Cultivation levels in the immortal world are divided into: Sanxian, Tianxian, Jinxian, Xuanxian, Shangxian, Xianjun, Xiandi, spirit god, **** king, **** emperor, Tianzun, dominance, every level wants to improve than the sky It's still hard.

If it hadn't been because she had obtained the Golden Leaf Realm and had those adventures, she wouldn't have broken through the Golden Immortal so early. Coming to Tianyue Continent this time, although her cultivation base has been suppressed a bit because of the spatial rules, there is still no problem with dealing with these cultivators during the Tribulation Period.

After Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan learned that the woman in red was also in the Lost City, they immediately walked in the direction of the city gate. They must leave here quickly, if they are preempted by the woman in red, they won't be able to get out.

The guards guarding the city saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, and quickly stepped forward to stop them.

Both Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan are now cultivating during the Tribulation Period, so there is no problem dealing with several Mahayana cultivators.

In just a moment, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan rushed out of the Lost City.

As soon as the two rushed out of the Lost City, the handsome man brought nine cultivators to the city gate. Seeing the guards lying on the ground, they knew that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had already run out of the city.

"Chasing!" The handsome man waved to the nine cultivators during the Tribulation Period. They have been in the Lost City for tens of thousands of years, and are well aware of the situation in this space crack. As long as the other party does not escape this space crack, they will have the confidence to find each other.

The nine cultivators rushed out of the Lost City quickly. After the handsome man sent a message, he also rushed out of the Lost City.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan ran through the cracks in the space while removing all the traces they had left. What they have to do now is to get as far as possible from the Lost City, then find a place to hide, and study the map jade slips they bought before.

The woman in red learned that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had already escaped from the Lost City. She was angry and angry and went out of the Lost City in person after a fire. She looked down upon Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan a little, and seemed to have to go out alone. But it is also true that the person who owns the Golden Leaf Realm is originally a person of great luck. Otherwise, where would she have so many adventures.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to a volcano based on the map. The map showed that this was the crack in the entire space. Except for the Lost City, the geologically most special place, they might be able to find something here.

The temperature of the volcano was so hot and frightening, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan felt like they were roasting in the fire, and there was a burst of severe pain throughout their bodies.

Two fiery red rays of light flew out from the heads of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue. Fire Phoenix and Huofeng flapped their wings. The temperature around Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan immediately dropped, and breathing became smoother. A lot.

"Can you absorb the heat here?" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at Huohuang and Huofeng in surprise. If they had known that Fire Phoenix and Fire Phoenix had such abilities, they had just released them. Although this volcano is an excellent place for body refining, they are now running for their lives, so they are not thinking about refining.

"Master, we are fire-type sacred beasts. For us, the temperature in this volcano is like taking a bath in a hot spring." Fire Phoenix said. Its phoenix flames are many times hotter than the temperature here.

Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue smiled, speeding up their pace and ran toward the depths of the volcano. The most important thing for them now is to find a place here to hide.

Three days later, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan stopped. At this time, there was a huge magma pool in front of them.

"Let's hide in the magma pool." Zhan Yihan said. In the whole volcano, this magma pool is the most suitable place to hide. There are billions of magma stones here, and he can blend the small world into the magma stones and hide them.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded in agreement, she also felt that hiding in the magma pool was the best.

Zhan Yihan merged the small world into a piece of magma stone, and then sank the magma stone into the hot magma. There are hundreds of millions of magma stones in the magma. Easy.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan set up a hidden formation inside and outside the small world, and at the same time allowed the Fire Phoenix and the Fire Phoenix to absorb the temperature released by the magma.

Their formation came from the Golden Leaf Tower, even if the fairy formation master wanted to discover it was not so easy. Xiaojin told Su Jinyue that although the golden leaf has five leaves, and each golden leaf can form its own space, there is only one golden leaf pagoda. In other words, the woman in red does not have the techniques in the Golden Leaf Pagoda.

"Jin Yue, you practice first, I will monitor the formation." Zhan Yihan said. It's hard to find doesn't mean you won't find it. He should be more cautious.

Su Jinyue nodded, and after setting up a time acceleration array, she entered the cultivation state. She now wants to improve her cultivation level as much as possible, and only when she improves her cultivation level will she not drag Yihan down.

The handsome man came to the volcano, released his consciousness and scanned the volcano carefully. He felt that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were the most likely to be here. This volcano is also a place where monks in their Lost City often come to experience. After practicing in the wind blade, you can train your body in the volcano again to perfect your body, just like the phoenix nirvana.

After careful searching many times, the handsome man recovered his consciousness. Except for the magma pool in the volcano, he swept the other places with his divine consciousness. However, he can be sure that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan must not be in the magma pool.

Feeling there was someone behind him, the handsome man turned his head and saw that it was a woman in red. He quickly turned and saluted: "City Lord! Except for the magma pool, the subordinates here have already checked, and they haven't found it. Two people."

The red-robed woman nodded, released her spiritual sense, and explored into the magma. The hot temperature of the magma made her spiritual sense a pain.

Frowning retrieved her consciousness from the magma and scanned the volcano again. The woman in red retrieved her consciousness, "Send someone to closely monitor here, and found that the two of them were immediately captured." None of her divine consciousness can penetrate into the magma, let alone Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan are cold, but where will they hide? She had already searched all of this space, and none of them were found. But she can be sure that they are still in this space.

She tried to break the barrier of this space before, but she couldn't break it with her strength, let alone Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. They have only come to this space for more than half a year, no matter how fast they practice, they cannot surpass her, not to mention this space cannot soar. Even if they stay in this space for ten thousand years, their cultivation base can only stay in the Tribulation Period.

------Off-topic ------

Dears! After twelve o'clock tonight, Ziyu will be up to date, and tomorrow you can watch it all at once. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

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