Everyone in the restaurant applauded in unison.

"I wish you happiness!"

"Too romantic! You have to propose to me like this, or I won't marry you."

"It's really like on TV."

Wang Ruini blushed and pulled Qin Yi to sit down, "Can't you keep a low profile?" She was really ashamed.

"No, I can't wait to let the whole world know that you have agreed to my marriage proposal." Qin Yi smiled.

Wang Ruini gave Qin Yi a blank look. Although Qin Yi did something high-profile, her heart was still full of sweetness and happiness.

At this time, there was a dribble sound from her bag, she reached out her hand to take the bag, took out the bb machine from it, and saw the above message, Wang Ruini's eyes immediately showed a touch of surprise, "Sister Su and Brother Zhan We're back, let's go home soon." She hasn't seen them for several years, and she really misses them.

"Good." Qin Yi nodded with a smile. It just so happens that they can announce this good news to everyone.

Holding Wang Ruini's hand, she walked out of the restaurant in the envy of everyone.

Su Jinyue and her party were sitting on the sofa chatting, and they knew that Wang Ruini was back when they heard that the courtyard door was pushed open.

Wang Ruini rushed into the house and saw that it was Su Jinyue. She rushed towards Su Jinyue happily, "Sister Su, you are finally back. I really want to kill me."

Su Jinyue smiled and hugged Wang Ruini, "I heard that you are already a doctor now."

Wang Ruini nodded happily, "Sister Su, are you going back this time?" She really hopes that Sister Su can stay in the north, and they can go shopping and chat together as before.

"Leave tomorrow morning." Su Jinyue said.

"Why is it so urgent? Can't you stay for a few more days?" Wang Ruini blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Su Jinyue, hoping that she could promise to stay a few more days. It was too hard to meet, she really didn't want to separate so soon.

"There are still some things to deal with, and I must stay a few more days when I come back." Su Jinyue said. It's just that she doesn't know if she will have this chance to come back in the future.

Turning to look at Qin Yi, Su Jinyue nodded and smiled at him, "Qin Yi, long time no see!"

"Long time no see!" Qin Yi also politely smiled back.

"Qin Yi, sit down quickly." Tian Cuifang beckoned to Qin Yi. For this future son-in-law, she really liked it more and more.

Qin Yi smiled and nodded, and said, "Auntie! Uncle! I have something to announce to you."

When Wang Ruini heard the words, there was a blush on her face, and she lowered her head in embarrassment. Although it was sooner or later, but still a little shy.

"What's the matter?" Tian Cuifang looked at Qin Yi with a smile. There are already some speculations in my mind that it is time to get married if the two children are not young anymore.

"I have proposed to Nini." Qin Yi announced happily.

"Great!" Tian Cuifang and Wang Pengcheng smiled happily.

"Congratulations!" Su Jinyue reached out and took out a jade bottle from her bag and handed it to Wang Ruini. She whispered in her ear: "This is a beauty pill. It can make you more beautiful if you eat it. It can definitely be fascinated. Qin Yi don't want it."

"Sister Su, you are so bad, you will make fun of me." Wang Ruini blushed and gave Su Jinyue a glance. It would be nice if Sister Su didn't leave.

Su Jinyue laughed and said, "When you eat it at night, you will see the effect the next day." Naturally, she gave it not an ordinary beauty pill, at least it can keep Wang Ruini's appearance unchanged until she is 60 years old.

"Thank Sister Su!" Wang Ruini reached out and took the jade bottle.

After chatting with everyone for a while, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan bid farewell to everyone and left the research institute under the eyes of everyone.

Wang Meizhen, Lin Suwen and Fang Shuyi were sitting in the courtyard chatting, watching the children frolicking.

"Yihan and Jinyue have both been out for more than three years, and they don't know when they will be back." Wang Meizhen sighed. She always

Tian is looking forward to them coming back soon, although she knows that there will be nothing wrong with their ability, but she is always a little uneasy if she can't see them.

Lin Su asked nodded, "Yes, the two children don't know where to go to practice, and don't write a letter to the family.

"Yihan and Jinyue are both sensible children. They must be trapped in a secret realm and cannot get out. Once they come out, they will definitely be back in time for the first time." Lin Su asked.

Wang Meizhen and Lin Suwen nodded in agreement. They think so too.

"Yifeng and the others have been out for almost three months, right? Have you received a message from Xiaoyun?" Wang Meizhen asked Zhan Yifeng and the others who had gone out to practice this time.

Apart from Zhan Yifeng and his wife, Zhan Yilin and his wife, Wei Yuanxing and Su Yanxi went out together this time. They went to a newly discovered relic to experience. They heard that it was a relic left by an immortal.

Fang Shuyi shook her head, "I still contacted them this morning with the communication talisman, but there has been no response." This is the first time Xiaoyun has gone out to practice, and she will inevitably be worried.

"Don't worry, you will be fine with Yanxi and Yuanxing," Lin Suwen said. Yanxi is now a middle Mahayana cultivator, and Wei Yuanxing is also a late fusion cultivator, and the two are already considered strong on the Tianyue Continent.

"Mother! Mom! Aunt Qin!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's voice came from the side.

The three of Wang Meizhen stunned for a moment, and hurriedly followed the prestige, seeing that it was really Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, their faces showed surprise smiles.

"You are finally back, but I'm worried about it." Wang Meizhen looked up and down Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, and saw that they were unharmed, and smiled happily.

"Jin Yue, where did you go to experience this time? There is no danger, right?" Lin Su asked, walking to Su Jinyue, reaching out to hold her hand, and looking at her with concern. Seeing them come back safely, she felt relieved. Although she said she was not worried, how could she not be worried when her son and daughter went out.

"Mom, let's sit down and talk." Su Jinyue took Lin Suwen and walked to the table to sit down.

Zhan Yihan also walked to Wang Meizhen's side and sat down.

Su Jinyue considered the language, and said: "I and Yi Han are coming back this time. Actually, we said goodbye to you. We may not come back in the future.

"Why?" Lin Su asked the three of them looking at Su Jinyue in surprise, not understanding why she said that. Didn’t they just come back? Why are you leaving?

"Me and Jinyue have already soared." Zhan Yihan said.

"What? Soaring? Then you are immortals now?" Lin Su asked looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan in shock. She has cultivated for so many years, and she naturally understands what soaring is.

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