Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1376: Ling Ji Dan

After a long time, Patriarch Zhao raised his head and looked at the crowd, "Pass the book to Hen'er, tell him in detail about the situation here, and let him do what he can."

He paused, "Forget it, I'll do it myself." He doesn't know what Hen'er's current strength is, or if Hen'er's master will let people come back with Hen'er, but Hen'er is them. Zhao's hope, if Hen'er is not too sure, it is better to let him not come back. As for the family's enmity, Deng Hen'er's strength is strong, he will definitely come back to avenge the family.

Xu Jinan brought the elders to the chamber, "Now that the Zhao family and the Jun family have been hit hard by us, it is the best time for us to fight back. You Xun, you go to the Zhao family with the third elder and the fourth elder. Quiet, you and the second elder , The fifth elders go to Jun's house."

"Yes!" everyone responded.

"If there is any change, don't fall in love with it, and return immediately." Xu Jinan thought for a while. The Zhao family and the Jun family are stronger than their Xu family, and they may still have back players.

"Yes!" everyone responded in unison, their faces full of fighting spirit and eagerness. Finally it was their turn to fight back.

"Father!" Xu Youruo ran in joyfully.

Xu Jinan looked at Xu Youruo, raised her lips and smiled: "Youruo, what's the matter?" This time Youruo is the biggest hero of the Xu family. If she hadn't brought Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue back, their Xu family would definitely not exist now.

"Sister Su just gave me a few bottles of pill and some talisman." Xu Youruo took out a few bottles of pill and a stack of talisman and shook it in front of Xu Jinan happily.

Xu Jinan raised his eyebrows, "What kind of pill?" He has just seen the power of Fu Lu, and he is more interested in pill now. Su Jinyue's gift will definitely not be an ordinary pill. Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan are not ordinary people.

Xu Youruo stepped forward and handed the pill to Xu Jinan, "Daddy, open it and read it yourself." She hadn't opened it, and even if she opened it, she couldn't recognize several pill.

Xu Jinan took one of the bottles of pill and opened it, and when he saw the pill inside, he was stunned on the spot. It turned out to be Ling Ji Dan! Lingji Pill is a special medicine for the cultivators of the Xuanxian Stage. Taking Lingji Pill can quickly improve the cultivation level, and can break through to the Upper Immortal stage without any bottleneck. It's just that this pill is invaluable, and even if their Xu family has exhausted all they have, they can't buy a few. This is also the reason why there are very few immortal monks in the Hengtian realm.

Now Su Jinyue has given You Ruo so many Lingji Pills casually. Looking at the remaining bottles of pills in Xu Youruo's hand, Xu Jinan reached out and opened the jade bottles one by one, and saw that they were all Lingji. Dan, ecstatic in his heart. With these Ling Ji Dan, there will be no less cultivators in the Upper Immortal stage from the Xu family's future.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Xu Jinan said with a smile: "These jade bottles are filled with spirit pill, a total of one hundred."

Everyone was dumbfounded. One hundred Ling Ji Dan, did they hear me wrong? Even one Ling Ji Dan is very valuable, and even if one hundred of them are sold to the Xu family, they cannot be bought. So who exactly are Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan? It's so generous.

"Have they rested?" Xu Jinan asked. After receiving such great benefits as Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, he naturally had to personally thank him.

"Big Brother Zhan and Sister Su have gone to the Nine Star Tower." Xu Youruo said. She wanted to go with her, but now the family crisis has not been completely resolved. As long as the Zhao family and the Jun family are in one day, the family cannot settle down.

"Are they gone? Will they come back?" Xu Jinan asked with a frown. He owed such a big favor to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, and Su Jinyue also gave so many Lingjidans from the Xu family. Before he could even say a word of thanks, they left.

"I don't know." Xu Youruo shook his head. She had asked Sister Su before, and she said that she would meet again if she had a chance.

Xu Jinan looked at the six elders, "Six elders, you send two disciples to guard outside the nine-star tower. See Friends Zhan Xian and Friends Su, you must stop them." He gave Zhan Yihan a lot of training resources, but that It was to thank them, but I didn't expect them to give him more.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to the inn, Feng Yuqing and Feng Yuhua were already waiting for them.

"Master, we want to go to the Jiuxing Pagoda with you to experience." Feng Yuqing said. She had this idea when she came to Luoyan City.

Su Jinyue thought for a while, and nodded, "It's okay." She has lived in Xu's family for the past two days, and people from Xu's family have talked a lot about the Jiuxing Pagoda. The reason why the nine-star tower is called the nine-star tower is because there are black holes in the space leading to the nine planets, so after entering the nine-star tower, many monks never came out. As for which planets those black holes lead to, the Xu family didn't say, maybe they don't know.

Of course, in addition to those spatial black holes, the cultivation resources in the Nine Star Tower are also extremely large. The strange fires, materials, and fairy grass that can not be seen outside can be found in it. Of course, this also requires chance.

"Thank you, Master!" Feng Yuqing said happily.

Su Jinyue smiled, "We will leave early tomorrow morning."

"Good." Zhan Yihan and Feng's sister and brother replied.

As soon as it was light, Su Jinyue, Zhan Yihan, and Feng's sister and brother came to the Jiuxing Tower.

The square outside the nine-star tower was crowded with people. Except for the monks who wanted to enter the nine-star tower like them, most of the monks came to watch the excitement.

The nine-star tower has a total of eighty-one floors, but so far, only two monks who can enter the fifty-fifth floor have appeared in the past 100 years. It's just that the two monks disappeared after entering the fifty-fifth floor and above, and they must have been swept away by the spatial black hole in the nine-star tower.

After each monk enters the nine-star tower, there will be an extra blue dot on the array screen in front of the nine-star tower.

Su Jinyue and the four came to the teleportation formation that entered the Nine-Star Tower, took out their identity jade card and handed it to the deacon who manages the Nine-Star Tower.

The deacon took the jade medal, swept it in front of a black stone on the side, and gave it back to Su Jinyue, "You can go in now."

The four Su Jinyue took the identity jade card and stepped into the teleportation formation.

Then there was a sense of dizziness, and when the four opened their eyes again, they found themselves standing in a desert.

"Master, which direction are we going?" Feng Yuhua looked around and found that there were monks in every direction.

"Go in that direction." Su Jinyue pointed to the southeast.

"Good." Feng Yuqing and Feng Yuhua nodded.

Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand, and walked to the southeast with her. He would have no objection to Jin Yue's decision.

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