The more the battle went to the back, the more intense it became. Feng Yuqing and her opponent were both injured to varying degrees, but the two were still fighting desperately.

Su Jinyue looked at Feng Yuqing, Feng Yuqing's eyes did not change from beginning to end, and she always had a belief and a firmness. No need to guess that it is her brother who is supporting her.

Feng Yuqing wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth and rushed to the opponent again, this time she was going to win in one fell swoop.

When Feng Yuqing's opponent saw Feng Yuqing rushing over, a cold smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. He was waiting for this moment.

The fists of the two collided violently, and at the same time they stepped back.

Feng Yuqing looked at his opponent, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised a curve. She won! There are three more games.

A look of unwillingness and disbelief flashed in her opponent's eyes, and her body slowly fell towards the stage.

"Feng Yuqing won, hahaha" Qin Chuqin jumped up happily.

"She won, didn't you also win?" Qin Yunfei looked at Qin Chuqin dozingly.

Qin Chuqin smiled and nodded, "I plan to press Feng Yuqing to win the next few games. If she wins, I will reward her with all the fairy stones." She didn't know Feng Yuqing would do it. She wouldn't be willing to go to their Qin's house. Only these fairy spirit stones can help her now. I hope that these fairy spirit stones will allow Feng Yuqing's younger brother to break through and keep their sister and brother from separating.

"Who am I? It turns out that it is Miss Qin Er. It really is where I don't meet in life." A joking voice came from the box next door.

Hearing whose voice it was, Qin Chuqin curled his lips, "It turns out that it is Young Master Yang, who is really leisurely and elegant." To ask her who she hates most in Cangcheng, it is Yang Sheng.

"Since I met, Ms. Qin Er, why don't you come to me and have a few cups of tea with me." Yang Sheng smiled.

"My lady is not free." Qin Chuqin hummed. Drinking tea, she was afraid that she could not help pouring tea on Yang Sheng's face.

"If Miss Qin Er doesn't want to come to me, then I will go to you with a cheeky cheek." Yang Sheng smiled. He is not interested in fighting pots. The reason why he often comes here is because he can meet Qin Chuqin here.

"I don't welcome you here, I still have guests to entertain." Qin Chuqin refused unceremoniously.

"I like to make friends the most. Besides, Miss Qin Er's friend is my friend." Yang Sheng smiled.

"Why are you so cheeky, you are not allowed to come over, otherwise I will let my elder brother beat you out." Qin Chuqin threatened.

"It turns out that Yun Fei is also here, so I will come here even more." Yang Sheng said. He and Qin Yunfei are very good friends.

Qin Yunfei laughed, "Come on, we haven't been together for a long time."

"Big Brother." Qin Chuqin pursed his lips and looked at Qin Yunfei unhappy. The eldest brother clearly knew that she and Yang Sheng were antagonists, so he asked Yang Sheng to come over. Isn't this against her?

Qin Yunfei smiled and rubbed Qin Chuqin, "Yang Sheng is joking with you, don't take it to heart, if he really dares to bully you, the eldest brother will not let him go first."

"Huh!" Qin Chuqin glared at Qin Yunfei, then turned to look at the ring below. She decided to be Yang Sheng as air.

"Knocking!" There was a soft knock on the door.

"Brother Yang, come in." Qin Yunfei said.

The door was pushed open. Wearing a blue robe, the handsome Yang Sheng pushed the door and walked in. His eyes fell on Qin Chuqin for the first time, and he smiled when he saw her facing away from him. , Looked at Qin Yunfei, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Excuse me."

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