Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1258: Invisible sea

Gathering with everyone, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan set off for the Invisible Sea early the next morning.

The invisible sea is turbulent, and the elders of various sects on the shore are gathering in groups and chatting, looking at the direction of the invisible sea from time to time. Calculating the time, everyone has entered the invisible sea for almost three months, and will be out in half a month at most.

At this time, two figures fell from the air.

Everyone looked around together, and after seeing who was coming, they immediately stepped forward to greet Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Zhanmen Master! Sumen Master!"

"I have seen two sect masters!"

"The two sect masters haven't seen each other for a long time, how have you been?"

They heard that Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue had been missing for more than three years, and thought that they were not coming back. Some schools had even begun to move around and wanted to secretly attack Feng Tianzong.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded to the elder who came to say hello.

"Did the Zhan Sect Master and Su Sect Master come to pick up the disciples of Feng Tianzong? They will be able to come out in about half a month," said Elder Wei of Pill City. He and Su Jinyue also have some friendship.

"We plan to go to the bottom of the sea to see." Su Jinyue said.

Elder Wei was a little surprised, "But the formation on the bottom of the sea has been closed." Whether it is a relic or a forbidden area, the formation is opened and closed for a specific time. Once it is closed, no one can enter or leave.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "Let's go down and take a look before talking." Unless the immortal formation is a seventh-level immortal formation, with her and Yihan's formation level, there is absolutely no problem in opening it up.

Elder Wei smiled, "Two sect masters, be careful!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan did not create miracles once or twice. Maybe they really had a way to get in.

"Thank you!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan arched their hands at Elder Wei.

Turning around, Zhan Yihan raised his hand, and saw that the original rough sea water seemed to have been split apart by a knife in the middle, and an additional avenue leading to the depths of the sea was instantly opened.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked along the avenue towards the depths of the sea, until the two of them disappeared, the passage between the sea also disappeared in an instant, and the sea surface returned to its original appearance. Naturally, they did this to frighten the people on the shore. After they have been away for so long, it is inevitable that some people will think about Feng Tianzong. Doing this will let those people know how powerful they are, and thus take away the thoughts they shouldn't have.

All the elders on the shore looked at this scene in shock.

"Zhanmen Master and Sumen Master are really too powerful, I am afraid that the strength of the two has reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe."

"Maybe the two will be able to ascend soon."

"Have you ever seen someone in Tianyue Continent successfully ascend?"

"With Sect Master Su and Zhan Sect Master, Feng Tianzong cannot be moved by others." Elder Wei looked at everyone. He was telling the truth and at the same time reminding the elders.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to the bottom of the sea, and immediately discovered the formation method to enter the fairy trail.

Sweeping with God's Sense, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan lazily threw out the formation flag and directly entered the formation. This is just a sānjí immortal formation, which naturally does not create any obstacles to them, but they have felt the rules of time from the immortal formation. It can be seen that the monk who set up the immortal formation also comprehend the rules of time just like them.

Su Yanxi, Wei Yuanxing and Zhan Yifeng were fighting against several cultivators at this time. Qin Xiaoyun and Han Bing were watching worriedly while Qu Yingli watched outside guardingly, planning to take action at any time.

As soon as they entered here, they were besieged by other monks from time to time. Fortunately, Su Yanxi and Wei Yuanxing had good strengths, and they had top-notch healing medicines that could recover quickly.

At this moment, a few more cultivators came here and saw that the disciple of Feng Tianzong was besieged, and they immediately joined the besieging team. When they came to Xianji, their suzerain had confessed that if they met a disciple of Feng Tianzong, they would not show mercy. Anyway, this is a fairy trail, and the disciple of Feng Tianzong died here, and no one knows who did it.

"What to do? Genesis and the others are about to be unstoppable." Han Bing was about to cry anxiously as he watched Wei Yuanxing's trio who were retreating. This time the number of monks besieging them more than doubled than before, but she couldn't help anything.

"I'll go out and help." Qu Yingli had already stepped out of the formation while she was talking. Even if she were to die, she would die with Yanxi.

"You nasty bastards, when our sect master comes back, he will visit your sects one by one, so wait for the door to be destroyed." Qin Xiaoyun shouted to the people who were besieging them. She said that the eldest brother and sister-in-law must not know the other party, but everyone is definitely not unfamiliar with Feng Tianzong's sect master.

"If we are afraid, we won't besiege you." A monk sneered disdainfully. They are now in the fairy trail, and it is not normal for a few people to die in the fairy trail.

"That is, it's useless for you to threaten us, unless you have the ability to let your sect master come out." Another monk laughed. The formation to enter here has been closed, and even if it were to be opened, it would take half a month. Unless that Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue are immortals in the sky, otherwise wanting to enter here is simply a dream.

------Off-topic ------

I strongly recommend my friend Chaohui’s new "Wen Shao, let’s fall in love, absolutely wonderful!"

In the previous life, she only blamed herself for being too stupid and naive, for failing to see through the false and sinister face of her friend, and reluctantly rejected the man she loved so much, and ended up in a tragic end...

Rebirth again, she swears that she will never give up in this life, no longer believe in the rhetoric of that vicious friend, she will abuse the scum and let her relatives live a good life;

More importantly, she must find the man she loves deeply, love him, overcome all difficulties, marry him, have children for him, and no longer have regrets in her life!

And that so-called good friend, let her go to hell!

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