Li Xiao waved his hand and looked at the others, "How do you choose?" For these two cultivators, he was not even interested in sweeping their storage rings. They are already lucky to enter Phoenix Valley without dying, and what can they gain from their cultivation? And with his son's cultivation base, even if he was seriously injured, it was impossible to die in the hands of two cultivators of the Sanxian stage.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were overjoyed, but their faces were still trembling, "Senior, don't you want to check?"

Li Xiao gave Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan a cold glance. The two of them quickly went back several steps in fear, and looked at Li Xiao trembling with fear.

"Huh!" Li Xiao snorted coldly, then turned to look at Zhang Fengyu, "Hurry up!"

Zhang Fengyu and several people hurriedly stretched out their fingers and swear, "We swear, we absolutely did not kill the son of the lord, if there is a half-word, it will be hard to die."

Li Xiao nodded and turned his gaze to the monk behind Zhang Fengyu.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan waited until Zhang Fengyu and the others came over and walked quickly towards Elder Liu with them. This is not a place to stay for long, if Li Xiao changes his mind, it won't be good.

When Elder Liu saw Su Jinyue and the others, he looked behind them again, "Are you left alone?" This time, he sent a total of 24 disciples, and now only one third is lost. This is a loss. It's too big.

He Yunping shook his head and said, "As soon as we entered Phoenix Valley, Senior Brother Long and the others were grouped with us."

Elder Liu frowned, "Why are you grouping?"

"It's because they dislike Junior Brother Zhan and Junior Sister Su's cultivation base is too low, they are afraid that it will hurt them." Zhao Yan sued. She didn't know how many people were left in Long Yijian's group, anyway, she couldn't be wrong to say the reason first.

"Although Junior Brother Zhan and Junior Sister Su have a low cultivation base, their formation level is high. If it weren't for Junior Brother Zhan and Junior Sister Su this time, we're afraid it won't be so smooth." Xia Xin said. They encountered crises several times, and they were all resolved by Junior Brother Zhan and Junior Sister Su.

"That's it." He Yunping and Zhang Fengyu nodded in agreement.

Elder Liu nodded clearly, "You go to the room and rest first, and we will return to the martial arts when the others arrive." The cultivation bases of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue are too low, and he doesn't understand the formation peak. What do the peak owners think, how can they give them the quota? But they are also considered lucky. It is really not easy to get out of Phoenix Valley alive with their cultivation base.

After Long Yijian and his group finished swearing, they ran to the spaceship quickly. Although they had a good harvest this time, they had gone through several lives and deaths, and they were really exhausted physically and mentally. They just wanted to return to the martial arts soon.

Seeing the embarrassed look of Long Yijian and his party, a look of surprise flashed in Elder Liu's eyes. The strength of Long Yijian's group is obviously higher than Zhang Fengyu's strength, but the appearance of the two groups is exactly the opposite. Zhang Fengyu and his group seemed to be going for fun, neatly dressed and relaxed. And Long Yijian's group had obviously gone through a lot of hardships, their expressions were haggard, and they were all exhausted.

"I have seen the elder!" Long Yijian and his group saluted to Elder Liu.

Elder Liu nodded slightly, "Are there any other disciples who haven't returned?"

"No more." Everyone shook their heads sadly. This trip to Phoenix Valley was really dangerous. If it weren't for the last cultivator of the early Xuanxian who suddenly changed his mind, I am afraid that they would not be able to return.

"Go and rest." Elder Liu said, starting to start the spacecraft and head towards the Escape Immortal Palace.

The early Xuanxian cultivator who had stopped Long Yijian and his group before came out with his disciples when he was stopped by Li Xiao.

"Take out your storage ring." Li Xiao said coldly. He felt that this early monk of Xuanxian was the one who was most likely to kill his son. Although he did not have the imprint of the divine consciousness that he left on his son, the cultivation level of the person who could kill his son would never be better than that of his son. Low, and among these people who came out, he has only seen this monk's strength surpassed his son so far.

"Senior! I can swear." The early monk of Xuanxian saluted. In front of Li Xiao, he was nothing more than an ant.


Turn on the prohibition on your storage ring. "Li Xiao said coldly. Whether it is the other party or not, he will not let him go. He would rather kill by mistake than let him go.

"Predecessor! Next is the personal disciple Lu of Sect Master Qianyuan. I hope that the senior can sell my face to my master, and I will report it to the master when I go back." Lu said in courtesy. He got a lot of good things in Phoenix Valley this time, and of course he didn't want Li Xiao to check his storage ring.

"Stop talking nonsense." Li Xiao released a trace of coercion.

Lu was shaken back for several steps, spitting out a mouthful of blood, looking at Li Xiao’s eyes full of fear, but also a trace of dissatisfaction, "Senior, I did not kill your son, why do you have to embarrass me ."

"Your cultivation level is the highest among the people who came out of Phoenix Valley. Say, is it you?" Li Xiao's face was gloomy, and the full of gloomy birds were frightening.

"Senior! It's really not me, and among the people who came out of Phoenix Valley this time, my cultivation level is not the highest. The one with the highest cultivation level is a disciple of the Escape Immortal Palace. I can swear that everything I say is true. "Yes." Lu trembling explained. He has just broken through the Xuanxian stage, and he has a great future.

Li Xiao's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Speak concretely." He has seen all the disciples of the Escape Immortal Palace. The highest cultivation level is in the late Jinxian stage, which is much worse than his son.

Lu quickly told the story, "What I said is true, and they can all testify for me."

Li Xiao looked at the people behind the road, and everyone nodded tremblingly, "Senior! We can all testify that the pressure released by the other party is really strong, much stronger than Senior Brother Lu."

"Describe what the other person looks like." Li Xiao said solemnly.

Lu raised his hand and copied it in the air, and soon the portrait of Zhan Yihan appeared in front of Li Xiao.

Li Xiao looked at the portrait of Zhan Yihan, "It's the peak of the late Xuanxian." No wonder he can safely come out of Phoenix Valley. It seems that he has hidden his cultivation.

After thinking for a while, the spaceship came out and chased Zhan Yihan in the direction where they left. He doesn't care about the identity of the other party, as long as the other party is the one who killed his son, he will not be merciful.

Looking at the back from Xiao Xiao, Lu and the disciple behind him breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Let's go back to the sect." Lu turned and walked quickly towards the spaceship of his own school. Now it is the safest to return to the martial art.

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