Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1338: Scramble

It wasn't until the youth was dying of being beaten that the villagers stopped their hands contentedly and gratefully looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Fairy Master! Thank you!"

"If it wasn't for the two immortal masters this time, we would really have been fooled by them."

"Fortunately, the immortal master came in time, otherwise my daughter will be used by him to practice qigong, thank you immortal master!"

"Master Xian! Go to our house to rest for a while and eat something." The villagers said each and every one of you.

"No." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan shook their heads.

Zhan Yihan waved his hand, and the youth on the ground disappeared in an instant. A storage ring flew into his hand. With a squeeze of his hand, the storage ring shattered, and the contents fell on the ground one after another. They naturally don't want this kind of evil cultivation.

"You divide these things." Zhan Yihan said. There are a lot of things in the young man's storage ring, including some immortal spirit stones, and some immortal spirit grasses, pills, and the like. As for his cultivation techniques, naturally there is no need for them.

An old man walked out of the crowd, "Master, we don't want these, you take them. You have rained on us, saved us, and we have nothing else to give you back."

"You only need to tell us how to get to the immortal world." Zhan Yihan said.

"Master, you can just walk west along the woods outside the village." The old man said. When he was a child, he followed his parents out of that forest. The world over there is the real immortal world. Unfortunately, he has no spiritual roots and will be sent back even if he reaches the immortal world.

Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue nodded, and walked towards the forest outside the village.

The villagers hurriedly followed, and kept sending Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan into the forest before stopping, watching the two gradually go away.

The forest is vast and boundless. Because one end is connected to the place where mortals live, the entire forest is a no-fly zone. In addition to the complex terrain of the forest, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan can only choose to walk.

They walked for more than a month before they came out of the forest. They had just walked out of the forest. A strong fairy aura immediately rushed toward their faces, forming an extreme with the forest behind them.

Released his spiritual knowledge and swept away, only to see a small town thirty or forty miles away.

The town is very prosperous, and the monks are bustling. However, the cultivation level of the monks is generally not high. I glanced around and found that the monk with the highest cultivation level was only in the middle stage of the heavenly immortal.

Walking into the town, there were stalls on both sides of the not-so-wide streets. The fairy grass and craft materials sold in the stalls were all of the lowest grade, but even so, many monks stopped to ask for the price.

"Bang!" a voice came.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked up and saw that it was a late-stage Sanxian monk who knocked over an alchemy furnace in a stall.

"You use this kind of **** to fool me, don't you want to live?" The monk who kicked the alchemy furnace glared viciously at the stall owner.

"I didn't fool you, this is really what I found in the ruins." The stall owner explained anxiously. When he went out to practice, he heard that there was a ruin to be opened, so he went to the ruin with everyone, but he didn't expect that there was only such an alchemy furnace in the ruins except for some low-level fairy grass.

Su Jinyue's eyes lit up when she saw the alchemy furnace. Although that alchemy furnace was not comparable to her Shennong Cauldron, it was also a 9th-level high-grade immortal artifact. After buying it, you don't need to use Shennongding to refine alchemy in front of others in the future. The alchemy furnace is also an immortal tool, but it is not as easy as other immortal implements. It requires elixir, which is a material formed in the alchemy furnace after the alchemy furnace is refined all the year round. The longer the elixir is The better alchemy furnace is refined.

Walking forward, Su Jinyue bent down to pick up the alchemy furnace that fell on the ground, and looked at the stall owner, "I want this alchemy furnace, how many immortal spirit stones?"

Upon hearing the words, the stall owner immediately showed a pleasant smile, and stretched out a finger, "One hundred middle-grade immortal spirit stones." If the other party is too expensive, it is not a problem for him to be cheaper.

"I want it." Su Jinyue said. Buying this alchemy furnace is definitely a big bargain.

Zhan Yihan took out the storage bag and handed it to the stall owner.

"Wait a minute, I want this alchemy furnace." The monk who kicked the alchemy furnace before said. Since someone wants it, it means that this alchemy furnace is not bad.

Su Jinyue ignored the monk and put away the alchemy furnace.

"I want the alchemy furnace, why are you putting it away?" Seeing Su Jinyue put away the alchemy furnace, the cultivator scowled unhappy.

Zhan Yihan paid the money and pulled Su Jinyue to the front.

The monk hurriedly stepped forward to stand in front of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Are you deaf? I said that I want the alchemy furnace, take it out quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being polite."

"We have paid, and the alchemy furnace is ours." Su Jinyue said quietly. It was he himself who gave up the opportunity, who could be blamed.

"Everything comes first and then arrives. I haven't decided whether or not. How can you get ahead of me? Didn't you make it clear that you are bullying?" the monk reluctantly said. The more the other party doesn't want to take it out, it means that the alchemy furnace is more valuable.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were too lazy to pay attention to each other, and walked in front of the opposite direction. The more such people care about him, the more entangled they are.

The cultivator once again stopped Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan from going, and he looked like he would never give up, "You don't want to leave the alchemy furnace today."

"What happened?" Just then, a low voice sounded.

After the monk saw who came, his face immediately showed a pleasant surprise, "My lord, I just saw an alchemy furnace. Before I had time to trade, I was preempted by them to buy it. I asked them to let it out. , They don't agree." In Fushan Town, the Lord Mayor is the largest, whether it is a monk in Fushan Town or a foreign monk must listen to him. And he has something to do with Lord Mayor. He is Lord Mayor's nephew, which is why he dares to be aggressive in Fushan Town.

The mayor nodded lightly, glanced at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, a strange color flashed in his eyes, looked at the stall owner and asked: "Is that so?" He saw that Su Jinyue is a god. In the initial stage of cultivation, as for Zhan Yihan, he could not see through it, but the aura from Zhan Yihan can be concluded that his cultivation is definitely higher than him. It's just a monk of this level, how come they come to a small town in Fushan?

Fushan Town is located in a remote place, and the fairy spirit is obviously much thinner than other places. High-ranking monks don't bother to come to this place.

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