Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1169: Lingshui City

Lin Suwen turned to look at Qu Yingli and Qin Youyou, "Yingli, Youyou, did Yanxi and Yanqi contact you?"

Qu Yingli nodded, "Yanxi said it went well this time and will be back soon." Although Yanxi is outside, she will inevitably be worried, but she knows that Yanxi's efforts to become stronger are not to hinder Jin Yue and The battle is also cold.

"That's what Yan Qi said." Qin Youyou said.

Lin Suwen nodded in relief. Whether it was Yanxi and Yanqi going out to practice, or Jinyue and Yihan going out to practice, she would be worried. They are all her children. What she hopes is not how strong they can be, and that they can go and return safely.

"Mom, don't worry, the place where the second and third brothers went to experience this time is not dangerous, and there is still a ninth-level monster on them." Su Jinyue said. She can understand her mother's feelings. This is the reason why she is so worried about her mother.

Lin Suwen smiled and nodded, "Everyone, let's eat, this meal is almost cold."

Everyone smiled and nodded, and reached out and picked up the chopsticks.

Bai Lina clamped a piece of ribs and put it in her mouth. After thinking about it, she swallowed the ribs in her mouth and looked at Su Jinyue and asked, "Jinyue, when are you free?"

"Huh?" Su Jinyue turned to look at Bai Lina.

"I haven't gone out to practice yet, can you accompany me out to practice once?" Bai Lina looked at Su Jinyue expectantly. Originally, she wanted Yanyue to accompany her, but Yanyue still needs to be familiar with the situation here and help deal with sect affairs. There must be no time to accompany her in the near future.

"I can't be the master of this, I have to agree with my eldest brother." Su Jinyue looked at Su Yanyue.

Su Yanyue smiled and nodded, "It's okay to get some experience." When Yanxi and Yanqi came back, he wanted to go outside for a while. Although Feng Tianzong is an extremely suitable place for cultivation, cultivation does not only require spiritual energy. If you want to become stronger, you must look for opportunities. Just like the younger sister and Yihan, if they didn't practice and take risks again and again, they would never have achieved what they are today.

When Bai Lina heard the words, she almost didn't hug Su Yanyue and kiss her happily, "Yanyue, you are so kind!" She knew that Yanyue loved her the most.

"You can go out, but you have to listen to the younger sister. You can't make opinions, know?" Su Yanyue said with a smile. In his eyes, Nana is a child who is not growing up.

Bai Lina nodded vigorously and took Su Jinyue's arm, "I promise to listen to Jinyue, she told me to go east and I will never go west."

After hearing the words, everyone couldn't help but laugh, and the whole hall was filled with a happy atmosphere.

After dinner and Zhan Yihan, Su Yanyue and Su Lihe went to the main peak to deal with official affairs.

Su Jinyue, Bai Lina, Qu Yingli, Qin Youyou, and Lin Suwen accompanied the children, talking and laughing together.

Unknowingly the sky darkened, Su Jinyue saw Zhan Yihan coming, stood up and said to Bai Lina, "I will pick you up at seven tomorrow morning."

"Good." Bai Lina answered happily.

Under the moonlight, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked arm in arm on the mountain path, the night wind blew their hair, and when they were not paying attention, they gently entwined their hair. .

"I received the news today that the Lan family's affairs have been resolved." Zhan Yihan said.

"Lan Yanjue is dead?" Su Jinyue smiled and looked at Zhan Yihan. With the ancient elders coming out, the Lan family's affairs are only minor issues. Elder Gu is already the peak cultivation base in the later stage of the Tribulation, I believe it will not take long for him to ascend.

Zhan Yihan nodded, "Lan Yanjing is decisive in killing and cutting the Lan family this time. In order to express his gratitude to Feng Tianzong, he also gave us the remaining four immortal crystals." I received a communication from Lan Yanjing this afternoon.

Su Jinyue raised her eyebrows, "Then we don't have any help for nothing this time." Lan Yanjing is much more generous than she thought. Not everyone wants to take out the six immortal crystals.

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, "When Big Brother gets familiar, let's go there and have a look."

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

Zhan Yihan took Su Jinyue into his arms and stretched out his hand to rub her hair, "I can't accompany you these days. I want to take my eldest brother to familiarize myself with sect affairs."

"It's okay, I just want to accompany Nana and the others out." Su Jinyue shook her head.

Zhan Yihan lowered his head and kissed Su Jinyue's forehead, picked her up and jumped towards Lei Xiufeng where they lived.

Early the next morning, Su Jinyue took Bai Lina and the three people on the spacecraft to Lingshui City.

Lingshui City is built on the water and is a very beautiful city. Walking on the streets facing the lake, you can see boats swimming on the shimmering lake. If you listen carefully, you can hear the beautiful sounds of silk and bamboo.

"Let's also rent a boat to cruise the lake." Bai Lina suggested. When she was in Beijing, she most liked to go boating and fishing with her brother and brother Xing.

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