Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1326: Martial Exchange Competition (7)

The disciples looked at Elder Li, Elder Li was also at a loss, his eyes scanned Su Jinyue and the others. Qin Feng knew better, but Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan made him a little bit confused. He planned to choose one of them to take the stage. Even if they don't know how to make alchemy, as long as there are enough people, it is better than abstaining from voting. Just who should I choose?

Zhan Yihan is the sixth element of pure spiritual root. If he is allowed to come to power, he will not practice alchemy. Others will point him and laugh at him, which will most likely affect his mood, and will definitely affect his cultivation in the future. .

Although Su Jinyue doesn't know how to make alchemy, she has already played for the Fairy Talisman once, so she should be able to do it again. Moreover, Su Jinyue has multiple mixed spiritual roots, even if such a spiritual root affects her state of mind, it shouldn't have much impact on her cultivation.

After making a decision, Elder Li said: "Su Jinyue, go up."

Everyone was taken aback and looked at Su Jinyue. Does this really work?

Su Jinyue didn't expect that Elder Li would call her on stage. She was taken aback and nodded, "Okay!"

Seeing Su Jinyue's agreement, Elder Li waved to Dan Caofeng's disciple, "Come on!" Now he can only be a dead horse as a doctor. It is better to lose than to abstain.

Seeing that the escape from the Immortal Palace brought a random person to the stage, the people of the other three factions all gloated for misfortune.

"This time Escape Immortal Palace will definitely lose, and it will be a terrible loss."

"It's the first time I saw someone pull someone on the stage to compete. It's really sloppy."

"That Su Jinyue is very talented in refining talisman, but alchemy may not be necessary."

Xue Mengyao looked at Su Jinyue who came onto the stage and smiled contemptuously, "Do you really think you are a versatile? Do you know how to make alchemy? It's really self-defeating."

"Sister Su, you don't need to be nervous, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to make alchemy." Shao Qi smiled and said to Su Jinyue. She still admires Junior Sister Su. Although her cultivation base is weaker, her achievements in formations and talisman training are outstanding. Even if she has many mixed spirit roots, her future achievements will not be bad. Where to go.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded. Now that she has been on stage, she will naturally be like, who made her a disciple of the Escape Immortal Palace now, the honor to be contested is still to be contested.

"This Su Jinyue is not easy." Sect Master Tianyi looked at Su Jinyue as she walked onto the stage.

The deputy sect master nodded in agreement, "She is not nervous at all, as if everything is under control, can she still not make alchemy?" Su Jinyue had this calm and calm expression just now when she was refining the charms, she was just like that. Are you confident?

"Let Gu Qingyi come here." Sect Master Tianyi said to the elder on the side. His biggest mistake this time was to ignore the existence of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Yes!" The elder replied, turned and walked off the stand.

Su Jinyue came to the place where Gu Qingyi originally belonged to stand, and looked at the things on the table. The alchemy furnace was already on the table. In addition, there were the prescribed options. There were one to nine options on the table The names of the nine types of pill. Participants can choose the pill to be refined according to their alchemy level, but the selected pill can only be specific and cannot be changed once selected.

After looking around and seeing that everyone had already chosen the pill he wanted to refine, after thinking about it, Su Jinyue chose the seventh-level Fuling Green Pill.

Everyone who had been following Su Jinyue was stunned, looking at Su Jinyue in disbelief.

"She actually chose to refine a seven-level pill, she is crazy."

"She must have chosen randomly because she doesn't know how to refine an elixir. Anyway, for her, there is no difference between refining a first-level elixir and a ninth-level elixir."

"Wait a moment if you can't tell the fairy grass, it will be ashamed, hahaha..."

"She is afraid that she is a fool. She doesn't know how to refine alchemy and chooses to refine seven-level pill. Does she think that seventh-level fairy grass is Chinese cabbage?"

Sect Master Tianyi shook his head. Maybe it's because I look at Su Jinyue too highly, she doesn't deserve his attention at all.

"Sect Master! Gu Qingyi is here." The elder walked over with Gu Qingyi.

"I have seen the Sect Master!" Gu Qingyi respectfully saluted the Tianyi Sect Master. This time he was considered to have done a good job, and the lord called him over, maybe it was to reward him.

Sect Master Tianyi nodded slightly, "Tell me carefully about Su Jinyue's situation." Since everyone has already called, just listen.

"Yes!" Gu Qingyi answered. I was a little disappointed in my heart. I thought it was to reward him, but I didn't expect it to ask Su Jinyue about the situation.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingyi said: "Su Jinyue is a multi-line mixed spirit root. The reason why the escape fairy palace accepts her as an inner disciple is because of Zhan Yihan. Zhan Yihan is a six-line pure spiritual root. Su Jinyue is very talented in refining talisman and formation. At the beginning, the peak master of Formation Peak and the peak master of Xianfu Pavilion rushed to accept her as a true disciple. In the end, she and Zhan Yihan chose Formation Peak. This time, the peak master of the Xianfu Pavilion used Su Jinyue to fight for the Xianfu Pavilion. As for alchemy, I haven't seen Su Jinyue refining it, so it shouldn't be possible."

"If not, why would she choose to refine a seventh-level elixir?" the deputy sect master asked.

"This disciple doesn't know. The disciple has never seen Su Jinyue refine a pill."

The Sect Master of Tianyi Sect nodded slightly, waved to Gu Qingyi, and looked at Su Jinyue again. No wonder her cultivation base is so low, it turned out to be a lot of mixed spirit roots.

When everyone chose the pill to be refined, the deacon who was in charge of the competition waved his hand, and the fairy grass corresponding to the pill that everyone had selected fell in front of everyone.

Seeing that all the disciples on the stage were ready, the deacon announced, "The game begins!"

All the disciples on the stage sacrificed flames to begin alchemy.

Su Jinyue looked around and saw that many of the disciples were offering different fires. She raised her eyebrows and flicked her fingers to sacrifice the Liuli Fire. Refining a seventh-level elixir would definitely not work with ordinary flames, anyway, she had decided to show her level of alchemy, and there was no difference in high profile.

Seeing Su Jinyue offering a glazed fire, the corners of the mouths of everyone present at the scene twitched unanimously. Liulihuo is Skyfire, ranking ninth in the flame ranking. Su Jinyue should have such a flame, which is simply too enviable.

A cold killing intent flashed in Xue Mengyao's eyes. She wants to kill Su Jinyue and take her Liulihuo. Only a genius like her is worthy of having Liulihuo.

After offering the flame, Su Jinyue swept all the fairy grass on the table into the alchemy furnace.

This move once again stunned everyone who watched the game. Where is she doing alchemy, she is simply spoiling the fairy grass.

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