Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1201: Shen Xiaoyan

Just as Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were about to go out, there was a knock on the door.

Stepping forward and opening the door, they saw Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu outside the door.

"Senior Brother Zhan, Senior Sister Su, let's have breakfast together." Wu Zheng said. Now in his heart, Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue are the people he admires most. Without them, let alone completing the task this time, whether he can come back is still unknown.

"We are going out." Zhan Yihan said.

"Are you going to pick up the task again?" Ling Xiaoqiu asked in surprise.

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, "Let's go to the market."

"Aren't new disciples who can't go out?" Wu Zheng asked in surprise. The sect has regulations that new disciples can only go out if they accept the task, otherwise they must get permission from the elder.

"Elder Mo gave us ten days of vacation." Su Jinyue said.

"I'm so envious! I really want to go out and have a look, I haven't been out to stroll in this immortal world yet." Ling Xiaoqiu said enviously.

"There will be a chance in the future." Su Jinyue smiled.

Ling Xiaoqiu nodded, "Sister Su, can you record a video for me?" Even if you can't figure it out, just take a look at the video.

"Good." Su Jinyue replied.

Separating from Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked down the mountain.

"Please show your pass." The disciple guarding the door stopped Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Zhan Yihan took out the pass and handed it to the disciple who guarded the gate. The disciple who guarded the gate took a look and returned the pass to Zhan Yihan, "You can go out now."

Zhan Yihan accepted the passage order and walked out of the mountain guard formation of the Escape Immortal Palace with Su Jinyue.

As soon as he walked out of the mountain protection formation, the surrounding fairy spirits immediately became thinner. The two couldn't help sighing in their hearts, sure enough, the martial art is incomparable to the fairy spirit of the outside world.

Offering flying swords, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan flew towards the nearby city. It is naturally impossible for them to sell the wolf skins of Xuanfeng Wolf and those fairy grasses in the bazaar of the Escape Fairy Palace, otherwise they would be too blatant. Last night, they had already dealt with all the profound wind wolves, and completely cut off the wolf skin. The wolf blood and wolf bones kept the refining tools and talisman, and the rest was given to the fire phoenix and the fire phoenix.

The two of them controlled flying swords and flew all the way to the west. When they took the spacecraft to the Escape Immortal Palace before, they observed the surrounding terrain and knew that there was a city hundreds of miles away from Escape Immortal Palace. They plan to go to that city to sell those items.

When Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were still seven kilometers away from the city, they dropped their flying swords and walked towards the city. They have made some changes on their way here. At this time, they look like two middle-aged couples who are depressed.

At the gate of the city, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, like the others who entered the city, each handed in a low-grade fairy crystal and entered the city.

There are many shops in the city, full of rénliú.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked around and walked into a shop.

The business in this shop is very good, and the guy is entertaining the guests and introducing them to the products.

Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan coming in, a guy who was waiting to pick up the guests glanced at them, and had no plans to come forward to receive them. The people who came to their shop were all wealthy. The two men dressed so poorly that they couldn't afford the things in their shop at first glance.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan didn't care either. They walked to the counter and asked the shopkeeper inside: "May I ask you to collect the wolf skins of Immortal Grass and Xuanfeng Wolf?"

The shopkeeper took a look at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "How many?"

"Three hundred fifty-two first-level immortal grasses and second-level immortal grasses, twenty-four sānjí immortal grasses, and 467 pieces of Xuanfeng wolf and wolf skins." Zhan Yihan said.

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the other party to have so many, "The first-level fairy grass and ten lower-grade fairy crystals, the second-level fairy grass and the fifty lower-grade fairy crystals. crystal."

Before Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had time to speak, there was a ruffian voice behind them, "Treasurer, the purchase price here is a bit tricky, right?


The three of Su Jinyue turned their heads and looked around at the same time, only to see that the person here was an extremely handsome young man, but his body was full of scornful air.

"Shen Shao!" The shopkeeper showed a warm smile on his face. He couldn't afford this master, Shen Xiaoyan was the youngest of the Shen family, and once he angered him, it would be useless for his boss to come forward.

Shen Xiaoyan walked to the counter and knocked on the counter with the fan in his hand, "Shopkeeper Yang, the price you just quoted is a bit unkind."

"Yes, yes! Shao Shen is right." The shopkeeper nodded with a wry smile. How dare he refute the other party's words.

"Then what should I do next, do you still want me to teach you?" Shen Xiaoyan grinned wickedly. He always likes to rely on his own temper to do things, and he doesn't like to be nosy, but he is in a good mood today.

"Yes, yes!" The shopkeeper nodded quickly and re-reported the market price to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Thank you!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan thanked Shen Xiaoyan. Seeing Shen Xiaoyan reminded them of Wei Yuanxing, the two of them had similar personalities. On the surface, it gives people the feeling of being haughty, but in fact, he is a very affectionate person.

Shen Xiaoyan shook his hand and opened the fan in his hand, "It's just a matter of raising a hand."

The shopkeeper gave Shen Xiaoyan a depressed look. You are a hand, but it hurts our interests.

"Brother Shen, we have just arrived. I don't know which restaurant here has better food?" Zhan Yihan asked. He wanted to get acquainted with Shen Xiaoyan, if the other party really had the character of Yuan Xing, of course it would be the best.

"Why do you want to invite me to dinner? You don't need to be so polite, but I like to make friends. When your deal is done, I will take you to a good place. If you are done, I have to treat you." Shen Xiaoyan smiled Tao. These two monks gave people a feeling of despair on the surface, but there was a noble temperament in their bones.

"Okay!" Zhan Yihan responded with a smile.

Seeing that Zhan Yihan was not hypocritical, Shen Xiaoyan laughed, "My name is Shen Xiaoyan, I don't know how the two are called?"

"Zhan Yihan, she is my wife Su Jinyue." Zhan Yihan introduced.

"Two, this is your fairy crystal, please click it." The shopkeeper glanced at Shen Xiaoyan and handed a storage bag to Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue took a look and nodded.

"Then let's go." Shen Xiaoyan led the way.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan stepped up to keep up. The three of them said as they walked, the more they talked about it, the more speculative they were, as if they had been friends for a long time.

Shen Xiaoyan took Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue into a restaurant, "The food in this restaurant is the best in Feiyan City."

As soon as he saw that it was Shen Xiaoyan, he greeted him enthusiastically, "Shen Shao! Welcome!"

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