Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1191: Assign room

Zhan Yihan rubbed Su Jinyue's hair indulgently, and said with a smile: "If you say this, I don't know how many people will be jealous and envy." In less than half a year, he has been promoted by almost one level. There are few in the entire fairy world.

Su Jinyue smiled in vain and gave Zhan Yihan a glance, "Then others know your cultivation level, so they can't hit the wall depressed?"

Zhan Yihan couldn't help but laughed, "In order to prevent the bloodshed from happening, it seems better to keep a low profile. My dear wife, this difficult task is left to you."

"I've already prepared it for you." Su Jinyue took a look at Zhan Yihan, took out the interest-trapping talisman she had prepared, and handed it to Zhan Yihan.

"My daughter-in-law is the best." Zhan Yihan smiled and kissed Su Jinyue's face. He took the interest-trapping charm into his body, concealed the real cultivation base, and showed that the cultivation base was scattered outside. Mid-century. However, even in the mid-stage of the dispersal of immortals, it was already considered high.

When I walked out of the room, I saw that many disciples had also come out.

Elder Mo saw Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue come out, his eyes stopped on Zhan Yihan's body, and he saw that his cultivation level had reached the middle stage of Sanxian, his face immediately showed a happy smile, worthy of the Six Element Pure Linggen disciple, the cultivation speed is really not comparable to other disciples. It's a pity that his fairy companion is not so good.

Turning his gaze to Su Jinyue, Elder Mo was taken aback, secretly surprised. how can that be? How could a multi-line mixed spirit root cultivate so fast? This is too illogical. However, she can cultivate so fast, and it is not too bad to enter the inner gate. I only hope that her future cultivation level can also improve so quickly.

Withdraw his gaze and look at the disciples, "You can reach the Escape Immortal Palace in two days, and everyone is ready."

"Yes!" everyone responded in unison, their faces full of excitement and anticipation.

Elder Mo came to Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue and looked at the two with a gratified expression, "You two are very good, keep working hard." Now Su Jinyue's cultivation base is already ranked among these disciples. Upper middle. This is something he didn't expect.

"Thank you elder! We will." Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue responded.

Elder Mo nodded in satisfaction.

Two days passed in a flash. When Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked out of the room again, the spacecraft was already slowly descending.

Looking at the fairy aura in front of him and the auspicious clouds fluttering in the Escape Immortal Palace, everyone's faces showed excitement and excitement. From now on they will be disciples of the Escape Fairy Palace.

The spaceship landed on a huge square, and after a hundred disciples got off the spaceship, Elder Mo led everyone towards the door.

"The fairy aura here is so rich! It's really a big sect of the fairy world."

"I can practice here in the future, it's exciting to think about it."

"I wonder if the sect of the immortal world is the same as the sect of the cultivation world?"

As everyone talked, they came to a hall.

After Elder Mo left the outer disciples, he took the remaining disciples and continued to walk towards the inner door.

After the martial arts training ground, I saw the disciples of the Escape World Immortal Palace competing in the field. Various spells, swords, lights, and shadows made the new disciples dazzled and envied them at the same time. I don't know when they can become as powerful as these disciples.

Elder Mo and his disciples came to a hall and saw two majestic middle-aged men sitting inside.

"Sect Master!" Elder Mo saluted one of the middle-aged men. Originally, these new disciples were not qualified to see the Sect Master, but this time Zhan Yihan had a six-line pure spiritual root, so the Sect Master made an exception.

"I have seen the Sect Master!" All the disciples hurriedly saluted to Luo Qianbai alertly. It can be heard that the voices of many disciples are trembling. They are from the realm of cultivation, and many of them have also been disciples of the sect. Of course, they also know that new disciples are not qualified to see the suzerain.

Luo Qianbai slightly nodded his head, glanced around the disciples, and finally fell on Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue. No way, the temperament of the two of them is so outstanding that it makes people want to not pay attention to it.

difficult. Moreover, Zhan Yihan's cultivation base was also the highest among these disciples. It really deserves to be the six-line pure spiritual root.

Withdrawing his gaze, Luo Qianbai looked at Elder Mo, and said: "Elder Mo, you take them down." He has already seen Zhan Yihan, waiting for the end of the new disciple contest a year later, if Zhan Yihan shows If he is good, he will accept him as a direct disciple.

"Yes!" Elder Mo replied, and walked outside the hall with more than 20 new disciples.

Coming to a mountain with a relatively thin fairy spirit, Elder Mo handed over twenty new disciples to a deacon who was responsible for the matters of the new disciples.

After a few words in the ear of the deacon, Elder Mo left.

The deacon looked at the twenty new disciples, "You will live here in the future. Now you come to get your room number plate. There is one room for every two people."

"Yes!" all the disciples responded.

"Liu Mutian, Fang Qingguang, this is your room number plate." The deacon waited until the two disciples came forward and handed the room number plate to them.

"Yu Qianxiang, Jin Shouyi, you two are in a room."

"Luo Min, Ke Xiaoyu..."


When there was only one room number plate left in his hand, the deacon looked at Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue, "Zhan Yihan, Su Jinyue, you two live in the same room." Elder Mo just told him that they are husband and wife. , Let him arrange them to live together.

Originally Elder Mo didn't want Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan to live together. Seeing that Su Jinyue had improved her cultivation level within half a year, he quickly changed his mind. Since their husband and wife can ascend together, it means that although Su Jinyue's cultivation aptitude is poor, she is working very hard.

And it is very likely that it is because of practicing with Zhan Yihan that her cultivation speed will increase so fast. So he planned to arrange them together first. If Su Jinyue's cultivation base did not improve after one year, then don't blame him for separating them. Now that you have entered the Escape Immortal Palace, you must abide by the rules here.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were very happy when they heard this. After they walked forward to thank the deacon, they took the number plate of their room and walked to the small courtyard where they lived with the other disciples. It is naturally best for them to live together. They have a lot of secrets, and it must be very inconvenient to live with others.

When I walked into the room, I saw that the furnishings in the room were relatively simple, except for the two beds, table and chairs, nothing else. However, the two of them didn't care about living in each other, most of the time they would practice in their own space.

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