He stepped up to the second step and found that the thrust was even greater.

"It seems that every time you go up one level, the thrust of the ladder will increase by one point." Su Jinyue said clearly.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded in agreement, and Su Jinyue continued to step on to the upper level. As they had guessed, the thrust really increased by one point.

Su Jinyue released her divine sense and immediately felt that a barrier in front of her blocked her divine sense, making her divine sense unable to release at all, "the divine sense has been hindered."

"I think this barrier may be good for our divine consciousness cultivation." While Zhan Yihan spoke, he took another step with Su Jinyue, and the thrust of the ladder and the hindrance of divine consciousness increased by one point. .

"Let's try." Su Jinyue closed her eyes, using only her spiritual sense to find the way.

Zhan Yihan hooked the corner of his mouth and closed his eyes.

The two of them took each other's hands and walked upward step by step. As the thrust and obstacles continued to increase, their speed became slower and slower.

Sometimes the two have to stay on a ladder for a long time, and then they will move forward again after they are fully adapted.

It took ten days for Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan to reach the end of the ladder. Stepping on the last step, the thrust and obstacles disappeared without a trace, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan suddenly felt relieved.

"That obstructive force can really cultivate spiritual consciousness, and my current range of spiritual consciousness is larger." Su Jinyue retracted the spiritual consciousness and looked at Zhan Yihan with a happy face.

"Me too." Zhan Yihan rubbed Su Jinyue's hair with a smile, and took her hand towards the front. "There are a lot of good things on this floor, let's go and see."

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded. When she was scanning with her divine consciousness just now, she saw two fairy veins. There are already fairy veins on the fifty-fifth floor, and their gains will definitely be more when they go up.

"The two monks have entered the fiftieth floor. This is the first time I have seen a monk enter the fiftieth floor."

"It must be Sister Su and Brother Zhan." Xu Youruo said happily. The Zhao family and Jun family’s affair has been resolved. She has been looking at the array screen and seeing the two rising bright spots on the array screen. She knew that it must be Sister Su and Sister Su. Brother Zhan, only they have that kind of ability.

"Yeah." Xu Youji nodded in agreement. He had seen Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's abilities. Without them, the Xu family wouldn't be where they are today.

"The strength of the two cultivators is pretty good, but they may not be able to get out after reaching the fifty-fifth floor."

"After the 50th floor, there are a lot of black holes in space."

"Don't talk nonsense, they can definitely come out." Xu Youruo said angrily when he heard the discussion of the two monks in front. In her heart, Sister Su and Zhan Yihan are the most powerful, and they will certainly not be drawn into the black hole of space.

The two monks who were discussing heard Xu Youruo's words and turned their heads coldly. When they saw Xu Youruo, they immediately recognized who she was, smiled sullily, and walked to the side. The people of the Xu family didn't dare to offend, and even families as big as the Jun family and the Zhao family were destroyed by them, didn't they go to provoke Xu You to death?

Xu Youruo retracted her gaze and looked at Xu Youji, "Second brother, I am a little worried about Sister Su and them." She was not worried at first, but after hearing the two monks talk about it, she was also a little worried.

Xu Youji stretched out his hand and patted Xu Youruo's shoulder, softly comforting: "Don't worry, your Sister Su and Brother Zhan are not ordinary people, they will be fine."

"Yeah." Xu Youruo nodded and turned his gaze to the array display screen again. The second brother is right, Sister Su and Brother Zhan will definitely be fine.

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