Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1171: Second-generation ancestor

Ling Tianyang smiled evilly, "It's okay, don't you become interested in chatting!" In his opinion, women like duplicity, saying that they are not interested, but their thoughts are just the opposite.

Bai Lina glared at Ling Tianyang fiercely, and shouted at the boatman: "Go!" This nasty ghost didn't even have any interest in fishing.

The boatman looked at Ling Tianyang hesitantly. Everyone in Lingshui City knows that Ling Tianyang is a hegemon of Lingshui City. If he sails now, then he won't stay in Lingshui City anymore after today, maybe he will catch his life.

Seeing the boatman's acquaintance, Ling Tianyang smiled triumphantly, "You should go to my boat, accompany me to drink, listen to the small song, and take a swim in Lingshui Lake."

"What if we don't go?" Su Jinyue asked. What she hates most is this second generation ancestor.

"That's not for you. In this Lingshui City, I only have the power to say'no'. Besides, this young man is handsome and handsome. It is your blessing to be able to swim with me." Ling Tianyang fanned narcissistically. Said.

"Fool!" Bai Lina snorted coldly.

"Who are you stupid? You don't want to stay in Lingshui City anymore, do you?" Ling Tianyang glared at Bai Lina. In this Lingshui City, no one dared to insult him so much.

"Whoever should be, let's go, don't be infected by this fool." Bai Lina looked at Su Jinyue and said. I was in a good mood, but now I was ruined by this fool.

"None of you want to leave today, just surround them for me." Ling Tianyang ordered to the men behind him. When he takes them back, let them know who is the master here.

Su Jinyue raised her hand and waved, and several of the men who rushed up fell into the lake like dumplings. She swept to Ling Tianyang with cold eyes and said quietly, "Do you think you are the son of the city lord? Dare to treat you?"

" you dare to do something to my people? You wait for me." While speaking, Ling Tianyang gave out a talisman and crumpled it forcefully. When his rescuer arrives, let's see how they are.

Su Jinyue did not stop Ling Tianyang from offering Fulu. She wanted to see what the other party would call.

"Idiot!" Bai Lina, Qu Yingli and Qin Youyou gloated at Ling Tianyang. When he knows who he has offended, he doesn't know if he will be so arrogant. They are looking forward to seeing the results.

Seeing that Su Jinyue's four people didn't look scared, but were a little gloating, Ling Tianyang felt a little uncertain. Is there any tough backing for these women?

Thinking that there will be a good show to watch soon, Bai Lina, Qu Yingli and Qin Youyou are in a very good mood. They walked into the cabin and moved out the small table inside, sat on the deck and drank tea, watching leisurely. Looking at the lake view.

Seeing the appearance of the four of them, Ling Tianyang's heart became more and more bottomless.

At this time, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and then I saw an old man with two guards, sitting in a small spacecraft, falling from the sky.

"Young City Lord! What happened?" the old man asked.

"Elder Tang, these women were unreasonable to me and beat my guards. You will catch them back." Ling Tianyang ordered the old man.

Elder Tang heard this and looked at Su Jinyue and the four of them. When he saw Su Jinyue, he was shocked, "Are you Su Sect Master?" He hoped that he had confessed to the wrong person.

"I am." Su Jinyue nodded slightly.

"I have seen Master Su!" Elder Tang hurriedly saluted Su Jinyue.

Seeing Elder Tang's attitude, Ling Tianyang's heart sank, "Elder Tang, who is she?" The person who can make Elder Tang so respectful is certainly not a small person.

"Feng Tianzong's Su Sect Master." Elder Tang said. He only hoped that Young City Lord did not offend Lord Sumen to death, otherwise their City Lord Mansion would suffer.

Ling Tianyang's legs softened, and she looked at Su Jinyue tremblingly, "Su...Master Su...just now I was joking with you...please raise your precious hand...don't be with me. Little people care about..." Although he has never seen Su Jinyue, he is very familiar with her deeds.

Not to mention his little Young City Lord, even his father, can only admit counsel in front of her.

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