Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1336: Hengtian Realm

The four sea masters quickly chased Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, chasing them closer, only a crack was left in the black hole broken by the Shattered Void Talisman.

The Three Sea Lord hurriedly stretched his hand into the crack, trying to prevent the crack from closing.

Seeing this, Zhan Yihan slashed away with a fairy sword.

A sword light flashed, a broken arm fell, and the crack closed.

At the same time, the Golden Leaf Realm was also drawn into a white light by the power of the broken void talisman.

Feeling the Golden Leaf Realm falling on the ground, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked up and saw that the Golden Leaf Realm had fallen in a forest.

Sweeping around with God's Sense, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked out of the Golden Leaf Realm without anyone in the forest. They don't know where they are, and they don't know which interface they are on, but since they are here, they can only settle down as they come.

"Let's go over there." Zhan Yihan took Su Jinyue's hand and walked in one direction. They don't know anything about this interface, and now they can only take one step at a time.

The forest is very quiet, there are no fairy beasts, no monks, only the rustle of feet on the ground.

After walking for half a month, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked out of the forest, and what appeared in front of them was a dilapidated villa.

"Help! Help!" A shout came from in front of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Looking up, I saw a woman with disheveled hair and a panic face, shouting and running towards Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, the woman showed a hint of surprise on her face, and quickly ran to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Brother, sister, you save me, the fairy will arrest me. Sacrifice to heaven."

"What's the matter?" Su Jinyue asked.

"Our village has been drought for many years. Some time ago, a fairy teacher came to him. The fairy teacher said that if it wants to rain, he will use ninety-nine young women to sacrifice to the sky. I don't want to be sacrificed to the sky. Please save me. The woman looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan pleadingly. She didn't know if Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan could save her, but she didn't want to give up even if there was only a glimmer of hope.

"Where is this place?" Su Jinyue asked. What she cares most now is where the Shattered Void Talisman takes them.

The woman was taken aback, "This is the Hengtian Realm." Are they not from the Hengtian Realm?

"Then why don't you have a trace of fairy spiritual power fluctuations?" Su Jinyue asked. The Hengtian realm is also one of the nine realms of the immortal realm, and there should be no ordinary talents. And there is not even a trace of fairy aura here, obviously not suitable for cultivation.

There was a frustrated expression on the woman’s face, "My ancestor was originally a disciple of the sect. He gave birth to my grandfather after looking for an immortal couple. He didn’t expect that my grandfather had no spiritual roots and was not suitable for cultivation, so my ancestors sent him here. Lingcun. Like my grandfather, the villagers in Lingcun have no spiritual roots. Over time, this has become a place for mortals." She tested Linggen when she was born, but she was the same as her parents and grandfathers. There is no spiritual root. So it was destined that she could not practice.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded. Unexpectedly, there is such a place in the fairy world.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the woman heard them, and her face immediately showed a panic, "They are chasing, please save me."

Two middle-aged men ran from a distance, seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes. They all know the people in this spiritless village, but they have never seen this pair of men and women. Could it be that they came from outside? If they came from outside, then they should also be immortal masters.

When they walked to Su Jinyue's trio, the two middle-aged men stopped, took a look at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, and looked at the woman behind them.

"Yeba, come back with us." One of the dark-skinned middle-aged men said. He didn't want to catch the leaves and go back to sacrifice to the sky, but he couldn't help it. There were too few young women in their village, even if

Plus the leaves are not enough for ninety-nine people. If it doesn't rain anymore, people in their village will starve to death.

"Brother Aniu, Brother Dashan, let me go, I don't want to be sacrificed to heaven." Ye Zi looked at the two middle-aged men pleadingly.

Dashan sighed, "Ye Zi, we are also compelled. If we don't gather the 99 women, it won't rain, and everyone in the village will be starved to death." For the lives of all the villagers, they too. I can only harden my heart.

"It's not easy to rain." Zhan Yihan raised his hand, and saw thunder and lightning in the sky. After a while, the rain fell down like it fell.

"It's raining, hahaha"

"It's really raining, our crops won't die from drought." Dashan and Aniu were jumping and laughing in the rain.

Ye Ye looked up at the sky, letting the rain hit her cheeks, the tears mixed with the rain and kept sliding down, "It rains, I don’t have to die, Ahua and the others don’t have to die, it’s great. ."

For a long time, she looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan and knelt down in front of them, "Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!"

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan shook their heads, "Take us to your village to see." They wanted to see who wanted to kill people like that, using 99 innocent women to sacrifice to the sky.

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