Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1226: Pull the wind

"It's okay, they won't hurt us." Su Jinyue stepped forward and touched the head of the fifth-level blazing beast.

The fifth-level blazing beast rubbed Su Jinyue's hand coquettishly, looking like a good-looking baby.

When everyone saw this, they also felt novel. They walked to the fifth-level blazing beast. Like Su Jinyue, they reached out and gently touched the fifth-level blazing beast, seeing that they were very docile, not as fierce as before. Looks boldly.

"How come they suddenly become so docile? I heard that the fifth-level blazing beast is very fierce." Zhao Yan felt the warm sensation in her hand, turned her head and saw that the fifth-level blazing beast was licking her. Hand, couldn't help but giggled. This level five blazing beast is so cute.

"We will ride them later, so that our speed will be faster." Su Jinyue said. They certainly can't waste such good resources.

"Are they really willing to ride for us?" He Yunping asked worriedly. Touching is one thing, riding is another thing, and most fairy beasts are very proud.

"Are you willing?" Su Jinyue smiled and looked at the fifth-level blazing beasts.

"Yes." The fifth-level blazing beast replied in unison. Fairy beasts can all be transformed into human forms, and naturally they can speak human words, but they prefer the appearance of their own bodies. Besides, even if they are not willing, do they dare to say that they are not willing? She has the aura of the Phoenix clan on her body.

Su Jinyue smiled and patted the head of the fifth-level blazing beast, and turned over and rode on its back.

Zhan Yihan raised his lips and smiled, riding on the fifth-level blazing beast beside Su Jinyue.

When other people saw this, they boldly mounted the fifth-level blazing beast.

Su Jinyue patted the fifth-level blazing beast lightly, and the fifth-level blazing beast immediately ran forward.

Others followed suit. They really didn't expect that one day they could ride on the back of a fifth-level fairy beast and run to their heart's content. This feeling was really refreshing.

"What sound?" A detachment of more than a dozen people was slowly moving forward. Hearing the sound of rumbling footsteps behind him, he quickly turned his head nervously and saw that it was a group of fifth-level blazing beasts. I had to sweat and ran away.

It's just that their speed is nowhere comparable to the fifth-level blazing beast, and they were overtaken by the fifth-level blazing beast in just ten breaths of time.

Seeing the fifth-level blazing beast going away, everyone stopped in a daze, their faces full of shock. What exactly is going on?

"Did I make a mistake just now? Someone was sitting on the back of a fifth-level blazing beast."

"I saw it too."

"Those people should be the same as us. They came to Phoenix Valley to practice. I have seen the martial arts clothes on them, like disciples from the Escape Immortal Palace."

"They are so awesome! They can control the fifth-level blazing beast."

"Didn't it mean that only monks below the Xuanxian stage can enter the Phoenix Valley this time? And even a Xuanxian stage monk, it is impossible to control the fifth-level blazing beast."

"Don't worry about them, as long as those fifth-level blazing beasts don't attack us, let's move on."

Everyone nodded and continued to walk forward, but their hearts could not be calm for a long time.

Su Jinyue led everyone into a dense forest under the guidance of Huofeng. Huofeng said that there are fairy grasses everywhere in this dense forest, even the eight or nineth grade fairy grasses.

Jumping from the fifth-level blazing beast, Su Jinyue looked at the people and said: "Let's find in the dense forest to see if there is any fairy grass. We will gather here in seven days. Please feel free to contact us if we have any situation."

"Good." everyone responded. Before they knew it, they had regarded Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan as their backbone.

Separated from everyone, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked toward the depths of the dense forest.

Along the way, the two constantly searched for the fairy grass and the fairy fruit. With the guidance of the fire phoenix and the fire phoenix, and their aura, the fairy beasts in the forest did not dare to come out.

The fire phoenix and the fire phoenix hovered above Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's heads, "Master! There is a grade-grade Qing Ming fairy fruit in front of them."

Grass and fairy fruit are included in the gold leaf world, and they also have great benefits.

Su Jinyue released her divine consciousness, and she saw that there was a grade-grade Qing Mingxian fruit tree in the dense forest ahead, "Yihan, let's pass quickly."

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, and took Su Jinyue's hand and walked forward.

The Grade Qingmingxian fruit tree is more than three meters high, and it is full of Grade Qingmingxian fruits. After a glance with the spirit sense, there are as many as eleven Grade Qingmingxian fruits.

Su Jinyue's divine consciousness scrolled into the Golden Leaf Realm, and He Zhan Yihan continued to walk forward.

He Yunping put a sānjí fairy grass into the storage ring, and saw another sānjí fairy grass not far away, and ran over quickly. He doesn't know how to refine alchemy, but he can put away these fairy grasses and replace them with cultivation resources when he returns.

"Brother He." Zhao Yan ran over. This time she had a good harvest, but she did not dare to go deep in the dense forest, after all, her strength was limited.

He Yunping put the fairy grass into the storage ring, looked at Zhao Yan, and said with a smile: "The time is almost up, let's go out and wait for Junior Brother and them."

"Good." Zhao Yan nodded.

The two followed the way they came and walked towards the forest.

Before reaching the agreed place, I heard a noise coming from ahead.

Glancing at each other, he quickened his pace and walked in the direction where the noise came from.

"The star Lan was clearly discovered by us first, so how can you be so shameless." Xia Xin glared at the monks in front of him angrily. He and Senior Brother Zhang saw that Xingchenlan was about to be picked, but they didn't expect that these few people suddenly rushed out, and the four stopped them, and one person went to claim Xingchenlan for their own.

"Whoever picks it is whoever gets it. You can grab it if you are not convinced." The monk who picked the star blue shook the star blue in his hand and looked at Xia Xin provocatively. They have five people, and the other has only two people. How can they have the advantage.

"Junior Brother Zhang, Junior Brother Xia." He Yunping and Zhao Yan rushed to the side of Zhang Fengyu and Xia Xin.

"Brother Zhang, Senior Brother Xia, what happened?" Zhao Yan asked.

"They stole our fairy grass." Zhang Fengyu was also full of anger. He is an elixir, and a fourth-level fairy grass is very important to him, but their current strength is much worse than that of the other party.

"Oh! Two helpers are here, but the cultivation base of this helper is not very good." The other party laughed mockingly. As far as the other party's cultivation base is, they would never take it seriously.

"Those who are acquainted should hand over the fairy grass on your body now, or don't blame us for being impolite." The late Jinxian monk sneered and looked at He Yunping. Originally they were only planning to **** this star blue, since the other party is so ignorant, then they would simply be ruthless.

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