Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1312: Mountain range

Time flies quickly, and soon comes the day of the martial arts exchange competition.

Everyone came to the main peak martial arts training ground early in the morning, waiting to go to Tianyizong.

"Brother Ma, have you been to Tianyizong?"

"I went there once in the martial arts exchange game ten years ago."

"Is Tianyizong bigger than our Escape Immortal Palace? Is there a lot of medicine fields planted there?"

"The medicinal field is huge, but I think it's better for us to escape from the Immortal Palace."

"I'm really looking forward to it! You can see the elegance of Tianyizong soon, that is the first sect of Yuntian Realm." The disciples discussed excitedly.

Luo Qianbai walked in front of the disciples, looked around the group, cleared his throat and said: "Everyone knows that this martial exchange competition is related to whether we can get the control of the Yunling Mine in the Escape Immortal Palace. So I hope everyone can do their best when going to Tianyizong this time. Getting Yunling Mine is not only very good for the Escape Immortal Palace, but also very good for everyone. Do you understand?"

"Understand!" everyone said in unison.

Luo Qianbai nodded in satisfaction and waved to everyone, "Go!"

Everyone turned around and walked towards the spaceship.

When everyone got on the spaceship, the spaceship slowly flew towards the sky.

Tianyizong is in the far north of the Yuntian Realm, starting from the Escape Immortal Palace, it will take at least half a month to arrive.

Naturally, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan would not waste these two months in vain. After setting up the formation in the room, they entered the Golden Leaf Realm to practice.

At this moment, on a desert island in the Sea of ​​Meteorites, a middle-aged monk was looking at the black-clothed man in front of him in fear, tremblingly begging for mercy, "Lord forgive me... My lord forgive me..." He had never felt the coercion before, and he could not breathe completely because of the coercion like a mountain. It has been more than a month since he came to this island, and has been unable to find a way to leave here. Today, he finally saw a monk appearing, but he did not expect that the other party was so powerful.

"How did you escape from the bottom of the sea? Say!" The black-clothed man looked at the middle-aged monk in front of him with cold eyes. These days he has captured many monks who have escaped from the cages under the sea. What made him angry was that the monks he caught had no memories of that time, so he couldn't find out who had destroyed the underwater cage until now.

"Yes... Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue... they opened the sea cage..." the middle-aged cultivator said tremblingly.

"Explain the matter specifically." The black-clothed man said coldly.

Where did the middle-aged monk dare to conceal it, and quickly explained the story in detail.

When the middle-aged monk was speaking, the black-clothed man had been paying attention to him with his spiritual sense, making sure that the other party did not lie.

"My lord... this is how things happened... please spare me once..." the middle-aged monk begged. He finally escaped from the cage under the sea and really didn't want to die.

The black-clothed man snorted coldly, raised his hand and grabbed it in the void, and saw that the middle-aged monk in front of him turned into a cloud of blood and dissipated in the air. What he hates most is this kind of person who avenges revenge.

Turning his head to look in one direction, the black-clothed man smiled coldly, "Are you going to escape from the Immortal Palace? How bold!"

Taking a step forward, the man disappeared instantly. Instead, he was going to the two disciples who would escape from the Immortal Palace, and daring to destroy the submarine cage he arranged, it was simply looking for death.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan withdrew from the cultivation state and came out of the golden leaf world. They calculated the time, and it was about three or four days before they could reach Tianyi Sect.

"Let's go and take a look on the deck." Su Jinyue said.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded.

The two were about to walk out of the room to take a look outside, when suddenly the spaceship was bumped.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other in surprise, opened the door and walked out of the room.

The spaceship's turbulence became more violent, and there seemed to be a force pulling the spaceship, trying to pull the spaceship down to the ground.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to the deck and saw many disciples standing on the deck looking forward with worry.

"Senior Brother Qin, what happened?" Su Jinyue walked to Qin Feng and asked.

"We are in the Mythical Beast Mountain Range. The Mythical Beast Mountain Range has a natural formation. The spacecraft will be affected when it passes here. You don't have to worry that it will pass soon. As long as you pass the Mythical Beast Mountain Range, you will be the Tianyi Sect. The wind said. When he went to Tianyizong to participate in the sect exchange competition more than ten years ago, he also passed the Mythical Beast Mountain Range once, so he was not unfamiliar with this place.

"Senior Brother Qin, is there a sacred animal in the sacred beast mountain range?" a disciple on the side asked.

"I don't know this too well, but it is said that there is a fire unicorn in the mountain range of sacred beasts. That fire unicorn is a sacred beast, but no one has seen it." Qin Feng said. Of course, even if someone has seen a sacred beast, no one will know that the power of a sacred beast is unimaginable, and the person who encounters it will definitely not be dead.

As he was talking, the spacecraft was bumping even harder.

"All the disciples enter the cabin." While elder Li ordered the disciples, he and the other elders would control the spaceship with divine consciousness and prevent the spaceship from being sucked down by that force. They have not been to the Mythical Beast Mountain Range once or twice, and they know the Mythical Beast Mountain Range very well.

The disciples did not hesitate and walked quickly towards the cabin.

"Papa!" A sound like a torrential rain sounded.

The disciples stopped, turned their heads to look behind them, and suddenly felt a tingling scalp.

I saw a dense group of flying bats attacking the defensive formation of the spacecraft.

"Kacha!" There was a sound, followed by a "cracking" sound. As the spacecraft's defense array shattered, the group of flying bats attacked everyone.

Suddenly, there was chaos on the spaceship, and the disciples offered to sacrifice talisman, flying sword, fairy weapon... and began to kill the group of flying bats.

The elder hurriedly sacrificed the formation flag and re-arranged the formation, but the number of flying bats was too large. Just as the formation was set up, it was once again defeated by the flying bats.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other. Su Jinyue cast a fire talisman. After burning a large swarm of flying bats, she threw a talisman again and arranged a talisman formation. Zhan Yihan also sacrificed one at the same time. Put the array flag.

With the concerted efforts of the two, a defensive formation was quickly completed, which was several times stronger than the previous defensive formation.

The defensive formation isolated a large part of the flying bats, and only the flying bats in the defensive formation were left. The pressure on everyone was suddenly reduced. It only took two sticks of incense to remove the flying bats in the formation. The bats were completely wiped out.

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