to sacrifice the magic weapon. He rushed towards Lan Yanjing with a loud shout. Just when he was about to rush to Lan Yanjing, he suddenly turned sharply and quickly flew out with a flying sword. As long as there is life, there will be a chance for a comeback in the future.

Everyone didn't expect that Lan Yanjue would escape temporarily, and he didn't react for a while.

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