Xu Youruo suddenly said, "I also heard Sister Su mention you, are you still living in the inn now?"

Feng Yuhua shook his head and smiled, "Since Master and the others entered the Nine Star Tower, we have been here waiting for Master and them to come out." They have not been back to the inn for several months, and it is estimated that their guest room has been assigned to someone else.

"Are you planning to wait here all the time?" Xu Youruo asked. If before, she would definitely invite them to live at home, but in this situation, whoever has a relationship with the Xu family will be affected.

Feng Yuqing nodded, "We have to wait until Master and the others come out."

"Then wait for your master to come out, you ask your master to send me a message." Xu Youruo said. The Xu family didn't know if they could survive this difficult time. I hope I still have the opportunity to meet Sister Su.

"Yeah." Feng Yuqing nodded, without saying much. After all, she and Xu Youruo are still unfamiliar.

"I have something to do, let's go first." Xu Youruo nodded to Feng Yuqing and walked out of the square.

As soon as she walked out of the square, Xu Youruo was stopped by a middle-aged monk.

"What are you doing to stop me?" Xu Youruo glared at the middle-aged monk who stopped him in irritation.

The middle-aged monk looked up and down Xu Youruo, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes, "You are Xu Youruo, right?"

"Who are you? How would you know my name?" Xu Youruo had a bad feeling in her heart.

The middle-aged monk laughed, "Someone sold you to me to make a furnace tripod, follow me obediently."

"You put p!" Xu Youruo said angrily. She would rather die than make a furnace for others.

The middle-aged monk's face turned cold, "Don't toast or eat fine wine. If it irritates me, it's not good for you. If you know, just follow me obediently, or don't blame me for being rough.

Xu Youruo stepped back and at the same time offered his long whip, ready to attack the opponent at any time. This must be the ghost of Zhao Hen.

The middle-aged monk curled his lips mockingly, "It seems that you are not good at learning without a lesson." As he spoke, he raised his hand and waved.

Xu Youruo didn't even have time to attack, and the whole person was blown out.

The middle-aged monk walked in front of Xu Youruo and looked at her condescendingly, "You want to fight me with your cultivation base. I advise you to be honest and stop making unnecessary resistance."

Xu Youruo glared at the middle-aged monk angrily, her eyes full of unwillingness, "Unless I die!"

"Without my consent, do you think you are dead?" The middle-aged monk sneered and grabbed Xu Youruo by him.

"You let me go, you let me go, help! Help!" Xu Youruo struggled vigorously, crying for help at the onlookers. Hope they can help her.

"Isn't that Xu Youruo from the Xu family? Who is the one holding her?"

"Don't worry about it, the Xu family is no longer what it used to be. Maybe it will be destroyed soon."

"what happened?"

"Zhao Hen of the Zhao family is a disciple of the Qing sect. He heard that his family was destroyed by the Xu family, and now he has brought people from the Qing sect to seek revenge."

"That's what the Xu family deserves, who let them kill other people's families first."

"This is called the present newspaper."

Seeing passers-by just looking at them, and didn't mean to act, Xu Youruo's eyes showed despair.

"Sister, have you heard someone calling for help?" Feng Yuhua asked.

Feng Yuqing listened carefully, her face suddenly changed, and she quickly released her consciousness and swept away, "It's Xu Youruo, she is in danger now."

Feng Yuhua was taken aback, and quickly said: "Then let's go and save her." Xu Youruo is Master's friend, and they can't stand by and watch.

"Yeah." Feng Yuqing nodded, and ran quickly to Xu Youruo's direction with Feng Yuhua.

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