Zhao Hexun sighed helplessly. He had heard that Su Jinyue was able to enter the inner gate because of Zhan Yihan's persistence. It's just that he didn't take it too seriously, because many of the monks who had just ascended up hadn't seen the world. When they realized the importance of strength and power, they would abandon the so-called love and pursue more important things.

It was the first time he saw people like Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. Is love really so important?

Looking at Su Jinyue, Zhao He asked: "Su Jinyue, I hope you can think about it again. Entering Xianfufeng, I will accept you as an inner disciple, but when you go to Formation Peak, you can only be one An ordinary inner disciple." He really didn't want to give up such an excellent disciple as Su Jinyue.

"Thank you Feng Master Zhao for your kindness! I have already considered it clearly." Su Jinyue said with firm eyes.

Zhao Hexun shook his head and sighed, "If this is the case, then I won't force it." It's a pity that such a genius of talisman making.

Su Jinyue smiled apologetically at Zhao He.

Zhao Hexun shook his head and smiled, and looked at Elder Mo, "Elder Mo, I'm going back."

"Master Zhao Feng, go slowly!" Elder Mo handed off. He knew that Feng Master Zhao would be disappointed, but there was no way, who let him meet Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. Just like him at the beginning, it is difficult to make a choice.

Withdraw his gaze and look at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Since you have made a decision, you should put more effort into the formation and strive to become a direct disciple. The treatment of a direct disciple and an inner disciple is absolutely different. Yes." He is optimistic about them anyway.

"Yes." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan responded.

"You go back, come to me if you have anything in the future." Elder Mo said. As long as Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue did not leave the new disciple yard, he would definitely help if he could help.

"Yes!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan replied, turned and left Elder Mo's yard.

Elder Mo waited until the two left and went to the main peak. Sovereign said that as long as there is anything about Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue, it must be reported in time. Sovereign attaches great importance to the two.

When Luo Qianbai heard Elder Mo’s report, the corners of his mouth raised a shallow arc, and he nodded in satisfaction, “It’s a pity that Su Jinyue doesn’t go to Xianfu Peak, but in such a short time, the formation can After comprehending the second level, the future achievements in the formation will definitely not be low." He had heard the Dancao Pavilion’s peak master said before that Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue used formations to save the Dancao Pavilion’s disciples. , At that time he knew that Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue were capable of forming formations.

"Subordinates think so too." Elder Mo agreed. Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue are the most talented disciples he has ever seen since he managed the new disciples. Not only did they improve their cultivation very quickly, they were also extremely talented in talisman making and formation. If such disciples are good Cultivation will definitely become the pillar of the martial art in the future.

"Sect Master! Array Peak Peak Master, please see you!" The disciple's announcement came from outside.

Luo Qianbai and Elder Mo smiled at each other and said, "Let him come in." No need to guess, Gu Potian must have known it, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were planning to go to Formation Peak before coming over.

"I have seen the Sect Master!" Gu Potian had a happy smile on his face. He just learned from Zhao Hexun's mouth that the disciple he fancy was planning to go to his formation peak. Originally, he didn’t pay much attention to Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue. After learning from Zhao Hexun’s mouth, he checked Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan and learned that Zhan Yihan was the newcomer. After being a disciple of Six Element Pure Spiritual Roots, he was really happy.

"Are you here because of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue?" Luo Qianbai asked directly without circumstance.

"Yes, I heard that they plan to enter the Formation Peak after the new disciple competition." Gu Potian smiled. Of course, what he values ​​more is Zhan Yihan.

Luo Qianbai smiled and nodded, "I just found out just now."

Gu Potian looked at Elder Mo, "Elder Mo, do you know what level of immortal formation master Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue are now?" Of course he is happy that Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue went to his formation peak. The main thing about Fafeng is to practice formation.

"Second-level immortal formation division." Elder Mo said.

Gu Potian nodded in satisfaction, "That's not bad." It is not an overnight practice to practice the formation technique, and it is extremely difficult to improve each level. Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue were indeed very talented to become second-level immortal formation divisions without anyone's guidance.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to the disciple's courtyard and saw Zhang Fengyu and Xia Xin waiting for them.

"Finally saw you." Zhang Fengyu smiled. He and Xia Xin didn't know how many times they had come. Every time they came to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, they were in retreat.

"You are practicing so hard, it seems that the champion of the new disciple competition this time is none other than you." Xia Xin smiled. He was extremely confident about Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue, and the new disciple Dabi was nothing to them.

"Don't say that, otherwise we will be miserable if those disciples hear it." Su Jinyue joked. She and Yi Han cultivated so hard, but they didn't want to let themselves be passive, and the woman in red, after the new disciple contest, they went to her to solve her completely. After solving the woman in red, her golden leaf world can be complete.

Zhang Fengyu and Xia Xin couldn't help laughing when they heard Su Jinyue's words, "Don't worry, if those disciples really dare to do something to you, Xia Xin and I will teach them."

Su Jinyue couldn't help but laugh.

"Junior Brother Zhan, Junior Sister Su, have you ever thought about which peak you will go to after the Big Bi?" Xia Xin asked. He really hopes that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan will go to Dancao Peak, but their peak masters are more demanding in collecting disciples.

"Formation Peak." Zhan Yihan said. Jin Yue is now a fifth-level alchemy master, but he doesn't know anything about alchemy.

"Yes, you are so talented in formation, it would be a shame not to go to formation peak." Zhang Fengyu said.

"Sister Su, I heard people say that you are still a sānjí fairy master." Xia Xin said. It seems that the last talisman against the Black Wind Cheetah was made by Su Jinyue herself.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Then why don't you go to Xianfufeng?" Zhang Fengyu curiously asked. At Su Jinyue's level of talisman refining, entering Xianfufeng must be a personal disciple.

"Two brothers, do you have a map?" Su Jinyue changed the subject. It's good for her and Yihan to know some things, unless necessary, otherwise they won't talk about it all the time.

"Yes." Zhang Fengyu took out the map jade slip and handed it to Su Jinyue.

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