Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1316: Trading floor

Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walking over, Qin Feng walked towards them, "Junior Brother Zhan, Junior Sister Su, do you have anything to sell? Would you like to go to the trading hall?"

"Trading floor?" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were puzzled.

"Every time the martial arts exchange competition, the martial arts responsible for holding the exchange competition will set up a trading hall in the martial arts, so that the four major schools of disciples can buy and sell some of the things they have obtained during their experience." Qin Feng said. He has participated in several martial arts exchange competitions, and he is very clear about these naturally.

"Good." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded. They happen to have something to sell.

When the three came to the trading floor, they saw crowds of people in the trading floor, a lively scene.

"Do you need a booth to trade items?" asked a Tianyizong deacon who was guarding the door.

"Need." Zhan Yihan nodded.

"Pay ten top-grade immortal spirit stones as the booth fee. This is the number of your booth." The deacon took out a jade medal and handed it to Zhan Yihan. Those who came to participate in the exchange competition were all elite disciples in the martial arts, and the ten fairy stones were not too problematic for them.

Zhan Yihan took the jade plaque, took out ten top-grade immortal spirit stones and handed them to the deacon.

Looking at the number on the jade card, Su Jinyue and the three walked into the trading floor.

Their booth is not very obvious, in the corner of the trading floor. Compared with the scene of crowded people in the middle stall, the few stalls in the corner are deserted and few people are watching.

"Senior Brother Qin, Junior Brother Zhan, Senior Sister Su, you are here too." Zou Bo greeted Su Jinyue and the three of them. He is a disciple of Escape Immortal Palace Refining Equipment Peak and is now a Level 4 Immortal Artifact Master. This time he set up a stall to sell some of the immortal artifacts he usually refines. But until now, no one has seen his things.

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, and walked to Zou Bo's booth, "Junior Brother Zou, have you sold it?"

Zou Bo shook his head helplessly, "This place is too far from the corner, and there is no one coming. Brother Qin, what are you going to sell?"

"It's not me, but Junior Brother Zhan and Junior Sister Su have something to sell." Qin Feng smiled.

Zou Bo looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Junior Brother Zhan, Junior Sister Su, what are you going to sell?"

"Some fairy beast furs, and some fairy beasts." Su Jinyue said, and Bian He Zhan Yihan took out the furs of the fairy beasts and fairy beasts and put them on the stall. She can harvest a batch of fairy grass in the gold leaf world almost every three months. Even if she keeps refining the pill, she can’t use that much. It’s better to sell some in exchange for the fairy stone and others. material.

"Sister Su, why do you have so many fairy grasses?" Qin Feng and Zou Bo opened their eyes in surprise when they saw Su Jinyue pull out more than one hundred fairy grasses. It's a pity that they are not elixir, otherwise they definitely can't stand the temptation.

"These are what we got when we went to Phoenix Valley to practice. We are not an elixir master and we don't need it." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan laid out the furs of the fairy grass and the fairy beast one by one.

The fragrance of the fairy grass spread out, and after a short while, it attracted two disciples from the Xianchi Palace.

Seeing the fairy grass on the stall, the eyes of the two Xianchi Palace disciples suddenly lit up, "Thousand-Ling Lithospermum, Ye Lingzi, Red Blood Red Fruit, and Six-Leaf Fire Ganoderma, how can I buy these fairy grasses? "

"Qianling Lithospermum and Ye Lingzi are all one hundred top-grade immortal spirit stones, Red Blood Red Fruit is one hundred and fifty top-grade immortal spirit stones, and six-leaf fire ganoderma is two hundred top-grade immortal spirit stones." Su Jinyue said. . These are all fairy grass below level five, and the price is naturally not too expensive. If the fairy grass is above level five, even thousands of fairy stones can be met.

"It's so expensive!" exaggerated one of the disciples.

"Could it be cheaper, I have all of these." Another disciple said. He is Zhen Yuan, the big brother of the Dancao Pavilion of Xianchi Palace, and he usually helps people refine some pills to earn fairy spirits when he goes out.

Stone, so it is not difficult for him to buy these herbs.

"This is the cheapest price." Zhan Yihan said. These fairy grasses are grown in the golden leaf world, and the fairy aura contained in them is much richer than the same fairy grasses, and the medicinal properties are naturally stronger.

"Buy it for me, I want it." With a pleasant voice, a beautiful woman in a yellow dress walked over with grace.

"Sister Lianyi." Zhen Yuan's eyes lit up when she saw the woman in the yellow skirt. The person here is Lu Lianyi of the Liuyun Sect. She is one of the three beauties in the Yuntian realm. Not only does she have a beautiful face, but she also has a talent for cultivation. She is already a sixth-level elixir master at just over a hundred years old.

Lu Lianyi faintly curled her lips, "If Brother Zhen doesn't want it, I will have all these fairy grasses." Although she is already a sixth-level elixir grandmaster, she still often refines some low-level pills and puts them in the stream. Go to Yunzong’s shop for sale.

The fairy aura and scent contained in these fairy grasses were stronger than what she usually saw, and it was obvious that these fairy grasses were the best quality.

Zhen Yuan hesitated slightly, smiled and nodded, "Since Junior Sister Lianyi wants it, of course I let it to Junior Sister Lianyi."

"Thank you Brother Zhen!" Lu Lianyi took out a storage bag and handed it to Su Jinyue. "Sister sister, do you look at the fairy stone, right?"

Su Jinyue took a look at the storage bag, nodded, took out an empty storage bag, put all the fairy grass on the stall into the storage bag and handed it to Lu Lianyi, "Sister, please take it away. "

Lu Lianyi took the storage bag and thought for a while and asked, "Junior sister, do you have any other fairy grasses?"

Su Jinyue nodded, "I found a lot in Phoenix Valley last time, do you want it for Senior Sister?"

"Let me have a look." Lu Lianyi said. She knew that there were a lot of fairy grasses in Phoenix Valley, but when Phoenix Valley opened last time, she happened to miss the opportunity to advance.

Su Jinyue waved her hand and took out more than one hundred fairy grasses. This time, there were not only the third and fourth-level fairy grasses, but also the fifth and sixth-level fairy grasses.

Zhen Yuan's eyes brightened, and he smiled and looked at Lu Lianyi, "Sister Lianyi, can you give me a few plants?" These five-level and six-level fairy grasses are something you can meet and not ask for.

Lu Lianyi ignored Zhen Yuan and said, "I'll take all of these. Let's count how many fairy spirit stones."

"Okay." Su Jinyue nodded.

Seeing the situation here, many disciples rushed towards this side, and saw that there were five-level and six-level fairy grass on the stall, everyone was taken aback.

"Is that the sixth-level fairy grass purple spirit soul-sculpting flower?"

"It seems to be, I haven't seen it either."

"These two disciples of the Immortal Palace of Escape, how come there are so many immortal spirit grasses, have they found the Spirit Medicine Garden?" Everyone talked.

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