Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1173: Baxiang Restaurant

"I want to taste how good the animal meat here is, and we will also open a restaurant like this in our Fengtianzong market at that time." Qin Youyou smiled. She usually does not have much to do except for practicing cultivation and raising children, and opening a restaurant can also keep herself busy.

"I happen to have this idea, or let's drive together." Qu Yingli said. She originally planned to open a Baiweiju just like on earth.

"Okay." Qin Youyou nodded with a smile.

"That's my share too." Bai Lina said.

"Okay, then let's discuss it." Qin You You said his thoughts. She also wants to hear everyone's opinions.

When Ling Nanjun heard the report from Elder Tang, he looked at Ling Tianyang angrily, "From today, you will keep me in confinement for a full month." Who is Su Jinyue, can he offend casually?

"Yes." Ling Tianyang replied feebly. In fact, he still has some lingering fears.

"What are you doing here? Go back to my room." Ling Nanjun shouted.

Ling Tianyang dared to talk a lot, and quickly turned and walked out of the hall.

Ling Nanjun shook his head and sighed, and looked at Elder Tang, "Are the Master Su and the others still in Lingshui City?" Although Su Jinyue didn't care, he had to express his sincerity.

"They went to Baxiang Restaurant." Elder Tang nodded. This Lingshui city is full of the eyes of their City Lord's Mansion, and it is not difficult to know where Su Jinyue and the others are going.

Ling Nanjun nodded, "Do you think I want to meet Master Su?"

"I think it's better to meet. The Young City Lord has just offended the Lord Su Sect, and the City Lord can express his sincerity by going personally." Elder Tang said.

Ling Nanjun nodded in agreement, "Go and prepare."

When Su Jinyue walked out of the Baxiang restaurant, they saw a luxurious carriage parked at the entrance of the restaurant.

Seeing Su Jinyue's four coming out, Ling Nanjun, who was waiting for the four in the carriage, quickly got off the carriage. He was going to see Su Jinyue at the restaurant, thinking that that might cause Su Jinyue's dissatisfaction, so he waited for Su Jinyue to come out.

Seeing Ling Nanjun approaching, Su Jinyue immediately understood his thoughts, and transmitted to Ling Nanjun, "Lord Ling, please stay! I don't want others to know who I am."

Ling Nanjun hurriedly stopped and said: "Master Su! I have been offended by the child just now, please forgive me, Master Su!"

Su Jinyue shook her head, "It's just a small matter, I won't take it to heart, please come back, Master Ling."

"Thank you Su Sect Master! I specially prepared a gift for Su Sect Master, and I also asked Su Sect Master to accept it." Ling Nanjun said through a voice transmission. If you can use this to build a good relationship with Su Jinyue, it will definitely benefit him a lot.

"I accept City Master Ling's heart, and the gift is unnecessary. Say goodbye!" Su Jinyue refused, and led Bai Lina to the city gate. She knew what Ling Nanjun meant.

Seeing Su Jinyue and the four leaving behind, Ling Nanjun sighed helplessly. Missing this time, there will be no chance to get acquainted with Su Jinyue in the future.

After leaving Lingshui City, Su Jinyue took out the spacecraft and headed towards Feng Tianzong.

"That City Lord Ling looks pretty good, but the son he gave birth to is a bit jerk." Bai Lina said.

"In my opinion, City Lord Ling is not a good person, that is, I met Jin Yue. If I change to someone else, I will have to be bullied to death by that second generation ancestor today." Qin Youyou said. She was originally from the Tianyue Continent, and she knew better about the rules of survival in the Tianyue Continent. This is a world where the strong are respected.

Qu Yingli nodded in agreement, "If that second generation ancestor is not supported by his city lord father, can he be so arrogant?"

"Jin Yue, you should teach that second generation ancestor a good lesson today." Bai Lina looked at Su Jinyue and said.

Su Jinyue smiled, "There is no need to waste our time for that kind of second generation ancestor." That kind of second generation ancestor is more than tens of millions in the world, and how much she can teach.

"In fact, I was scared enough if I didn't teach the other party. I saw that the second generation ancestor’s legs were trembling.

Shaking. "Qu Yingli smiled.

"I saw it too, hahaha..." Qin Youyou and Bai Lina couldn't help laughing as they thought of the scene.

Returning to Fengtianzong, seeing that Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi had returned, Qu Yingli and Qin Youyou rushed up happily.

"Why didn't you send me a message when you came back? I'll be back soon." Qu Yingli gave Su Yanxi angrily. In the days he left, she was looking forward to his return every day.

"I didn't want to surprise you. How about having fun today?" Su Yanxi smiled and scratched Qu Yingli's pretty nose.

Qu Yingli nodded, "Of course I am happy. We went boating on the lake and ate a lot of delicious food. Yoyo and I, and Nana, plan to open a restaurant in our Fengtianzong bazaar. We usually have nothing to do. You can also go to the restaurant to hang around."

"You, you just can't stay idle." Su Yanxi rubbed Qu Yingli's hair indulgently.

Qu Yingli smiled and glanced at Su Yanxi, "Isn't this boring, or take me with you when you go to practice next time." She can also rest assured that she is by his side.

"It's good, but what about the baby?" Su Yanxi smiled. Of course he wants to be with her all the time.

Qu Yingli stuck out her tongue, "I'll accompany the baby." Both Baobao and Yanxi are the most important people in her life, and she can't let go of either.

Su Yanqi heard Qin Youyou say that they had been molested today, and his face immediately sank, "Who is the other party?" He was really impatient to dare to molested his wife.

Qin Youyou stretched out his hand and patted Su Yanqi on the back, and said with a smile: "Jin Yue has already taught that second generation ancestor." Although he didn't beat the opponent, he still scared the second generation ancestor.

Su Yanqi's expression eased. Of course he knew that the younger sister couldn't suffer from them, but his wife could only molest themselves.

"Well, actually I didn't suffer." Seeing Su Yanqi cares about herself so much, Qin Youyou's heart is full of sweetness.

Su Yanxi looked at Su Jinyue, "Little sister, Yanqi and I will not go out to practice for the time being. If you and Yihan have anything to do, you can do it first." They go out to practice mainly to improve their combat effectiveness and mood. With a stable mood, you can get twice the result with half the effort when you practice. As for the improvement of cultivation level, they are not so worried. There are times in the school, and decades of cultivation in the times, only one or two months have passed outside. With their qualifications, there is no problem in upgrading to a level in more than ten years.

Su Jinyue nodded, "Patriarch Lan gave me a map, and it happens that I and Yihan are going out." Now the eldest brother has come to Feng Tianzong, the second and third brothers have also returned, and she and Yihan are also here. You can rest assured to find the fairy crystal. If Nana and the others want to go out and practice, there will be no problem with their eldest brother.

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