Xuan Tong thought for a while, "If it's an ancestral secret recipe, people in her family must have tried it, and then I won't be able to take it out." Who would give away that kind of medicine after knowing that it has such a medicinal effect.

"That's right." Xuan Le agreed. In fact, he couldn't figure out why the woman would not take that prescription seriously. To say that she is a fairy, she doesn't look the same. Shouldn't all the fairies be the kind of people who don't eat the fireworks? How can they **** his horse?

No, Xuan Le remembered the scene when Su Jinyue left on a horse. At that time, the guards seemed to have been given a hold technique, and they couldn't move at all. Afterwards, he also asked the guards, who said that they had no other feelings other than being unable to move.

Thinking of this, his heart became uncertain. Is that woman really not a mortal?

"Brother." Xuan Tong shouted when Xuan Le hadn't spoken all the time.

"Huh?" Xuan Le recovered.

"Do you think they will come back?" Xuan Tong asked. When Zhan Yihan left, she told her that he would return, and she believed what he said. But it's been so long, he didn't even hear from him, and the guards sent there couldn't find them.

"I don't know." Xuan Le shook his head. He guessed that they would never come back again.

Xuan Tong sighed, "Perhaps he was just talking casually." She shouldn't have expectations.

"My words always count." As a voice sounded, two figures suddenly appeared in the room.

Xuan Tong and Xuan Le were taken aback, and when they saw clearly who they were, they were both stunned. It's them? How did they get in?

"I said I will come back." Zhan Yihan looked at Xuan Tong. She rescued him back then, and he should return to her back.

"How did you come in?" Xuan Le asked after returning to his senses. Now his mind became more and more uncertain. If he was not mistaken, they appeared suddenly, without any signs, just like that.

"Aren't you really immortals?" Xuan Tong looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, at this moment her heart was shocked or shocked.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded.

Xuan Tong and Xuan Le opened their eyes in disbelief. He actually admitted that they were really immortals.

"What do you use to prove it?" Xuan Le stammered and asked.

"How do you prove it?" Zhan Yihan asked quietly. He doesn't like Xuanle very much.

Xuan Le thought for a while, "I don't know." He hadn't seen a fairy, so how could he know what a fairy would be.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand, and the table in front of Xuanle disappeared instantly.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Le and Xuan Tong were shocked again. The four guards couldn't move the table, and he disappeared between waving his hands.

Zhan Yihan waved his hand again, and the table appeared on the spot again, "Can this be proved?"

Xuan Le and Xuan Tong nodded vigorously. There are actually immortals in this world.

Zhan Yihan took out a bottle of pill, and a string of defensive bracelets to Xuan Tong, "Thank you for saving me, you can keep these." At that time, he was injured and appeared in the Royal Manor again, not being treated as an assassin. If you kill it, you will be locked up. If it weren't for her, his injury wouldn't heal so quickly, and he wouldn't get together with Jinyue so quickly.

"I don't want it, I am willing to save you." Xuan Tong shook his head and refused. When she saw him at the first glance, she was attracted by his special temperament. Now she knows why she was attracted by that temperament. It turns out that he is not a mortal at all.

"Take it, you deserve it, and I don't like to owe it to others." Zhan Yihan put the pill and defensive bracelet into Xuan Tong's hand.

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