Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1240: Bet once

Su Jinyue opened her eyes happily and saw that Zhan Yihan had already withdrawn from the cultivation state, a bright smile appeared on her face. After several days of cultivation, her cultivation base has recovered a bit, and now she can use her divine sense to enter the Golden Leaf Realm.

Zhan Yihan raised his lips and smiled, stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand, and moved into his own small world with her.

An extremely rich fairy aura immediately surrounded the two of them, and they couldn't help but sigh comfortably.

"It's been a long time since I felt such a strong aura." Su Jinyue smiled. These days, she can't practice, fly, use spiritual power, and can't enter the golden leaf world, which really makes her suffocated to death.

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, "Let's practice first, and restore our own cultivation as soon as possible." No matter where it is, it is impossible to have no strength.

"Okay." Su Jinyue responded with a smile, and sat cross-legged, closing her eyes and entering the state of cultivation. When the cultivation base was restored, she and Yi Han went to find the woman in red, and they must take back the Golden Leaf Realm. Her spiritual knowledge is nothing in the immortal world, but it is very easy to scan the scope of these four kingdoms.

Dongfangqing and Dongfangxuan were drinking tea and chatting in the yard.

A disciple of the Liuyun Sect walked into the courtyard, and said to the two of them, "Two distinguished guests! Our sovereign has a request."

Dongfangqing and Dongfangxuan showed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Looking at each other, Dongfang Xuan asked, "I don't know why the lord asked us to go?" Although they are the royal family, in the eyes of the Zongmen, they are not much different from ordinary people, let alone Liuyunzong. The martial art of Beiyang State.

"It's the Seventh Prince who wants to see the two," said the disciple. In the eyes of the sect, the purpose of the royal family is to help the sect find resources for cultivation, so even if it is just an ordinary disciple of the sect, the status of the royal family must be elevated.

Dongfang Qing frowned, and thought for a while, "Big Brother, I don't want to go." She didn't want to see Xuan Qing, anyway, waiting for Sister Su and the others to come out, she would help her terminate the engagement with Xuan Qing.

"No, you must go." Dongfang Xuan said quietly. This is Beiyang Kingdom, and Liuyun Sect is a school of Beiyang Kingdom. If they did not go to the capital of Beiyang Kingdom first, they had already made a mistake. If they make any excuses for not seeing Xuan Qing, they will only make Xuan Qing find an excuse to go. Deal with them in Tanglin, then they will become sinners of Tanglin.

"Okay." Dongfang Qing stood up reluctantly, followed the Liuyunzong disciple with Dongfang Xuan, and walked in the direction of the hall.

Xuan Qing saw Dongfang Qing and Dongfang Xuan who followed the Liuyunzong disciples walking in, and a faint sarcasm crossed the corner of his mouth. He had just listened to Wei keep saying that this time Dongfang Xuan and Dongfang Qing were accompanied by two young men, and I heard that those two young men were also immortal masters.

It seems that the Dongling brothers and sisters want to use those two young people to make Tanglin Kingdom rise again, but is this possible? Although he is not an immortal master, he also knows that cultivation is an extremely difficult task. It is impossible to cultivate to the Golden Alchemy stage without a few decades, or a hundred years. Those two were so young, at best they were similar to Liuyunzong's disciples, perhaps not as good as that.

"I have seen the Sect Master! I have seen the Seven Princes!" Dongfang Xuan and Dongfang Qing greeted Wei Buxi and Xuan Qing.

Wei Buxi nodded slightly, "How are your two friends now?" He had already sent someone to pay close attention to the situation in Liushui Pavilion, but it was almost ten days, and he never saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's room. What's going on.

"They are still in retreat, because they have explained that they can't be disturbed before, so we don't know their current situation." Dongfang Xuan said. He has also been expecting them to leave the customs sooner.

"Yeah." Wei kept nodding.

Dongfangxuan looked at Xuan Qing and said apologetically: "Seven Princes! This time we have not thought about it well, please forgive me! When our two friends leave the customs, we must go to the capital to apologize." He was choosing When I first came to Liuyunzong, I had already considered the consequences, and the decision to come to Liuyunzong was also after a lot of consideration.

He wanted to bet once, his own destiny, Qinger's destiny, and Tanglin Kingdom's destiny. He doesn't know since

Why did he put such a big bet on Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, but he had a feeling that he believed that they could not be wrong. In fact, he was also scared in his heart, afraid that he would become a sinner in Tanglin Kingdom.

Xuan Qing curled his lips faintly, "Then I will be here waiting for the two to go to the capital together." He wanted to see what the two people who made the Dongfang brothers and sisters bet on the future of Dongling Kingdom were like. The powerful role.

------Off-topic ------

Dears! Since Ziyu is going to travel with his family next week, he needs to save the manuscript. This time it is only updated once a day, and will resume sooner or later when the tour returns. The update time in the past few days is a bit messy, so Ziyu wants to ask, do you think the update is good at around 9:30 in the morning? Should I update it around 9:30 in the evening? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

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