Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1333: Swept away

After setting up the formation, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan left the sea lord's bedroom silently. They are going to look around to see if they can take away some things. Since they have all come, of course they can't leave empty-handed.

While controlling the Golden Leaf Realm, Su Jinyue used her eyes to see through the surrounding houses. Sweeping with divine consciousness will definitely be found, but not with eyes.

"I found a good thing." Su Jinyue excitedly controlled the Golden Leaf Realm and moved to the room where she found the treasure.

Outside the room, two guards were guarding the door.

With a wave of Su Jinyue's hand, the two anchors flew out from the Golden Leaf Realm.

The guard didn't have time to react, so he was fixed by the body charm. If you don't step forward to talk to the two, you won't find the strangeness of the two at all.

"Finish!" Su Jinyue smiled happily.

Zhan Yihan rubbed Su Jinyue's hair fondly, "It's really like a child."

Su Jinyue stuck out her tongue, made a face at Zhan Yihan, and controlled Jinyejie into the room.

There are wooden boxes in the room. The wooden boxes are full of storage rings. Su Jinyue opened one of the wooden boxes and took out a storage ring from it. It is a fairy stone.

"We sent it!" Su Jinyue jumped excitedly. This time it was really a huge gain. What she didn't know was that the things in this warehouse were the result of countless years accumulated by countless generations of sea masters of the Meteorite Sea.

"Hurry up and take them in." Zhan Yihan looked at Su Jinyue with a smile.

"Yeah." With a move of Su Jinyue's divine consciousness, he collected all the wooden boxes into his Golden Leaf Realm. Fortunately, her gold leaf world is big enough, otherwise so many wooden boxes would really have no place to collect.

"Let's go." Zhan Yihan said. They have the Golden Leaf Realm. Although they are not afraid of being discovered, it is better to be more cautious. If the sea master knew about it and blocked the Meteor Sea, they would not be able to leave.

"Okay." Su Jinyue replied, controlling Jin Yejie out of the room and quickly moving towards the surface of the Meteorite Sea.

Not long after Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan left, two guards on patrol came here. They are here to change the guard.

"Go down and rest," one of the guards said.

It was just the two guards guarding the door, as if they hadn't heard him, they didn't move.

The guard immediately felt a bad feeling in his heart, stepped forward, pushed one of the guards, and found that he was frozen, "No! Someone has entered the treasure house."

While speaking, he had already pushed open the door of the treasure house and saw that there was nothing inside, and there was a buzzing in his head. This is over!

Feeling that the formation he had set up was touched by others, the sea lord left his cultivation state with a calm face. If someone is not important to report to him, he will never let him go.

"Ocean Master! It's not good! The treasure house has been emptied." The guard ran in, reporting in horror.

Hearing the words, the sea lord swept out his divine sense, and he saw an empty place in the treasure house, his face was instantly irritated, "Did you find out who did it?" No matter who did it, he won't let him go. .

"When there was no subordinate to change shifts, it was already like this." The guard tremblingly said.

"Useless things, what's the point of keeping you?" The sea lord raised his hand and pinched in the void, and the guard immediately turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared in place.

Stand up and walk out of the bedroom. When he catches the opponent, he must make the opponent better than dead, letting the opponent know that the meteor sea is not a place where he can go wild.

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